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UPDATE: Now with preload and release details!

The time to dive into the fascinating, futuristic world of Night City is almost upon us. That’s why, as the clock keeps counting down to the game’s official premiere, we’ve decided to gather all the important stuff about Cyberpunk 2077 in one place.

On the 10th of December, the much-anticipated game from CD PROJEKT RED will come to life on millions of computers and consoles around the world. Set in a dystopian, sci-fi universe created by Mike Pondsmith, Cyberpunk 2077 will take us to a huge open world, soaked in neon lights and a kitsch art style. Thanks to cybernetic enhancements, its inhabitants can access the omnipresent Net almost any time they want and they can also modify their bodies in countless ways, making it a lethal weapon or simply a fashion statement.

The character creation
In Cyberpunk 2077, our hero is highly customizable. Apart from their appearance, along with details like eyes and hair color, body shape, or tattoos, we can select our character’s Lifepath from the three distinct options available. Our choice will not only affect the character’s stats and traits but also will give them a unique narrative background.

• If you choose the Nomad Lifepath, the hero will come to Night City from the polluted Badlands, where independence and resourcefulness are top qualities.
• If you decide on the Streetkid Lifepath, the main character will know more about life on Night City’s crime-infested streets.
• Finally, if your choice is the Corporate Lifepath, you’ll be skilled in the subtle art of intrigue, honed in the corridors of the Arasaka megacorporation.

After creating your own character, it’s time to explore the game’s awesome universe!

The gameplay
In contrast to previous CD PROJEKT RED games, Cyberpunk 2077 is an FPP game. This lets you immerse yourself fully in the game’s world, and makes using all the weapons provided to your character much easier, and satisfying, to use.

The arsenal V can use in Cyberpunk 2077 is huge! Revolvers, machine guns, shotguns, pistols, knives, swords – you name it! 12 corporations produce weapons distributed on Night City’s streets – from top tier arms from Arasaka, to Rostovic products that almost anyone can afford. As for types of weaponry, you can choose from power weapons, tech weapons, smart weapons (with guided ammunition), and melee weapons (along with razor-sharp katanas). In many cases, once you’ll find your favorite arms’ type, it’s up to you to customize its parameters.
Post edited December 05, 2020 by emter_pl
Danielx64: Does anyone know if you can preload the game?
Pretty sure Witcher 3 had a pre-loading window of a few days too, so I assume, yes?

Don't see a reason why it shouldn't be the same for Cyberpunk 2077.
Post edited October 20, 2020 by Swedrami
Honestly haven't been paying much attention to this because I'm not really into cyberpunk stuff, but I might pick it up if it really ends up being as good as it sounds.
Danielx64: Does anyone know if you can preload the game?
Swedrami: Pretty sure Witcher 3 had a pre-loading window of a few days too, so I assume, yes?

Don't see a reason why it shouldn't be the same for Cyberpunk 2077.
Thank you, how does that work being a DRM free game?
Swedrami: Pretty sure Witcher 3 had a pre-loading window of a few days too, so I assume, yes?

Don't see a reason why it shouldn't be the same for Cyberpunk 2077.
Danielx64: Thank you, how does that work being a DRM free game?
By downloading the backup offline installers from Cyberpunk 2077's entry/game card in your library, once they become available.
Then on release day CDPR/GoG will make a single small file (think of it as the last piece to a jigsaw puzzle) available which, once downloaded into the same location as the main offline installers, is going to "complete" the whole thing and you can proceed with the actual installation.

Or you'll be able to install the game right away, but won't be able to actually play it, because of the mentioned missing single small file, which of course is going to be made available for download no earlier than the 19th.
Post edited October 20, 2020 by Swedrami
I am glad to be able to read something like this as this is my first general foray into the Cyberpunk genre besides Blade Runner and a little bit of Deus Ex (lol I have bought a ton of games here 388 or so which means I have had my hands in a lot of different genres)
As for crunch, I work in IT as desktop support for a medical group and as with other jobs it happens, not happy about it, but it does.
Many companies need to get their asses kicked and fire the fucking retarded execs who push that shit.
All I can say is at least CD Projekt tries to be better as far as i have seen and to others that say otherwise prove me wrong.
Nomad 4 life ;) Mad Max time
Swedrami: Or you'll be able to install the game right away, but won't be able to actually play it, because of the mentioned missing single small file, which of course is going to be made available for download no earlier than the 19th.
Download and start the game early, but V doesn't have legs. ^_^
fridgeband: This is so cool, but wait, hold on a second.
"Thanks to cybernetic enhancements, its inhabitants can access the omnipresent Net almost any time they want "
I thought that the internet was closed beyond the black wall?

