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UPDATE: Now with preload and release details!

The time to dive into the fascinating, futuristic world of Night City is almost upon us. That’s why, as the clock keeps counting down to the game’s official premiere, we’ve decided to gather all the important stuff about Cyberpunk 2077 in one place.

On the 10th of December, the much-anticipated game from CD PROJEKT RED will come to life on millions of computers and consoles around the world. Set in a dystopian, sci-fi universe created by Mike Pondsmith, Cyberpunk 2077 will take us to a huge open world, soaked in neon lights and a kitsch art style. Thanks to cybernetic enhancements, its inhabitants can access the omnipresent Net almost any time they want and they can also modify their bodies in countless ways, making it a lethal weapon or simply a fashion statement.

The character creation
In Cyberpunk 2077, our hero is highly customizable. Apart from their appearance, along with details like eyes and hair color, body shape, or tattoos, we can select our character’s Lifepath from the three distinct options available. Our choice will not only affect the character’s stats and traits but also will give them a unique narrative background.

• If you choose the Nomad Lifepath, the hero will come to Night City from the polluted Badlands, where independence and resourcefulness are top qualities.
• If you decide on the Streetkid Lifepath, the main character will know more about life on Night City’s crime-infested streets.
• Finally, if your choice is the Corporate Lifepath, you’ll be skilled in the subtle art of intrigue, honed in the corridors of the Arasaka megacorporation.

After creating your own character, it’s time to explore the game’s awesome universe!

The gameplay
In contrast to previous CD PROJEKT RED games, Cyberpunk 2077 is an FPP game. This lets you immerse yourself fully in the game’s world, and makes using all the weapons provided to your character much easier, and satisfying, to use.

The arsenal V can use in Cyberpunk 2077 is huge! Revolvers, machine guns, shotguns, pistols, knives, swords – you name it! 12 corporations produce weapons distributed on Night City’s streets – from top tier arms from Arasaka, to Rostovic products that almost anyone can afford. As for types of weaponry, you can choose from power weapons, tech weapons, smart weapons (with guided ammunition), and melee weapons (along with razor-sharp katanas). In many cases, once you’ll find your favorite arms’ type, it’s up to you to customize its parameters.
Post edited December 05, 2020 by emter_pl
-Nachtmahr-: The gaming industry overall is nothing more than a mafia by now.
In general, that I agree with 100%. And yes, slaves don't get paid - these do.
low rated
I didn't say they don't receive payment, that was just a deliberately exagerated example for the "it could be worse" theory; in any case, this kind of software development is linked like a chain - you are paid, sure, you technically can even refuse the ovetrtime, but then... competition is fierce, being replaced is easy, and nobody wants to be the guy who slowed down the entire project and made life difficult for the coworkers who decided to keep on working instead.
So, more than a "gun pointed to the head" is "an offer you cannot refuse". A lot of theoretical difference, none in practice.

I'm also expecting to be lynched by the mob, I know criticizng CDP anywhere on the internet is seen by most like spitting on the Bible during mass.
Keep on consuming my dudes, never care about the costs! Breath the hype, spend that dough and trust your corp™!
Post edited October 19, 2020 by Enebias
Enebias: ...
Dude anybody who worked for more than a week in software development knows that overtime are part of the job, complaining about it is like complaining that Nurses or emergency doctors don't get to do stable office hours.

