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Western tunnel:

4 - sasuke12 - Strigon - Drow Necromancer
13 - paladin181 - Roosevelt - Human Paladin
20 - servobeupstry - Origi - Halfling Battlemage
25 - BenKii - BenKii - Human Warrior
38 - ZyloxDragon - Roy Jenks - Half-Orc Battemage
40 - Pouyou-pouyou - Gilius - Dwarven Druid
45 - phaolo - Loradan - Elven Mage
57 - ConsulCaesar - Siegfried - Human Paladin
58 - FlockeSchnee - Tanea - Halfling Shaman
63 - Genocide2099 - Fish - Half Orc Berserker
67 - Testor0 - Rufus - Human Cleric
68 - matterbandit - Peloquin - Dwarven Thief
76 - Lemon_Curry - Shins A'Hoy - Halfling Thief
74 - runnerex - Yeenwi - Drow Necromancer
Post edited October 08, 2019 by Doc0075
If you can repeat here your actions/ spell castings please. I will try to find them in the main thread but it is a bit of a mess over there and easy to miss stuff.
Post edited September 24, 2019 by Doc0075
The following start near the West tunnel - Strigon - Roosevelt - Says Beldarion - Catac1ysm - Origi - Roy Jenks - Misery - Gilius - Loradan - Siegfried - Kubajz - Rufus - Shins A'Hoy - Zazz - Fish - Yeenwi - BenKii - Og'rialt

I, Strigon, the Drow Necromancer cast upon me the death armor spell, and lines up behind Siegfried facing the dungeon in the West tunnel.
40 - Gilius - Dwarven Druid

I had cast a Stone Elemental to escort whoever goes in front of the party to scout for potential traps.
Meanwhile, I was behind the others,keeping an eye on what's behind us in the starting room.
This is the party formation I suggested to my party.

Shin A'hoy in front detecting traps
BenKii, Siegfried, and Roosevelt in the 2nd row to attack any baddies
and the mages Loradan, Rufus, and Tanea in the 3rd row to cast spells in the back protected by the warriors up front.

Question for our mages. Do any of you have any protective buffs you could cast on the first turn?
Loradan - Elven Mage
(see note beside my avatar)

At the start I cast protection spells and then I immediately followed Siegfried and BenKii to the west tunnel.
I joined their party and then Tanea and Shins reached us too.

Roy, Origi, Strigon, Roosevelt, Fish, Yeenwi entered the tunnel in some unspecified order, but most of them after Siegfried.
Other people changed their mind and went back to choose another way.

Rufus was probably the last one to leave the circular room.
Post edited September 24, 2019 by phaolo
Fish the Half-Orc Berserker

I slapped Roy's head for casting a web spell in the center chamber. I am currently in front of the party and staring at the darkness in front of me. My orc blood is itching for a fight.
BenKii: This is the party formation I suggested to my party.
(I haven't been able to consider your suggestion yet, due to the missing information about the other player's positions.
Such formation would be a problem for my mage, if some Drow or Orc were directly behind him.
Also now there's dust everywhere in the tunnel, so it would be difficult to just stop and make plans.
Doc should give us more details about the current situation.)
Post edited September 24, 2019 by phaolo
BenKii: This is the party formation I suggested to my party.
phaolo: (I haven't been able to consider your suggestion yet, due to the missing information about the other player's positions.
Such formation would be a problem for my mage, if some Drow or Orc were directly behind him.
Also now there's dust everywhere in the tunnel, so it would be difficult to just stop and make plans.
Doc should give us more details about the current situation.)
Hmm. You're right. Just in case, me or one of our paladin friends could fall back with the mages in the event one of the drows or orcs tries something.
Since my position depends on Shins's position I will quote what Lemon_Curry wrote:
"Well, since I'm at the start of the western tunnel – and I find the cacophony of voices quite soothing – I focus my attention on quietly searching the entrance for signs of what might lie ahead.

