Current Situation:
Cassandra's Throne Room:
BenKii's phaser plan worked. Gertrude lies sprawled on her back, most of her right leg and part of her right arm missing. She is gazing up into the trees, covered in blood. Shins and the painting were carried away by Tanea's Ice Elemental towards the forest for protection. Tanea casts Dispel Magic at Cassandra but nothing happens. Cassandra whispers to Tanea "Now little one, it is time." It's all up to Tanea now to stab Gertrude with the Bone Dagger.
Current Actions Summary:
4 - sasuke12 - Strigon - Drow Necromancer -- (Protection from Acid, Death Armour, Levitate, Summoned Bone Knight )
I Strigon, drow necromancer, take cover behind the trees then I shoot magic missiles from my wand towards the witch, and then I control the undead to physically attack her as much as the undead can.
The undead shall attack the witch until Tanea comes close to the witch to stab her, then i shall order the undead to stop attacking the witch.
58 - FlockeSchnee - Tanea - Halfling Shaman -- ( Summoned Ice Elemental )
1. Tanea says a little prayer for whichever creature this bone belonged to and asks the spirits to help this one's spirit find rest, should it require help to find rest.
2. Then Tanea walks over to Gertrude from Gertrudes right side while praying to Yondalla in silence, asking her for guidance and for courage to protect the ones she came to hold dear in this unexpected journey just as they have been protecting her.
3. When Tanea gets within 3 feet of Gertrude she casts "Sleep" on her (twice if necessary), she hopes that her studies about biology and anatomy (from when her sister Sanna was very sick) can be of use in locating the Hags heart and stabbing it, which she will then do swiftly, but "gently".
EDIT: Tanea will try to stab Gertrude in the heart even if "Sleep" doesn't work. (It will just be more messy then "gentle" I guess, if successful at all.)
4. If Tanea doesn't wind up dead/transformed somehow and she can still act:
She says a prayer for the dead Hag and (just remembering the bones in the other Hags prison cell) also says a prayer for all those others who may have died within these walls, whoever they were, and asks the spirits to help those spirits find rest, should they (still) require help finding rest.
38 - ZyloxDragon - Roy Jenks - Half-Orc Battemage -- ( Protection from Elements, Magic Shield, Reflect Spells )
Something doesn't "feel" right.
Roy is going to glance around the room, at the painting, and up in the ceiling. If he doesn't notice anything, he's going to focus his attention on Cassandra.
Web or Fireball spell is readied to be cast.
25 - BenKii - BenKii - Human Warrior
Shield raised, I provide cover to Tanea walking just a few feet ahead of her. If the Hag tries to launch any spells toward Tanea, I will block it with my shield. I make sure to not be in the way of Tanea's "Sleep" spell. After Tanea casts "Sleep" but before she stabs the Hag with the dagger, I will attempt to decapitate the witch. Captain BenKii has seen enough 21st century horror movies to know you make sure the bad guy is always dead. I also keep an eye on Strigon's summoned Bone Knight. If Strigon loses control of his creature and the Bone Knight tries to attack either me or Tanea, I will strike the Bone Knight and put it down.
74 - runnerex - Yeenwi - Drow Necromancer -- ( Death Armour, Levitate )
While Yeenwi waits for Tanea to finish Gertrude off, he tries again to look for some of the valuable trinkets, mentioned by Cassandra. If he finds any, he inspects them carefully and takes them, if they don't seem dangerous.
Then, he casually shoots a magic bolt from his wand at one of the toadstools, but makes sure to hit it.
"Oops", he says, so that Cassandra can hear him. "A small wand misfire. They don't make them like they used to."
Haven't taken turn yet:
76 - Lemon_Curry - Shins A'Hoy - Halfling Thief
Post edited November 24, 2019 by BenKii