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I agree with the general sentiment here that Marvel movies, and most Hollywood movies these days, are garbage.

In addition to Breja's point about watching older media, there are also plenty of modern but lesser-known movies out there that are worth watching. The mainstream movies and shows get shoved in our faces so much that people forget there are other options. The Youtube channel DUST has tons of scifi movies and short films, many of which are quite enjoyable despite their smaller budgets. Atropa is particularly good
low rated
Orkhepaj: these are good especially Expanse
Strijkbout: It's okay, the problem with The Expanse was that they had (good) material for maybe 1 and a half season, certainly not 4.
what series is as good or better lately?
Orkhepaj: these are good especially Expanse
Strijkbout: It's okay, the problem with The Expanse was that they had (good) material for maybe 1 and a half season, certainly not 4.
That's a bit weird, considering I thought seasons 2 & 3 were by far the best. It's only in season 5 I thought it started to run out of steam (haven't seen the last season yet).

Breja: I don't know why people are so fixated on watching only the newest stuff, even when they bemoan it's bad quality.
J Lo: It's like watching a sports season despite it being slow and uneventful. Even if you are not interested in it, it can fuel a conversation. I have a lot of difficulty communicating, and it helps sometimes.
I kinda get it (well, sort of, I never watch any sports), but really, is worth to watch hours and hours of a bad movies or shows just to fuel a conversation that will likely last 10 minutes before the topic changes? I mean, I love to talk about films and it's always fun for me when I have the opportunity, but in the end I decided if it's a choice between watching really good films for my own pleasure and forcing myself to watch crap in an effort to stay "current" with what others talk about, I'll take the former. Plus, it just annoys me how better, older stuff is overshadowed by crap that can only boast hype and number of tweets about it as its qualities, and I don't want to be part of that.
Post edited January 19, 2022 by Breja
Strijkbout: It's okay, the problem with The Expanse was that they had (good) material for maybe 1 and a half season, certainly not 4.
Breja: That's a bit weird, considering I thought seasons 2 & 3 were by far the best. It's only in season 5 I thought it started to run out of steam (haven't seen the last season yet).
I agree with you there that season 2 and 3 were the best, it's just that there are too many side stories that didn't need to be explored (like that Mars special forces angle was quite boring), also the crew of the Rocinante wasn't able to capture me (some lame white knight, the boring girl with her brainless sociopath stalker and some other guy). Sidecharacters like that black spacewarf commander and his (hot) CO were far more interesting.

All in all had they condensed the good stuff, they would have gotten 2 seasons out of it, the rest is trying to stay awake for me.
The funniest thing was that I didn't expected to see Vagabond from Wing Commander in there.
Strijkbout: It's okay, the problem with The Expanse was that they had (good) material for maybe 1 and a half season, certainly not 4.
Orkhepaj: what series is as good or better lately?
I can't help you there, I hardly ever watch movies lately, let alone series.
The expanse was actually the last I saw and that was over a year ago.
Post edited January 20, 2022 by Strijkbout
Abishia: like really 10 mins i watched till londen.


so you have those so called "celestial" just say angels
but what do my eyes see, humans and not only humans fat people asian people, even a fish beared white man.

my first thought Why the F*** are they even look like humans?.
second thought why the **** are they not looking perfect (they are perfect creatures)
third thought why the Blip blip do they use nano technolgy? the freaking story already said they first made a star!.
that means they need materials before the universe was even existing. that why magic comes in handy at least that even more logical then nano bullshit.
and the last if those called diviants come from from a other universe, a other galaxy thought those Celestials are the first to create so they create those diviants never mind it's a shit movie don't waste your time.

no wonder the movie flops i could not even take 10 mins of the movie
Yeah apparently eternals is complete shite said every single one of my marvel/dc fan friends.
Like I believe one set of words from their mouth was the new spiderman shat all over it; I couldn't stand how they kept chop ping and changing characters with little to no backstory.
Since we are drifting from the topic of the Eternals movie:

Anyone else feel Boba Fett looks an awful lot like The Mandalorian? (minus lil green)
Breja: I don't know why people are so fixated on watching only the newest stuff, even when they bemoan it's bad quality. In todays world everyone with Internet has easy access to tons of fantastic older (which at this point can mean anything from 90s to 30s) movies and shows, whether its on streaming or on DVD/BluRay. Literally decades worth of great movies and TV, but people act like things not on the front page of Netflix don't exist.
You still hope that there is something good, especially when people rave about certain shows.

Tokyo_Bunny_8990: I think this is part of the problem. And I don't mean it with any offence towards you personally. It's just that I hear something like that often, and I think it's part of why we get so much crappy TV these days - people got used to watching it "with one eye", paying it only a fraction of their attention, and that can only work with shows that are kinda dumb, slow, explain things 5 times and now they can get away with plot holes anyway.

