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UPDATE: Now with preload and release details!

The time to dive into the fascinating, futuristic world of Night City is almost upon us. That’s why, as the clock keeps counting down to the game’s official premiere, we’ve decided to gather all the important stuff about Cyberpunk 2077 in one place.

On the 10th of December, the much-anticipated game from CD PROJEKT RED will come to life on millions of computers and consoles around the world. Set in a dystopian, sci-fi universe created by Mike Pondsmith, Cyberpunk 2077 will take us to a huge open world, soaked in neon lights and a kitsch art style. Thanks to cybernetic enhancements, its inhabitants can access the omnipresent Net almost any time they want and they can also modify their bodies in countless ways, making it a lethal weapon or simply a fashion statement.

The character creation
In Cyberpunk 2077, our hero is highly customizable. Apart from their appearance, along with details like eyes and hair color, body shape, or tattoos, we can select our character’s Lifepath from the three distinct options available. Our choice will not only affect the character’s stats and traits but also will give them a unique narrative background.

• If you choose the Nomad Lifepath, the hero will come to Night City from the polluted Badlands, where independence and resourcefulness are top qualities.
• If you decide on the Streetkid Lifepath, the main character will know more about life on Night City’s crime-infested streets.
• Finally, if your choice is the Corporate Lifepath, you’ll be skilled in the subtle art of intrigue, honed in the corridors of the Arasaka megacorporation.

After creating your own character, it’s time to explore the game’s awesome universe!

The gameplay
In contrast to previous CD PROJEKT RED games, Cyberpunk 2077 is an FPP game. This lets you immerse yourself fully in the game’s world, and makes using all the weapons provided to your character much easier, and satisfying, to use.

The arsenal V can use in Cyberpunk 2077 is huge! Revolvers, machine guns, shotguns, pistols, knives, swords – you name it! 12 corporations produce weapons distributed on Night City’s streets – from top tier arms from Arasaka, to Rostovic products that almost anyone can afford. As for types of weaponry, you can choose from power weapons, tech weapons, smart weapons (with guided ammunition), and melee weapons (along with razor-sharp katanas). In many cases, once you’ll find your favorite arms’ type, it’s up to you to customize its parameters.
Post edited December 05, 2020 by emter_pl
Antimateria: I've ridden a horse so much in games lately that I'm glad that I can finally do something else next week. ^^
I am not the craziest about car driving in open world video games with lots of pedestrians and stop lights. Car physics are funny in games. But, the thought of driving around Night City in a 77 Porsche 911 sounds like a blast. :)
apehater: thanks for mentioning, gog did sure forget to post bout all the crunch time in the op.
greyhat: They also forgot to mention all the overtime CD PR payed out for that crunch time. You do know it is not the only industry that has crunch times and long days. Wild land fire fighters can be asked to work for up to 17 hours a day for 3 weeks with 1 to 2 days off in between. Mining and exploration outfits often have up to 6 weeks on and long days (some even having work contracts that go for several months straight with little, or no, time off, Construction often has lots of overtime for months on end. And those are all hard jobs in often dangerous conditions. All industries I have worked in so I am speaking from first hand knowledge. Can you say the same here? No one goes crying over malpractice there.

I also dont know why you even here seeing as you hate GOG so much. Go somewhere you enjoy and just ignore GOG. You will feel happier in life.
Yeah if overtime (aka "crunch") is a thing that happens with a project or job that's the way it should be handled.
I've worked various jobs that called for 12-18 hour shifts as a matter of coruse with no OT pay.
I think a healthy work life balance is fundmental and should be part of every job in any field but when things don't go to plan - as will happen sometimes in life - that extra work to get back on track should be reasonable in amount, and compensated as overtime. Woud it have been more ideal for everyone if things went to plan and no overtime or delays were needed? Of course, but all things considered I think CDPR handled it correctly.
Amphax: Can we please get any information about

A) The size of the Day One Patch
B) If the Day One Patch will be mandatory for those of us using GoG Galaxy to Play the Game? One of the things I like about GoG Galaxy is that you don't have to download patches if you don't want to, but I don't know how that works when it comes to a preload.