You can have the best managed project ever, take generous margins in your time estimation, you never know in advance what will happen, there can be bugs that takes days / weeks to be corrected, performances issues or any other unexpected event that cause everything to lag behind schedule and if you have deadlines then you will have to do overtime to compensate and catch up. It's part of the job, it you disagree with that then find a different one, it only become an issue when there is abuse or it's not sufficiently compensated. And here is neither apparently, it's just a tempest in a tea cup fueled by click-bait articles.
-Nachtmahr-: I don't know about you or if CD stated that they have to crunch for free, but overtime and crunch is rarely for free and it's illegal, at least here. We get 200% if we have to work, if not then I would agree that it is wrong. The gaming industry overall is nothing more than a mafia by now. All that matters is the stock market. That's why I prefer the era when gaming was considered nerd stuff. It was about passion back then. But yes, I see no problem as long as they receive payment. If they don't, then I'll also boycott the game
I assume you are not working in high-tech. I have worked as a software programmer for more than 20 years in high-tech, in/with several companies, in/with several countries, and I have never met a single employee who was paid overtime. Except for some contractors, the norm throughout the industry is a fixed, usually high or very high, salary (+/- yearly bonus). On weeks I worked 60 hours a week (including weekends) I got paid exactly the same as on weeks I worked 40 hours. I'd be surprised it this were illegal anywhere in the world, but it most certainly isn't illegal in the US and Europe.
Post edited October 19, 2020 by mrkgnao
-Nachtmahr-: The gaming industry overall is nothing more than a mafia by now.
sanscript: In general, that I agree with 100%. And yes, slaves don't get paid - these do.
Room and board isn't free you know.
I'm not that interested in the game but I have no idea who would like to read spoilers on the game they are about to play.

Anybody that even glanced at this article will immediately know the locations how many gangs there are, their names, their main activities etc. They can no longer find that out through playing the game, they can no longer wonder "Is there another gang out there I haven't seen yet?" or "Where will I go next?" etc.

It takes from the sense of wonder and exploration you could have had by finding these things out by playing the game...
This trend of revealing so much stuff before a game actually releases has completely missed me.
Good info, but I don't think it's a game for me.The game-world doesn't feel that interesting, which is the biggest issue for me, it feels too "generic" for something as hyped-up as this.That's my impression so far. I would have expected something more original and unique, instead I feel I'd be getting the same thing I've seen many times before.
Pygmalion_4678: I would have preferred The Witcher 4 (with Geralt, not Ciri) to a Cyberpunk 2077.
No need for a whole new game, I'd be happy with just more expansions for 3. So many more regions to visit, like Dol Blathanna or Cintra, or even Ofir.
Pygmalion_4678: I would have preferred The Witcher 4 (with Geralt, not Ciri) to a Cyberpunk 2077.
Breja: No need for a whole new game, I'd be happy with just more expansions for 3. So many more regions to visit, like Dol Blathanna or Cintra, or even Ofir.
Absolutely right. As far as I'm concerned, they could bring a whole bunch of expansions. I would buy them all. :)


Furthermore, I consider that Batman Arkham Series must be released on GOG. :)
Post edited October 19, 2020 by Pygmalion_4678
avatar The time to dive into the fascinating, futuristic world of Night City is almost upon us...
Nice, just some few days to play, i hope my pc can run it...
Breja: old man grumbles
Get hyped! =P

I agree, it's a bit much. I'm definitely looking forward to playing the game, but I can do without all the marketing wankery. All I do is skip and ignore all that noise. Problem solved. ;)
avatar The time to dive into the fascinating, futuristic world of Night City is almost upon us...
trunksmdz: Nice, just some few days to play, i hope my pc can run it...
In a pinch, just add a little salt and it'll be enough. :)


Furthermore, I consider that Batman Arkham Series must be released on GOG. :)
low rated
Mr.Mumbles: All I do is skip and ignore all that noise. Problem solved. ;)
The thing is, it's not that easy to ignore. Open YouTube - have ton of Cyberpunk vids recommended. Open any website dealing with gaming news - have shitload of Cyberpunk headlines. Open any website dealing with sci-fi stuff - almost guaranteed to have some Cyberunk headlines too. Maybe it's the lack of any big movie premiers, but I don't remember the last time a game was this overexposed.
Post edited October 19, 2020 by Breja
Breja: The thing is, it's not that easy to ignore. Open YouTube - have ton of Cyberpunk vids recommended.
Are you logged in or something? Because I don't have any account there and I only get recommendations that aren't interesting all all. Ok, maybe 1 trending cat movie but that's that :). I also usually stay clear of gaming sites unless I'm after something specifically through a search engine (I don't read any newspaper either), so I guess my experience would be different if I did.
Post edited October 19, 2020 by sanscript
Breja: The thing is, it's not that easy to ignore. Open YouTube - have ton of Cyberpunk vids recommended.
sanscript: Are you logged in or something?
Yes. And annoying as some recommendations I get that way may be, from what I've seen it's still better than the wide-awake nightmare of a "generic" YT front page :D