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HypersomniacLive: My backyard (sort of).
That reminds me. I ought to take some pictures tomorrow morning. We've been getting an unusual amount of snow this season. Hell, at this point it looks like it may have surpassed the brief winter storm we had some 8 years ago, and that was only one occurrence. It's snowed here already four times or more (during my time visiting family for the holidays). Almost looked like the power was going to go out, too, a couple of hours ago. The forecast is for 4-8 inches for tonight and tomorrow, and that's a fucking lot for our region.

And since this city is ill-equipped for this kind of weather, pretty much everything's on standstill during these times. Looks like today's class was the only one I will have had by week's end of my first week of the winter term. Heh.
Post edited January 11, 2017 by mistermumbles
Urgh. Too warm. Now it is a few plus degrees, slightly raining, gray sky, snow is melting (slush) etc. Just the kind of winter I don't like.

On the plus side, I guess air is pretty clean now (as it is raining a bit), so people with asthma, rejoice!
Apparently, there are going to be heavy snowfalls in Belgium starting from Friday (and lasting until Monday). Seeing how the country mismanaged just some icy roads last week-end, I guess I'll better stay at home with some hot tea and books/games as just 1 centimeter of snow will probably put the whole country on its knees :o)
Post edited January 11, 2017 by catpower1980
This is starting to get stupid even where I live. :P

We have literally been in a solid whiteout for 48 strait hours now.
I'll admit to some slight jealousy looking at all the nice snow pictures from elsewhere in Europe.
Meanwhile, here in north-western Germany, we have +8C and rain. meh
A day after the snowfall started and there is noticeable amount of snow coverage in almost everything. It looks like it will be the last snowy night though, since tomorrow the weather will be fine and warmer (or so the meteorologists say). Currently it's -2ºC.
Time for show & tell! ;) Oh, I'm going to make my Mom so jealous when I'll e-mail her pictures later since they don't get snow where she lives. Notice the outdoor table. That's a nice heaping amount of snow. I'll definitely try to build a snowman in a little bit. It's been so long since I've done that. Man, I'm really giddy about this. :)
house.jpg (219 Kb)
backdoor.jpg (245 Kb)
Post edited January 11, 2017 by mistermumbles
And the snow came, at a most inopportune time. I just hope it won't be as bad tomorrow morning.
averaging 2 inches an hour now XD


Post edited January 11, 2017 by tinyE
tinyE: averaging 2 inches an hour now XD


Perfect for snow castles. :P
tinyE: averaging 2 inches an hour now XD


Looks familiar. I had to walk through (only a fair approximation of what this ad hoc winter Olympics event entailed) about 60m of that on my way to work this morning, until I got to a fairly circulated road where I could follow a tire track line almost all the way to the nearest subway station.

At least it's not hellishly cold any longer - there were about -8 C this morning with a -5 C high today which brings the temps back in the realms of borderline normality for this time of the year.
Vythonaut: tmp_rsz_tmp_2017.jpg

mistermumbles: [...] I'll definitely try to build a snowman in a little bit. [...]
Here you go!
Post edited January 11, 2017 by HypersomniacLive
Vythonaut: tmp_rsz_tmp_2017.jpg
HypersomniacLive: Gorgeous!

mistermumbles: [...] I'll definitely try to build a snowman in a little bit. [...]
HypersomniacLive: Here you go!
i see that snowman has 3 balls - is he somehow related to tinye who has only 1 ball?
Well, my try at building a snowman was quite the failure. The snow's just not sticking well enough for such, but I did have a nice walk around the neighborhoods for some two-and-a-half hours. :) If only this was a more common occurrence. I also measured the snow layer at 11.5 inches before I left. That's a lot for our city.
Post edited January 12, 2017 by mistermumbles
tinyE: averaging 2 inches an hour now XD


That is quite impressive! It made me think about an interesting theory though: What if this is only like 2 inches of snow and in real life you're a tiny (no pun intended) dwarf with a tiny house with a tiny fence and a tiny shovel etc?