Is there a new internet now?
Swedrami: What's behind the Blackwall is just a smaller cordoned-off portion of the Net, not the whole thing, iirc.
Strange, that's the opposite of what I heard before. Instead I heard that the whole internet was disabled and put behind the black wall, and that the only internets that existed outside the black wall were isolated small pockets of local servers and small networks, but all were disconnected from each other.
The more I see of the game, the more I'm getting ready to be disappointed to some degree. I'm not cancelling my preorder, not cancelling my annouced vacation at work. But I'm coming to terms that may end up playing something else from my backlog for part of that vacation. There are quite a few gems I still want to finish. Or even try in some cases.

I wasn't even sure why I had such feeling, until I read this discussion. I think Breja summed it quite well, with single word: "gangsta". I was expecting something dark. The most prominent think I remember about CP2077 is the very first video we saw - dark rainy street with murderous android/cyborg woman with mantis blades (we didn't know the name back then), cops shooting at her, probably to be turned into mincemeat in very near future because she's way over their pay grade... Cybernetic mods not as a way to look cool, but as a way to maybe survive for just another day...

Right now all the released materials are about V "looking cool" and doing everything "with style". Whole episode of the wire dedicated to stylish cars (and other vehicles). This article about how gangs work in Nightcity...

PS: RTX2060 is now considered "outdated"??? It was considered high-end card (low part of the high-end, but still high-end category) at the start of THIS year! I reckon it will last me quite a few years - as long as I don't try 4K gaming (I don't intend to).
Swedrami: What's behind the Blackwall is just a smaller cordoned-off portion of the Net, not the whole thing, iirc.
fridgeband: Strange, that's the opposite of what I heard before. Instead I heard that the whole internet was disabled and put behind the black wall, and that the only internets that existed outside the black wall were isolated small pockets of local servers and small networks, but all were disconnected from each other.
As far as I know overseas communication is still a thing though.
Some bits and pieces of dialogue from the first couple of minutes from the corporate life path reportedly explicitly mention some deal with Frankfurt going tits-up.
And I somehow doubt that (cybernetically-enhanced) pidgeons or ravens are a thing in Cyberpunk 2077.
Post edited October 20, 2020 by Swedrami
huan: I wasn't even sure why I had such feeling, until I read this discussion. I think Breja summed it quite well, with single word: "gangsta". I was expecting something dark. The most prominent think I remember about CP2077 is the very first video we saw - dark rainy street with murderous android/cyborg woman with mantis blades (we didn't know the name back then), cops shooting at her, probably to be turned into mincemeat in very near future because she's way over their pay grade...
The good news is there must be several older games and indie games that provide exactly that. CP2077 is a big turn-off for me so far, although I'm sure it's going to be high-quality.

huan: RTX2060 is now considered "outdated"??? It was considered high-end card (low part of the high-end, but still high-end category) at the start of THIS year! I reckon it will last me quite a few years - as long as I don't try 4K gaming (I don't intend to).
RTX 2060 = GTX 1080 + DLSS, so it's high-end for 2016, plus DLSS technology.
I get the impression "we" know more than "we"'re letting on, given the inside knowledge. Which brings me to a point i'm sure some would be interested in: why the hell this game is less hyping to some people as time goes on.

tbh, i've gotten so less hype about this game, i quit watching the trailers. Not only is this game way more than my computer could ever hope to handle (not really a problem for most people), but it's constantly hyped with the cringiest "we know you're on the hype train and can't get enough" mentality, which sounds horridly corporate and out of touch. Mind you, most of us saw this as "oh, look, a new witcher since the witcher is over. Maybe with the change of direction, we'll get something that competes with skyrim." And i see cutscenes, cutscenes, and i see gog's politics, and I can only think one thing: this is going to be ridiculously out of touch with what our expectations were setting out. I don't expect characters to be identifiable into a class, either by standards of any particular setting, which I would say is fine, but i feel like this is going to turn into a hybrid of GTA and David Cage, not freedom and exploration with a proper sandbox and personal character/avatar building.