If you tried to watch something like The Sandbaggers without giving it your full attention you'd be lost in 5 minutes. It's hands down one of the best, smartest TV series I know, but I feel like today's audience genuinely wouldn't know what to do with it.
No offense taken and yeah I do sit down and watch old stuff on Netflix. I guess a problem is I do not know old stuff that I missed (actually havent heard of the Sandbaggers so will check it out). One good one is Police Squad (need to pay attention to catch the jokes).
Abishia: [...]
so you have those so called "celestial" just say angels
but what do my eyes see, humans and not only humans fat people asian people, even a fish beared white man.
no no no no. celestials are not angels, far from it. yes, they are superhuman, but not angels. The clestials where created by Jack Kirby (all praise) in 1976. Kirby created a large lore and storyline around the celestials, which has since grown -
Post edited January 20, 2022 by amok
Tokyo_Bunny_8990: No offense taken and yeah I do sit down and watch old stuff on Netflix. I guess a problem is I do not know old stuff that I missed (actually havent heard of the Sandbaggers so will check it out). One good one is Police Squad (need to pay attention to catch the jokes).
Oh yes, Police Squad is great. I only recently learned about it - strangely enough the Naked Gun films are quite popular here, but the show never ever aired in Poland, so for the longest time I had no idea the movies were preceded by a short tv series.

So yes, finding out about the older stuff you might like is a bit of homework, though I actually greatly enjoy it. WIth a little patience you'll find tons of titles. I usually start with taking something I know and like, and then look through what else the director, writers etc. made. I've spent a lot of time on that, so if you ever feel like asking for a pointer to a particular kind of thing, like you're in the mood for a good classic show set in medieval times, or weird old-school sci-fi I'll gladly suggest some things.

Hell, I'll give you a free one - The Jericho Mile, a great, little known tv movie from 1979, the directorial debut of Michael Mann of The Heat fame. No idea if it will be of any interest for you, but I just love to share this kind of stuff :D
Post edited January 20, 2022 by Breja
With good writing it could have been OK, but the first problem for me is that it had far too many characters, fighting for space/relevance. For someone like me who didn't grow up with US comics, it's far too many.

The writing was not good either, but I would say that about all Marvel and DC movies. It didn't make much sense. Superpowers sure, but there still has to be an element of logic in what is happening. Things just seemed copy-pasted, like some art project.
The Marvel movies were enteratining enough at first, when their "fornula" of humor+big action was new, but it was still just superficial fluff that I haven't watched more than once.

Squad-based movies do require clever writing to make all the characters fit, like The Magnificent Seven, The Professionals, Seven Samurai, The Dirty Dozen, Ocean’s Eleven, the Lord of the Rings, and others. So there is a way to making it work.
Post edited January 22, 2022 by 72_hour_Richard
I knew this movie was going to suck. I won't bother seeing it even when it becomes free to watch.
When I saw the cast lineup it appeared to me that there was a conscious attempt to have an ethnically diverse cast as opposed to quality actors. That spells fail to me.
Also, Marvel has made an attempt to make recent superhero movies comical. That is a fail to me.
Their attempts at being funny contradict the essence of a superhero character who battles evil.
Not to mention how not funny and silly the attempts for comical relief are.

The new Spiderman movie also appears to be stupid. I realize Peter Parker is a young adult character but the attempts for comical relief, again fail terribly.

Just make a serious action superhero movie. Leave the comedy for comedies.
Breja: T
I recently watched two lengthy biopics, Gandhi and Wyatt Earp, and loved both of them - those are the kind of films that need damn lengthy run time, not the Marvel formula CGI beat'em up.
But have you watched Ghandi II? Whose trailer was featured in the acclaimed Weird Al Movie: UHF?
Jorev: Their attempts at being funny contradict the essence of a superhero character who battles evil.
You clearly have never read a Spiderman or Deadpool comic in your life as both are always cracking jokes.
Meh. Even if you liked comics once upon a time, good Marvel productions are few and far between, nowadays it's just boring, subpar chatter and action or particularly shitty political statements. Only Into the Spider-Verse was more or less decent, if still not without flaws.
Post edited January 23, 2022 by Chasmancer
Chasmancer: Meh. Even if you liked comics once upon a time, good Marvel productions are few and far between, nowadays it's just boring, subpar chatter and action or particularly shitty political statements. Only Into the Spider-Verse was more or less decent, if still not without flaws.
Just wanted to add into the spiderverse was Sony so separate from the MCU. Surprisingly decent movie.

I dont think superhero movies should be completely serious. That is where DC went wrong and the MCU was arguably successful because they were able to balance comedy and seriousness pretty well, keeping things light which allowed the serious moments to hit harder. The problem with the MCU is they reuse jokes when they arnt funny anymore and I think this is part of the MCU going on for too long.