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In my little corner of the world, half the country is already blocked under several inches of snow, most roads have been closed down, some flights canceled - forecasts show 2-3 days on non-stop blizzards.

Temperatures are expected to hit -20 C and that's in the "warm" south region I live in, and not taking into account any wind factor.

I hear Poland, Germany, Austria and other countries in Europe are even worse off.

How are you guys doing?
I'm in one of the warmest regions of Germany, winter has been very mild until now (global warming!), but temperatures have now fallen below 0° Celsius. Snow is predicted to fall next week, hopefully it won't be that much, I hate having to clear the sidewalk
low rated
i am from romania \ constanta and this morning wind was just crazy. i told my parents it's hurricane called Xaver - at least that's what i understood when i googled but my parents don't believe me! they say it's normal! when i look at weather sites in romania it say wind is about 50-60 kmph but by the sound it makes, i'd say wind must be even 100 kmph! it's just fucked up man... o.O and yes there's big snow here too
The Constanta and Tulcea counties are currently under code red for low temperatures and heavy blizzard/snowfall... and I hear it's going to get even worse tomorrow. I also hear most of the roads in those regions are closed down by now.

Hope you're well stocked up :).
Post edited January 06, 2017 by WinterSnowfall
70 inches or so in the past week or so here.

Running between 12-14 F.

WAIT. I'm not in Europe. :P
Post edited January 06, 2017 by tinyE
low rated
WinterSnowfall: The Constanta and Tulcea counties are currently under code red for low temperatures and heavy blizzard/snowfall... and I hear it's going to get even worse tomorrow. I also hear most of the roads in those regions are closed down by now.

Hope you're well stocked up :).
eh the cold is not a big problem as long as you're mother keeps my bed warm - what i fear is the wind! some years ago wind wasn't this strong and it still broke a solid concrete wall from a cemetery! i even saw the wall myself by coincidence when i went to buy clothes
tinyE: WAIT. I'm not in Europe. :P
No problem. All that share our polar-induced misfortune may join in :). I guess that also includes Canada and most of the Northern US states.
ciomalau: eh the cold is not a big problem as long as you're mother keeps my bed warm
Haha, I won't downvote you for being a jackass so you can quit being one :P. Yeah, the wind is going to get really bad. Stay indoors for a couple of days and keep warm, otherwise we may not have anyone haunting the forums cussing everyone anymore.
Post edited January 06, 2017 by WinterSnowfall
tinyE: WAIT. I'm not in Europe. :P
WinterSnowfall: No problem. All that share our polar-induced misfortune may join in :). I guess that also includes Canada and most of the Northern US states.
Thanks, :D Starting a separate thread for the Western Hemisphere would have been kind of overkill. :P
Here in Vienna it's been freezing cold for days, with ridiculous fucking storms (which made it feel even colder), but interestingly enough no snow.
it's -24 celsius here, nothing out of the ordinary.
The high here is currently forecast at 9 Fahrenheit. (Also in a colder part of the US.)
-12 C right now where I live in Poland. Finally a proper winter. Hopefullly it will last much longer.
Fesin: Here in Vienna it's been freezing cold for days, with ridiculous fucking storms (which made it feel even colder), but interestingly enough no snow.
We didn't have any snow either until yesterday, it wasn't even that cold to begin with - but now all the freezing hell is sweeping in. I think you'll get some snow too eventually, but not as much as we are :).
We are expecting temperatures as low as -5 celsius here in Athens in the weekend, which is extremely low and unusual.
KneeTheCap: it's -24 celsius here, nothing out of the ordinary.
Ok, but you're used to it and ready for it :). I'm not saying we shouldn't be too, but living in a country with a seasonal temperature variation between 45+ C and -25 C, cold and blizzards are just two of our many problems.
Post edited January 06, 2017 by WinterSnowfall