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tinyE: Nothing to do with the time change, but just checking on something.

Am I the only one who prefers actual winter to summer? I know it's not that common but I can't be the ONLY one.
And mind you, I get 22 feet of snow every year. :P
You're not the only one. Summer is hell. I have health problems where heat and humidity aggravate them (also aggravating is how nearly everyone around me insists the weather is so "nice"). Winter is pure bliss. I wish it was winter year-round.
tinyE: Nothing to do with the time change, but just checking on something.

Am I the only one who prefers actual winter to summer? I know it's not that common but I can't be the ONLY one.
And mind you, I get 22 feet of snow every year. :P
rjbuffchix: You're not the only one. Summer is hell. I have health problems where heat and humidity aggravate them (also aggravating is how nearly everyone around me insists the weather is so "nice"). Winter is pure bliss. I wish it was winter year-round.
can I ask where in the states you live? I don't need an address :P just a region.
Waitaminute, didn`t they try this once before and it caused all kinds of chaos, so they changed it back? Well that was when Britain had its own sovereignty.

p.s. I don`t like the EU telling Britain what it can and can`t do though.
Post edited September 01, 2018 by Socratatus
rjbuffchix: You're not the only one. Summer is hell. I have health problems where heat and humidity aggravate them (also aggravating is how nearly everyone around me insists the weather is so "nice").
I always wonder why weathermen predict 'good weather' when 30+ Celsius is predicted. Anything 30+ Celsius is awful weather in my book and sends my mood plummeting down (if there's anything seasonal about my depressions, I have summer depression instead of winter depression). Mentally I feel at my best in winter. I wonder if it has anything with me being born in the middle of winter.
DubConqueror: Mentally I feel at my best in winter. I wonder if it has anything with me being born in the middle of winter.
Sometimes I think we share a brain, which I can only imagine is NOT GOING to help with your depression. :P

And yes, I too was born in the middle of winter.
DubConqueror: Mentally I feel at my best in winter. I wonder if it has anything with me being born in the middle of winter.
I'm a middle-of-summer kid, so I wouldn't attribute it to the season of birth.
SirPrimalform: I'd love to get rid of it, but knowing our current government and the sort of people they listen to, there'd just be more "the EU is trying to get rid of our BST! Rah rah rah tradition blah blah blah history bluh bluh bluh blue passports".
Socratatus: p.s. I don`t like the EU telling Britain what it can and can`t do though.
I found one! ;)

On topic... honestly couldn't give a shit. Changing the clocks is annoying but I clearly don't feel as strongly as most people...
As for Summer or Winter time I like it to be light till as late as possible, I hate the early nights in Winter, so whichever one gives us that.
Assuming Britain even does it, I honestly wouldn't be surprised given current predilections if they did the opposite of the EU out of spite...
tinyE: Sometimes I think we share a brain, which I can only imagine is NOT GOING to help with your depression. :P
It explains half-wittedness though :P
Post edited September 01, 2018 by DubConqueror
Tallima: See, this is what I don't get. Who cares what the label is? It makes sense to have a clock represent something we can agree upon. If 1pm or 12pm is when this sun is highest, that's fine.
timppu: Moving the clock forward so that one can leave work earlier is the wrong solution to the problem. The right solution would be to change the time that person (or everyone who so wishes) go to work, and leave work. So if earlier you went to work at 9 am and left 5 pm, you should go to work at 8 pm so that you can leave at 4 pm.

The reason I promote not moving the clock to "summertime" (even permanently) is because the idea of the sun being at its highest at 12 o'clock makes it easier to predict different things, like if you see the sun is rising at 7 am, it is easy to calculate that it will set at around 5 pm, and so on and so forth.

"So what if sun it at its highest at 1 pm instead?" Or 2pm? Or 4pm? Gee, maybe 9pm? There is a reason we have a clock, to easily predict and tell at which point of the day we are, even if we are not farmers. Moving it around for wrong reasons makes it harder to use it for that purpose.
I'm a fan of 12pm, but that's what got us into this mess of time zones. What if we had one time? What of 6am was 6am everywhere? Or we just called it 600? That's what they do in China and it works great. If I have a business meeting at 8pm, then it's 8pm. If I try to have a business meeting with someone in Florida, Indiana, Arizona, and Sweden, there are an insane number of facts I need to know. Has Florida legislation passed, what city in Arizona, what county in Indiana, does Sweden change clocks and when, and what month and day is it? And then I have to figure out which of all of things change their time.

There are technologies to help with this, but I'd rather have midnight be when the sun is at 45 degrees west than the insanity we are all using for time now.
adaliabooks: I found one! ;)
I knew they wouldn't let me down. :P
adaliabooks: Assuming Britain even does it, I honestly wouldn't be surprised given current predilections if they did the opposite of the EU out of spite...
This, unfortunately.
Post edited September 01, 2018 by SirPrimalform
You nailed it.
Tallima: I'm a fan of 12pm, but that's what got us into this mess of time zones. What if we had one time? What of 6am was 6am everywhere? Or we just called it 600? That's what they do in China and it works great. If I have a business meeting at 8pm, then it's 8pm.
I don't think one worldwide timezone would help with that at all. Even if 1pm is the same at the exact same time in New York and Beijing, you would still have to know what is the natural time difference between the cities, unless you really believed e.g. Beijing people only work at nights and sleep at noon.

If anything, a worldwide clock would make it even harder. If an American or European was calling or chatting with a Chinese, he could simply as "what time is it there right now?", or check the time difference online. With a worldwide timezone, he couldn't ask that anymore to get an idea what time of day it is there, but he would ask something silly like "is the sun still shining" or "are you supposed to be sleeping right now?".

No, I don't think one timezone would be a good idea. I find the Chinese way (merging five timezones into one) horrible. Chinese having one timezone is a similar political decision as Franco moving the Spanish timezone to the same one with nazi Germany (in which they are still today).
tinyE: I'm all for removing it over here too.
Me too. Just shift the clocks by 30 minutes and don't worry about it again.
tinyE: I'm all for removing it over here too.
paladin181: Me too. Just shift the clocks by 30 minutes and don't worry about it again.
One think I'd miss:

"I once made love for an hour and fifteen minutes, but it was the night the clocks are set ahead." -Garry Shandling
paladin181: Me too. Just shift the clocks by 30 minutes and don't worry about it again.
tinyE: One think I'd miss:

"I once made love for an hour and fifteen minutes, but it was the night the clocks are set ahead." -Garry Shandling
That reminds me of a stand-up comedy act I heard a LONG time ago:

"The other night, I was having sex with a model."

"It was going great...until the glue melted and the wings fell off."