But, then again, here I am admitting i haven't watched any "updates" or "trailers" for a long time now. I just came to see the comments to see if anyone else saw this the same way i did, regardless of how much they saw in trailers. But, i saw someone wanted to know why some people aren't riding the hype train, so here's my half-cent.

GeraltOfRivia_PL: they can quit if they don't like the crunch
Dogmaus: Oh, yeah, you're not a slave, you can always become suddenly jobless if you don't like the crunch. Like having a job is a hobby and not something you do for a living. There is no need to crunch, because there is no need to release early a videogame. It's not a primary, survival good. The company should be able to hire more staff or postpone the release.
I think the better argument here is that once you make a promise you should admit that you're crooked if you can't keep that promise. In some countries, you can be sued for breaking promises like this. And, for good reason: opportunity cost. Maybe someone passed up a job that maybe paid better because their family was more important?
Post edited October 20, 2020 by kohlrak
Breja: Honestly at this point I'm kind of sick and tired of hearing about Cyberpunk. Maybe I'm just a contrarian asshat, but it's just been too much hype for too long for my taste.
I kinda feel the same.
The game itself seems pretty interesting, but the over-exaggerated hype surrounding it is just unbearable.
People are literally praising an unreleased game like it's the greatest thing in history, for apparently no reason at all -- and attacking anyone not as hyped as they are. It's quite sad and frustrating to see a potentially good game's fanbase become like this even before it's released.
Still hope it turns out good though.
avatar • If you choose the Nomad Lifepath, the hero will come to Night City from the polluted Badlands, where independence and resourcefulness are top qualities.
• If you decide on the Streetkid Lifepath, the main character will know more about life on Night City’s crime-infested streets.
• Finally, if your choice is the Corporate Lifepath, you’ll be skilled in the subtle art of intrigue, honed in the corridors of the Arasaka megacorporation.

After creating your own character, it’s time to explore the game’s awesome universe!
I haven't kept up with all the threads and YouTube videos about CP 2077 because I want the game to be new and fresh when I play it. I ruined myself with RDR2 by watching all the YouTube videos and by the time I got the game for the PC. I was practically bored because I knew how it was going to play out.

My question concerns the above quote which says you can choose 3 different Lifepaths. Does this mean that there is one main mission in the game but each Lifepath will have create its own outcome/ending or is there going to be a main mission for each Lifepath so there will be 3 main missions altogether?
Breja: Honestly at this point I'm kind of sick and tired of hearing about Cyberpunk. Maybe I'm just a contrarian asshat, but it's just been too much hype for too long for my taste.
MatchaKitsunebi: I kinda feel the same.
The game itself seems pretty interesting, but the over-exaggerated hype surrounding it is just unbearable.
People are literally praising an unreleased game like it's the greatest thing in history, for apparently no reason at all -- and attacking anyone not as hyped as they are. It's quite sad and frustrating to see a potentially good game's fanbase become like this even before it's released.
Still hope it turns out good though.
As a quantifiable metric for how successfully hyped this game is, I will just point out that with one full month left to the release date, Cyberpunk 2077 has already made it to the top 25 bestselling games of all times on GOG.
Post edited October 20, 2020 by mrkgnao
MatchaKitsunebi: I kinda feel the same.
The game itself seems pretty interesting, but the over-exaggerated hype surrounding it is just unbearable.
People are literally praising an unreleased game like it's the greatest thing in history, for apparently no reason at all -- and attacking anyone not as hyped as they are. It's quite sad and frustrating to see a potentially good game's fanbase become like this even before it's released.
Still hope it turns out good though.
mrkgnao: As a quantifiable metric for how successfully hyped this game is, I will just point out that with one full month left to the release date, Cyberpunk 2077 has already made it to the top 25 bestselling games of all times on GOG.
Where do you get this data from?

Breja: Honestly at this point I'm kind of sick and tired of hearing about Cyberpunk. Maybe I'm just a contrarian asshat, but it's just been too much hype for too long for my taste.
MatchaKitsunebi: I kinda feel the same.
The game itself seems pretty interesting, but the over-exaggerated hype surrounding it is just unbearable.
People are literally praising an unreleased game like it's the greatest thing in history, for apparently no reason at all -- and attacking anyone not as hyped as they are. It's quite sad and frustrating to see a potentially good game's fanbase become like this even before it's released.
Still hope it turns out good though.
Because its a non DRM game based on a popular tabletop, released by CD Projekt Red?
Post edited October 20, 2020 by GeraltOfRivia_PL