HereForTheBeer: A bunch of statues and buildings, a bunch of shots of people - mostly cute young women and not, say, an old Italian grandmother - and some costumed events.
I guess one is proud of a few sculptors, structures likely built with a fair amount of slave labor, only the cute women, and lederhosen.
Those were not built with slave labor you fucking retard.
Also, last time I checked the North African subhuman savages enslaved more white Europeans than the amount of black Africans that were shipped off to the Americas as slaves. The Ottoman imperials also enslaved countless white Europeans and both Islamists used white women as sex slaves which is why you will find quite a few North Africans and Middle Easterners with striking resemblances to Germanic and Celtic women. Of course, this is not talked about that much in US public schools.
Also, the Atlantic Slave Trade was financed by ethnic JEWISH financiers as proven by ship records but we are suppose to believe the self-proclaimed "Chosen People" would never do that. Also, many black Africans were enslaved by other black Africans and by North Africans. We are not suppose to talk about that in US public schools.
Also, it is not the fault of Europeans that Native Americans, Australian natives, and certain Africans had weak immune systems and resistances to the same Asiatic diseases that ravaged Europe. It also not the fault of Europeans that the Native Americans did not even have the fucking wheel or domesticated horses until European settlers showed up. Many Native Americans decided that instead of improving agriculture, to dance around a fire to create rain or to carve out someone's heart to appease a god.
Oh and black people owned slaves in the Americas too. Just look at Anthony Johnson, a black indentured servant turned slaveholder. Just saying.
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