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I took my daughter to a nearby hill so she could sled with other children. No wind, but quite cold: -12 C.
Jinxtah: Last night the snow came, and it was the coldest I've experienced I think... ever? I'm not sure. At least it felt like it. My apartment is super cold. Fuck having old windows where the cold just seeps right through.
I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but the worst experience for me with cold weather was in... Thailand! And it wasn't even in the cooler areas in the northern Thailand (Chiang Mai etc.), but in the "middle" of Thailand, closer to Cambodian border.

When I was there in January many years ago, the days were nice at +25 C or more (reminded me of Finnish summers in fact), but at nights it could go down to +12 C or so. The problem was that the temperature indoors was pretty much the same as outdoors at nights, with no heating, the wind pretty much blew freely through the cracks on the floors and windows etc., and the blankets in the motel were like thin towels. And naturally I only had T-shirts and shorts with me, so the nights were damn cold trying to sleep. I didn't even want to go to shower until noon or so when I knew it was relatively warm again.

At least here in Finland the temperature indoors always stays at about +24 C or so, no matter what temperature is there outdoors. The only thing you'll notice is that the air (indoors) tends to be much drier in the winter (which means I need to sometimes use some lotion on my delicate hands; I'm a professional hand model after all). Oh well, at least the laundry dries up much faster then...
Post edited January 07, 2017 by timppu

They're back.

This time of year northern Michigan just flat out sucks to live in!
Post edited January 07, 2017 by tinyE
tinyE: They're back.
Do you rent those out? They look rather useful to get to people stuck in several meters-deep snow :D.
Prolence: Woke up this morning, -1 and 'heavy' snow last night. I guess it will be that kinda weekend, if the sun shows itself even little here today.
timppu: We were supposed to go to eat in a restaurant nearby today. I was first thinking we walk there in a lovely winter scene, but now as it is getting warmer, I am a bit worried we will get our feet wet and should go with a car instead.

It is still -5 C here so it should be ok for now (but apparently getting warmer), but already now all the roads etc. look dirtier than yesterday when it was around -10 => -22 C. Colder weather just seems to make everything brighter and cleaner, the dirt from the cars etc. doesn't attach itself to the snow the same way etc.
-5 C? In Finnland? I never would have imagend to think about holiday in finnland at this time
until now
Here in South Germany early morning -16 C
between the day -8 C.
But not much snow and beside yesterday not much wind.
BTW TinyE here we have also these in the backyard.

PS: Is the damn Attach Images once more broken? no new window opens...
Post edited January 07, 2017 by mcleodone
Jinxtah: This building is from like the eh.. I'm guessing 60s or there abouts. I'm not sure how many panes of glass the windows have, but it's old, and I can feel the cold just seeping right through, which is always a problem when it's cold. Thank god for radiators though, but still, my apartment takes ages to heat up, and it costs way more because it doesn't retain the heat, and a lot just escapes those same windows, since they're RIGHT under them, you know?
Zoltan999: It may seem odd, but placing the heat source under windows is by design in general construction for a few reasons. As the heat rises, it mixes with cooler/colder air creating a more uniform temperature in the living area. It also helps to create a "heat curtain" to keep cooler air out while operating. If you think about it....and the heat source were located on an opposite interior wall from the window; as the heat came on, and started to rise, it would actually pull in more cold air, as it followed the the flow down, and along the floor to replace the rising air at the radiator. This would also help to create drafts, and very uneven/worse temperature gradients in the living area.

I was made aware of this by by one of the plumbing/heating contractors many years ago on one of my jobs. That said, one of the best upgrades to a living space suffering energy loses is a window and door upgrade, which unfortunately probably won't apply in your case? Heavy curtains, or plastic taped over the opening is probably about the only other temporary solution for now :/
I knew there had to be a reason for it, since it's the pretty much the only way they do it here, but it struck me as odd as .. well as I've said, but that makes sense. I never thought about it too much. Thanks for the enlightenment!
Currently -6°C and dropping, real feel around -17°C, N wind howling at16mph+. And still no snow.
timppu: We were supposed to go to eat in a restaurant nearby today. I was first thinking we walk there in a lovely winter scene, but now as it is getting warmer, I am a bit worried we will get our feet wet and should go with a car instead.