That's a good set of questions, I'd also wonder about the offilne installers (with the pandemic my net has gotten really poor) because it'd be easier to download it once and install it on my pc and laptop locally than having to download it seperately for every rig I want to run it on at home.
-Nachtmahr-: To be honest, the gameplay doesn't flash me, even as someone who's been into cyberpunk and industrial for the whole life.

Guess I am just sick of open worlds and walking around in them. Hope the final game will be faster and with more interiors. Most open worlds boast about size but none have meaningful activities or rewards if it is not a looter shooter. But then, I lose interest in them as soon as all missions have been done since driving around without a goal feels like a waste of time to me.

Gameplay trailers are often slow and more cinematic on purpose so there's still hope left.
Obviously I haven't played it yet and could be wrong but from the interviews and gameplay I've seen it seem like this will be more content dense by map area than something like Skyrim so it might well suit your taste.

Of course when it doubt there's nothing wrong with waiting to see more reivews et al before deciding to buy a copy.
Post edited December 07, 2020 by RoseLegion
shmerl: What we don't know, is whether CDPR can consider releasing it for Linux after doing the Stadia port? After doing all that work, it shouldn't be hard.

Please do, CDPR! Making a cyberpunk game and not releasing it for cyberpunk OS (Linux / Vulkan) while using corpo lock-in instead (Windows / DX12) feels wrong and strongly ironic.
I don't currently run on Linux myself but I 100% support this idea. I hope it happens.
avatar The time to dive into the fascinating, futuristic world of Night City is almost upon us. That’s why, as the clock keeps counting down to the game’s official premiere, we’ve decided to gather all the important stuff about Cyberpunk 2077 in one place.

On the 19th of November, the much-anticipated game from CD PROJEKT RED will come to life on millions of computers and consoles around the world. Set in a dystopian, sci-fi universe created by Mike Pondsmith, Cyberpunk 2077 will take us to a huge open world, soaked in neon lights and a kitsch art style. Thanks to cybernetic enhancements, its inhabitants can access the omnipresent Net almost any time they want and they can also modify their bodies in countless ways, making it a lethal weapon or simply a fashion statement.

The game’s story
Night City is a bustling metropolis situated in the Free State of Northern California. It’s 2077, seven years after the Unification War spread across America, and let’s just say that things aren’t looking pretty. Night City has just been voted “the worst place to live” on the continent, yet where some people fear danger, others see opportunity.

V, the main character of the game, definitely belongs to the second group. When we meet our hero, they are working as a mercenary for a fixer named Dexter DeShawn. After one of the assignments goes terribly wrong, V is contacted by a mysterious revolutionary figure, Johnny Silverhand (played by Keanu Reeves). Of course, we don’t want to spoil anything more, so let’s stop the plot-explaining right here. ;)

The character creation
In Cyberpunk 2077, our hero is highly customizable. Apart from his or her appearance, along with details like eyes and hair color, body shape, or tattoos, we can select our character’s Lifepath from the three distinct options available. Our choice will not only affect the character’s stats and traits but also will give them a unique narrative background.

• If you choose the Nomad Lifepath, the hero will come to Night City from the polluted Badlands, where independence and resourcefulness are top qualities.
• If you decide on the Streetkid Lifepath, the main character will know more about life on Night City’s crime-infested streets.
• Finally, if your choice is the Corporate Lifepath, you’ll be skilled in the subtle art of intrigue, honed in the corridors of the Arasaka megacorporation.

After creating your own character, it’s time to explore the game’s awesome universe!

The game’s world
Night City is a vast metropolis, with over 6 million inhabitants, all living their lives and constantly on the move. Surrounded by the inhospitable Badlands, the town is divided into six districts, each one with its own unique background and architecture.

