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real.geizterfahr: Currently +4°C (39°F) here. The fact that you can't even buy winter tires here (or that houses with ridiculously thin windows and leaky window frames don't have any heating at all) should tell a lot about how effing cold this is for me.
Yeah, that sounds really horrible. I have some friends from Spain who were also telling me they're freezing their butts off at the moment :(.

We obviously have heating over the winter in these parts (though sometimes not so good insulation on the older apartment buildings and houses), so if we stay indoors we're good. I've got a comfy 22 C in my room as we speak.

I sense the onset of a booming electric fan and oil heater market in Spain if winters keep getting this cold.
Post edited January 06, 2017 by WinterSnowfall
low rated
Too hot. Sun all day long and strong sunlight at that, too. I hate the damned thing, already. I reminisce good old days, 1992-1998 era. Back then, each and every winter, snow was guaranteed, plus in thick formation and nicely piled! I miss the snow, i wanted to play snowball war and make a snowman... Other than winds blowing savagely like razors cutting through your flesh and some downright damnable humidity (that i hate like the plague), it isn't very cold here; but it is ideal for epidemics and we have been warned about two, already! Only worse thing remaining is to catch something, then i will have completely ruined winter vacation time...
Post edited January 06, 2017 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
WinterSnowfall: Yeah, that sounds really horrible. I have some friends from Spain who were also telling me they're freezing their butts off at the moment :(.

We obviously have heating over the winter in these parts (though sometimes not so good insulation on the older apartment buildings and houses), so if we stay indoors we're good. I've got a comfy 22 C in my room as we speak.
I have 20°C in this room now (and a cat on my lap, which is the best heating you can imagine). But when I turn off the radiator, it immediately goes down to the 13°C that I have in all the other rooms. Since the windows are not exactly isolated, I only heat a room when I'm there for a longer time.

WinterSnowfall: I sense the onset of a booming electric fan and oil heater market in Spain if winters keep getting this cold.
There already is a huge market for them. Those things are sold out every single winter, after the first cold day.
Frost has found my cucumber, it's not just the carrots now. Those are all on the wrong side of crispy. I've turned off my fridge and am using a box that sits outside instead - why pay for electricity when nature says, hey, keeping your food fresh is on me :)
It was about -22 C here a few hours ago. Now it has risen to around -8 C, an unfortunately supposed to rise up to 0 C or more by tomorrow.

Awww, but I like cold winters... I hope the snow won't melt away, again. Who wants to walk in fjucking icy slush?

amrit9037: Never saw snow in real life.
Emob78: They don't have snow in Other-Land?
No, they have to import all the snow they need.
For the record, this thread is WAAAAAY MORE FUN than the Europe is burning flame war shit hole. :D
tinyE: For the record, this thread is WAAAAAY MORE FUN than the Europe is burning flame war shit hole. :D
It's always more fun to freeze your ass off :P.

Looking at the outside thermometer, now that it's getting close to 12:30 AM - it's recently hit -8 C, which is currently more than the -10 C maximum temp forecast for tomorrow (well, actually today, but way later in the evening). It's still snowing a bit, but the wind has calmed down considerably for now.

It's all nice and cozy inside, but my heart goes out to whoever is still out there in the cold, trying to get home. Since the wind's died out, I'm hoping the road authorities can now clear out the snow and get all the stranded people on their way.
timppu: It was about -22 C here a few hours ago. Now it has risen to around -8 C, an unfortunately supposed to rise up to 0 C or more by tomorrow.

Awww, but I like cold winters... I hope the snow won't melt away, again. Who wants to walk in fjucking icy slush?
It won't melt (noticeably) until about 4 C, so you're good for now :).
Post edited January 07, 2017 by WinterSnowfall
I am keeping warm by frying Mrrshans.
timppu: Awww, but I like cold winters... I hope the snow won't melt away, again. Who wants to walk in fjucking icy slush?
WinterSnowfall: It won't melt (noticeably) until about 4 C, so you're good for now :).
What?!? Sure it will. I don't know if the snow is different in Romania, but here if the temperatures get even a tiny bit over 0 C, the snow becomes icky watery snow and icy slush. I like the light powdery snow (at -10 C or even lower), not that heavy snow (and slush). It is actually even worse because they always throw tons of salt on the roads here on winters, so the roads become "slushy" and dirty already at a bit under 0 C, like -4 C or so.

It is even worse if the temperatures keep going over and under 0 C (like during days and nights) because then all the snow gets this nasty hard icy "crust" on top of the snowbanks.

To me around -10 C is the sweet spot for winters. Not so cold that you don't want to go outside at all, but cold enough so that the snow is light powder and all the roads are clean and dry.
Post edited January 07, 2017 by timppu
timppu: What?!? Sure it will. I don't know if the snow is different in Romania, but here if the temperatures get even a tiny bit over 0 C, the snow becomes icky watery snow and icy slush.
It's Romania, not fairy land, of course it's the same :P. But ice/snow between 0 and 4 C, as you said tends to be a rather proportionate slush of water and ice... which in turn tends to freeze back solid at the slightest hint of a breeze. It won't get back to the powdery non-compacted snow we all love, but that's just life.

So if it's a clear sunny day and 0+ C, yes, then you're out of luck, but if it's a slightly windy day with temps below 4C, you probably won't notice much melting going on. That's what I meant. I didn't say it'll stay all nice and powdery as it does at -10 C.

timppu: It is actually even worse because they always throw tons of salt on the roads here on winters, so the roads become "slushy" and dirty already at a bit under 0 C, like -4 C or so.
Salty water/ice is a different story, and yes that will melt a lot quicker.
Themken: I am keeping warm by frying Mrrshans.
You should get back to exterminating the Xenon, I haven't seen a log entry from you in a while now :P.
Post edited January 07, 2017 by WinterSnowfall
WinterSnowfall: You should get back to exterminating the Xenon, I haven't seen a log entry from you in a while now :P.
Sorry about that but due to health issues any games but turn based are off limits at the moment. At least I have the time now so when I get better again I will get down to 'plex building.
Themken: Sorry about that but due to health issues any games but turn based are off limits at the moment. At least I have the time now so when I get better again I will get down to 'plex building.
No worries, I was just teasing (and being a bit curious to see what you've been up to in the game, of course :). Get well soon!
tinyE: For the record, this thread is WAAAAAY MORE FUN than the Europe is burning flame war shit hole. :D
Not exactly a high set bar :D

Anyway, it's quite cold now, but I doubt we'll hit -20 C even at night, definately not during the day, and it's supposed to be back to just -4 in a couple of days, so I think we can call off the fimbulwinter alert :D
Post edited January 07, 2017 by Breja
Breja: so I think we can call off the fimbulwinter alert :D
I never said it was the start of a new ice age either :P. It should get better in 4-5 days overall regardless of where you live in Europe, but we're going to see blizzards and -14/-20 C temps around my parts for the next couple of days. In a week or so, it'll get back in the positives during the day.
Australia had the hottest summer on record 2016 and it will get worse.