mecirt: Oh, absolutely, I can agree with that. The open borders thing went way too far. Fortunately it seems Merkel and co have realized this, too.
I think Merkel knew the implications, I can't imagine an executive board with proffesionals at the field of stadistism and foerigh policy that wouldn't have seen that comming, when the people on said board also control the principals of a country. I don't know about you but she is committing treason in my eyes like Simon Bolivar did my land.
Crosmando: Send all Sunni Muslims to the gas chamber.
WBGhiro: Dude this is what you said.
I won't even pull the #notallmuslims card on you, because I think Islam seriously needs some fucking reforms already, but even if we were at war with these people genocide is not a solution, and you're kind of fucked in the head if you unironically spout shit like that.
Said the guy who lives in Germany, I knew even in this kind of thread I could sense some humor.