Shins A'Hoy, Halfling Thief"

58 - FlockeSchnee - Tanea - Halfling Shaman:
I'm near him, watching him/over him, if possible protecting him somehow from ... whatever. I haven't cast anything. I have my staff in hand, whatever good that might do in the presence of Drows.

For everyone: Doc wrote this last in the main thread:
As the dust clears in the tunnels and the various adventurers gather their senses, it becomes clear that there has been no cave-in. Each party prepares to check for traps and foes, weapons at the ready.
Post edited September 24, 2019 by FlockeSchnee
I, Queen Origi, halfling battlemage, do hereby proclaim: this tunnel is henceforth named "Origi's Tunnel" and is now my sole sovereign territory. First, I see some Drow have joined us, despite my explicit instructions. I am displeased, but recognize the particular skills may yet prove beneficial, therefore I will allow it. Drow, please ensure you keep your distance at all times. Second, I shall continue my relentless forward march, short sword+1 at the ready: I expect you all to protect your Queen with your lives! Oh, and I cast DETECT SECRETS!
Thanks, this was badly needed!

I just drew my sword and picked up the nearest torch to throw some light into the darkness.

I don't mind Half-Orcs or Drows following us (I won't judge the pureness or evilness of their hearts by their race), but keeping a distance could help us minimize maluses and potentiate bonuses for Drow proximity.
phaolo: (I haven't been able to consider your suggestion yet, due to the missing information about the other player's positions.
Such formation would be a problem for my mage, if some Drow or Orc were directly behind him.
Also now there's dust everywhere in the tunnel, so it would be difficult to just stop and make plans.
Doc should give us more details about the current situation.)
BenKii: Hmm. You're right. Just in case, me or one of our paladin friends could fall back with the mages in the event one of the drows or orcs tries something.
I will honor my promise to protect our mages with my life, in case someone tries something funny from behind. I have both cure/heal and a Turn Undead spell, so I think being in the middle is where I am more effective (someone with more formation experience please correct me if I'm wrong).
Post edited September 24, 2019 by ConsulCaesar
67 - Testor0 - Rufus - Human Cleric

Now that the tunnel is clear of dust, Rufus follows the group and prevents them :
"I'm last one entering this path."
Shield and Light-hammer in hands, he regurarly checks behind the group for any sneaky attack attempt.
Post edited September 24, 2019 by Testor0
servobeupstry: I, Queen Origi, halfling battlemage, do hereby proclaim: this tunnel is henceforth named "Origi's Tunnel" and is now my sole sovereign territory. First, I see some Drow have joined us, despite my explicit instructions. I am displeased, but recognize the particular skills may yet prove beneficial, therefore I will allow it. Drow, please ensure you keep your distance at all times. Second, I shall continue my relentless forward march, short sword+1 at the ready: I expect you all to protect your Queen with your lives! Oh, and I cast DETECT SECRETS!
M'lady. I don't believe we've been introduced I'm Captain BenKii of the USS.... umm.... I mean Captain of the Red Wings from.... the Kingdom of Baron. I noticed you were traveling alone and would like to make you an offer. If by chance you are attacked, I will defend you from any attackers. I only ask in return is that if you should find any thing that would be befitting of my warrior class, that you would consider allowing me to have it. Conversely, if I should find anything that matches your beauty, power, and elegance for a queen such as yourself then I shall gladly give what I can to make you a more powerful queen, your highness.
Western tunnel:

Wide, high and very dark the tunnel has a smell of wet fur. There are no doors currently visible.

4 - Strigon - Drow Necromancer casts Death Armour.

40 - Gilius - Dwarven Druid summons an 8 foot Stone Elemental and sends it to the front of the party.

45 - Loradan - Elven Mage casting Reflect Spells and Reflect Missiles.

20 - Origi - Halfling Battlemage casts Detect Secrets. The ceiling above the party that was previously too dark to see now glows red.

57 - Siegfried - Human Paladin throws a torch down the tunnel. It sheds little light.

76 - Shins A'Hoy - Halfling Thief starts checking for traps.

74 - Yeenwi - Drow Necromancer casts Death Armour.
Post edited September 26, 2019 by Doc0075