Places like Pacifica, a run-down tourist district, or the cramped Santo Domingo are quite dangerous. On the other side of the spectrum, you can visit City Center, with its breathtaking skyscrapers and Corpo Plaza, or Westbrook, the most prestigious part of Night City. Somewhere in between are the Heywood and Watson districts, relatively rich, but still penetrated by the street gangs.

Speaking of street gangs, eight big gangs roam the streets of Night City. Among them you’ll find:
• 6th Street - a gang consisting of hardened veterans of the 4th Corporate War
• Animals - bodybuilders who distrust any cyberware enhancements
• Maelstrom – extreme fans of implants and powerful, illegal cyberware
• THE MOX - an anarchist group that unites outcasts from various groups
• Scavengers - infamous for kidnapping people and harvesting their cyberware.
• Tyger Claws - owners of widely illegal entertainment businesses
• Valentinos - a loyal family gang that idolizes Santa Muerte
• Voodoo Boys - the best netrunners and master hackers in Night City

Of course, during your stay, you’ll encounter other, smaller criminal groups. They all have different qualities and goals but have one thing in common – you better not cross them unprepared.

The gameplay
In contrast to previous CD PROJEKT RED games, Cyberpunk 2077 is an FPP game. This lets you immerse yourself fully in the game’s world, and makes using all the weapons provided to your character much easier, and satisfying, to use.

The arsenal V can use in Cyberpunk 2077 is huge! Revolvers, machine guns, shotguns, pistols, knives, swords – you name it! 12 corporations produce weapons distributed on Night City’s streets – from top tier arms from Arasaka, to Rostovic products that almost anyone can afford. As for types of weaponry, you can choose from power weapons, tech weapons, smart weapons (with guided ammunition), and melee weapons (along with razor-sharp katanas). In many cases, once you’ll find your favorite arms’ type, it’s up to you to customize its parameters.

The same diversity applies to vehicles you’ll encounter in Night City. 12 car manufacturers will supply V with cars. This includes luxurious Herrera and Rayfield vehicles to middle-tier cars from ThorTon, and even small, cheap cars from Makigai. It’s already confirmed that one of the game’s best cars will be a 1977 Porsche 911 owned previously by Johnny Silverhand. Natural born rebels can chase the wind with motorcycles from Yaiba or Arch (real-live company owned by Keanu Reeves). There are also military vehicles from Arasaka and Militech corporations, but getting behind the wheel of one of them may prove quite the challenge!

As we already mentioned, another one of Cyberpunk 2077's important features is cybernetic enhancements, which can turn your body into a killing machine. Cyberware can modify your character’s stats, with two important limitations – how much your body can take in, and how much your wallet can give out. Cyberware also gives our hero a gate to Braindance, a sort of personal version of the net. Thanks to it, you can not only indulge yourself in virtual reality pleasures, but also access other people’s memories in extreme cases.

As you can see, the lore of Cyberpunk 2077 makes it deservingly the most anticipated game of 2020. Get the game on GOG.COM and on November 19th receive your exclusive digital comic, Cyberpunk 2077: Big City Dreams, as well as other cool digital goodies. With every purchase, 100% of your money goes to CD PROJEKT Group.
avatar Thanks to cybernetic enhancements, its inhabitants can access the omnipresent Net almost any time they want and they can also modify their bodies in countless ways, making it a lethal weapon or simply a fashion statement.
fridgeband: This is so cool, but wait, hold on a second.
"Thanks to cybernetic enhancements, its inhabitants can access the omnipresent Net almost any time they want "
I thought that the internet was closed beyond the black wall?

Is there a new internet now?
The simple answer is "sort of" it's smaller in the lore (as I understand it) and more restricted. And the other net is still out there doing... something, and full of AI. With NetWatch being hyper agro about keeping things contained.
Antimateria: I've ridden a horse so much in games lately that I'm glad that I can finally do something else next week. ^^
greyhat: I am not the craziest about car driving in open world video games with lots of pedestrians and stop lights. Car physics are funny in games. But, the thought of driving around Night City in a 77 Porsche 911 sounds like a blast. :)
Most games indeed where do you drive it feels off. Too arcadey. Like the worst driving recently is in Watch dogs legion. I get it, they are electric cars and you don't "feel" them so much but it is pretty bad. Hopefully 2077 has a bit more realistic one.