It is still -5 C here so it should be ok for now (but apparently getting warmer), but already now all the roads etc. look dirtier than yesterday when it was around -10 => -22 C. Colder weather just seems to make everything brighter and cleaner, the dirt from the cars etc. doesn't attach itself to the snow the same way etc.
mcleodone: -5 C? In Finnland? I never would have imagend to think about holiday in finnland at this time
until now
Here in South Germany early morning -16 C
between the day -8 C.
It's actually rather annoying time here at the moment, the weather is all over the place. I think this week we have gone from +3C to -19C to -1C again. Earlier this week we didn't have snow at all yet, while now it's more than enough to mess with the traffic. At least the southern part of Finland where I live.

Also as timppu mentioned, I highly prefer a colder weather myself as it makes everything look much cleaner and more pleasant to the eyes. Not to mention that it's much worse to move outside in my opinion, as the snow is heavy and all packed up and has a more icy feel. When it's -10C forward it starts to be more powder-like which I highly prefer myself.
Bad news for Romania, Hungary and Serbia and maybe some of the adjacent areas in other countries, good news for the rest of Europe. Seems like the polar air front is going to loom over the 3 fore-mentioned counties until late Wednesday next week. The rest of Europe should see an improvements in temperatures starting with Monday.

As far as southern Romania is concerned, it seems like it's going to be even worse than I thought. School was canceled until Thursday in most counties and we've been warned to stay indoors unless we have urgent business elsewhere.

Daytime temperatures are going to get around -15 C, while night time temps will plummet down do -25 C. High winds, snow and blizzards will keep on with their mischief until Thursday morning.

A lot of roads are still closed down, people living in the country side, mostly the elderly, are still cut off from the world and buried under meters of wind-blown snow. A major highway to the seaside is still closed down with multiple people caught by the blizzard last night still stuck in gas-stations along the way.

Government officials are slowly getting a grip of the situation, but still mostly blaming each other for the poor way in which some things are handled. I swear these people will still be playing their stupid political games even 5 minutes before Armageddon strikes.
-30 С in Moscow today. Pretty cold, but not too bad. The holidays are still going, so you can just stay at home.
VladimIr_V_Y: -30 С in Moscow today. Pretty cold, but not too bad. The holidays are still going, so you can just stay at home.
Lucky you, I guess :). С Рождество́м, btw!
To bad work is never cancelled, no matter the cold :). Well at least it's weekend so at least today and tomorrow I can stay inside.
mcleodone: -5 C? In Finnland? I never would have imagend to think about holiday in finnland at this time
Now it is 0 degrees, it was heavily snowing earlier today. I think last week +5 C (and no snow at all anywhere), yesterday -22 C... it is all over the place.

And naturally I am only talking about where I live in southern Finland. During the same winter day, it might just as well be -40 C in the NE corner of Finland, and +5 in the SW corner (Åland).
Post edited January 07, 2017 by timppu
WinterSnowfall: Lucky you, I guess :). С Рождество́м, btw!
Thank you!
Jinxtah: I knew there had to be a reason for it, since it's the pretty much the only way they do it here, but it struck me as odd as .. well as I've said, but that makes sense. I never thought about it too much. Thanks for the enlightenment!
In addition to what Zoltan said, placing heaters under the windows usually also helps prevent condensation - in properly isolated homes, especially in places where ventilation is no longer that great because everything is air-tight, all airborne vapor will tend to condensate on the coldest surface in the house - which is usually the glass pane of windows, especially when the outside air gets to extremely low temperatures. Having a heater in the area will keep the window sufficiently warm and dry in order to prevent condensation.

Otherwise, you may see waterfalls starting to form on your windows every time you enjoy a hot shower when there's -20 C outside :).
Post edited January 07, 2017 by WinterSnowfall