Mnemon: Also don't forget that Islam is present in far more countries than just the Middle East. Albania and Azerbaijan (more than half the population indicates that religion doesn't play a major role in their life)
Since Godwin has already been invoked, more than half of 1940s Germany would indicate that they weren't in favor of concentration camps or blitzkrieging the rest of the world, and we all know where that led. As a very smart lady called Brigitte Gabriel once said,
the peaceful majority is irrelevant ( ). Especially when a radical minority manages to assert itself or use the majority as cover or leverage.
also Bosnia (though Saudia Arabia heavily sponsors a more radical version of Islam there lately)
Heh. Hedging your bets and exempting Bosnia from agency in one sentence. Nice.
Also note just as there's a quite large variety of Christian sub-divisions, so is the case with Muslims. Some of those Christian sub-divisions are far from progressive
You say "progressive" like it's the gold standard to evaluate religions and their impact on societies. That's a bit of a tone-deaf case you're making, when the main issue is one religion whose adherents are slaughtering each other as they have been doing for centuries, and now are slaughtering Westerners as well. In this day and age. Time and again. Chiefly because of the type of moral relativism and virtue-signalling equivalences you're espousing.
Gilozard: People who provide abortions get harassed DAILY. Being killed is an actual job risk for clinics in the southern states.
11 people have been killed in attacks on abortion clinics in the United States since 1993. Seven murders occurred in the 90s. People who say they will vote for Trump will also get harassed daily, occasionally assaulted, maybe even short at.
This isn't even a fat tail. It's an absolute statistical nothing that only makes you look silly when trying to draw some sort of comparison on any level, let alone attempt to draw some sort of equivalence between "right-wing fundies" and Islamic terrorism. Shame on you.
In the US, mass shooters are often doing it because they don't feel like they get enough recognition (especially true for men with low self esteem and mental issues, we need to do something about toxic masculinity and mental health care to really fix this).
I'm with you on mental health care, but toxic femininity is a much bigger issue for those young men.