Edit: Also I hope the game runs well and is rather bug free. I expect a bit of witcher 3 duck walking bugs but I could manage without it but I've played so much ac: valhalla that there's a chance that everything with a decent amount of polish feels great.
Post edited December 07, 2020 by Antimateria
low rated
I suspect the game isn't going to be especially great (or all the sites I visit are just negative towards it, perhaps), but I hope it sells well for GOG's sake.
low rated
DoomSooth: "Woke" sounds so stupid, when used as an adjective. I wish those people would stop using it that way.
Why because it is the TRUTH that is too hard to accept!
Sheepwife: Damn people really are hating CDPR in here, dunno why?
Maxello: Because of Woke culture my friend.

In essence, a number of well meaning insecure individuals inside a toxic ideology turned religion.

Additionally, insecure individuals tend to loathe successful people, CDPR is successful.
No they are NOT successful, They just got lucky and that is all, In the way that Mark Zuckerberg got lucky I'm sure they were propped up by "Vested interests" trying to push transhumanism on the population you know make it look "Cool"
and "popular"

Some light reading if you will!
Post edited December 07, 2020 by fr33kSh0w2012
fr33kSh0w2012: Why because it is the TRUTH that is too hard to accept!
Because "awake" sounds better. :)
GOG is destroying my bank account and marriage with all of the releases this month... keep it comin!

Mechwarrior 5 getting pushed back to spring is killing me, but I guess there are plenty other things lik CP2077 to occupy me and my kid while we wait
low rated
Aww... No everyone fr33kSh0w2012 was right all along GASP NOW


Photo of proof below


The pre download is 59 GIGABYTES!
aww_noo.jpg (128 Kb)
Post edited December 07, 2020 by fr33kSh0w2012
It is a preload. They wont have offline installers and it wont be playable until the 10th. How else do you think they are going to insure this? Do some fact checking before you make foolish statements.
Post edited December 07, 2020 by greyhat
low rated
greyhat: It is a preload. They wont have offline installers until and it wont be playable until the 10th. How else do you think they are going to insure this? Do some fact checking before you make foolish statements.
Okay IF you say so!
greyhat: It is a preload. They wont have offline installers until and it wont be playable until the 10th. How else do you think they are going to insure this? Do some fact checking before you make foolish statements.
By letting us download 4/5 of a game client right now. And the last part - 10 december. This would be fine-ish for preorderers.
greyhat: It is a preload. They wont have offline installers until and it wont be playable until the 10th. How else do you think they are going to insure this? Do some fact checking before you make foolish statements.
vlad_dgt: By letting us download 4/5 of a game client right now. And the last part - 10 december. This would be fine-ish for preorderers.
That would work as well. Offline installer with the game exe delivered on the 10th. But I feel it makes little sense in making the offline installer only to have to make the day one patch. They would just have to make another offline installer or have that separate patch file. Unless of course the day one patch is already done. My experience is that with larger games with lots of patch cycles it makes less sense to use the offline installer right away. They become more of a PIA. I remember for BT 4 I had to download the full game offline installer 3 times. every time they released a new build it was 50 plus GB.

So, using GOG galaxy at first has its advantages. It is just the most streamlined and efficient way to do preloads and updates for larger new releases with lots of patches. Once the game goes through its major patch cycle then I dont mind to get the offline installers for back ups (I dont really do this much any more anyhow) . Though, honestly, it is just as easy to back up the install folder. The other option is just not to preload it and wait until after the tenth. ;)
Post edited December 07, 2020 by greyhat
Actually, there is another 1 hour timer for 2077 on a gog's homepage. I wonder what that means?