(In all reality: BenKii will never be able to do all that within 5 seconds. He will probably die in the blast, depending on how close to it he is and/or how big the blast is - if there will be one. We don't know what abilities the Hag has. Which also means, she could fling/reflect it back at BenKii/us.)
Tanea, Halfling Shaman (female)
BenKii peeks into the cauldron and doesn't seem to see anything suspicious. He lays Shins down on top of the "Bridge Painting", but nothing happens. If a fight happens while he is with us and still in that unresponsive state, he might die. I can't hide from the truth anymore. We all will probably die. We didn't beat one Hag, when the whole group was still together and now there are only five of us left plus Shins - against three Hags. I grow anxious.
I listen to BenKii and Strigon asking questions and Cassandra answering them. I want to believe, but ... She never really answered any of our important questions. And then there are all the new ones: Was that a trap/lock on Cassandra's door? She invited us to come. If she put it there, why didn't she "unlock" the door for us? Where are the other two Hags? Why is there a spell active keeping Cassandra in this place until "her sister" Gertrude is dead? What does this "squabble between siblings" have to do with any of us? And like Cassandra: I don't possess the skills or spells to take on such a powerful foe either. How am I supposed to do that?
Cassandra speaks to me in my head again: "It is time little one, we all have to make sacrifices for the greater good. Do you think Gertrude will spare you and your companions when she gets here? Or what about your new four legged friends by me?" When I automatically look at them upon hearing that, one lifts its head and twitches its whiskers at me.
I stare at the bone dagger again, still unsuccessfully trying to discern, what creature this bone belonged to, as Cassandra presses the handle of it into my palm. I'm horrified and automatically ask the spirits to help the spirit that belonged to this bone to find rest ... and the gods for forgiveness, although at this point I don't quite know what for. I didn't kill it. I didn't fashion its bone into a weapon either. Where did Cassandra get it? What did she get it for, if she is so good natured? To kill her sister? Was that before or after she ended up in this place? What is this greater good? Is she honest or treacherous?
Suddenly Cassandra straightens up. "She comes" is all she says and the rats try to find shelter somewhere between the trees.
Gertrude appears in a crash of thunder and out of a cloud of acrid black smoke into the middle of us. Cassandra, BenKii, Shins and me on one side of her, Roy, Strigon and Yeenwi on the other. I half expected to see the grey bloated belly of the Hag that took Roosevelt with her again, but this one is short and stocky, with a purple hue to her skin. I feel panic rising. We didn't have a chance with the other one when there were more of us and this one is even more powerful?! Through the panic I hear her say to Cassandra: "So 'sister' tis the day of reckoning for yous!" What did Cassandra do?! What does this have to do with any of us?! And with these thoughts Gertrude attacks ... Strigon. Cassandra parries with a spell of her own to protect him and gets slammed with a lightening bolt, sending her crashing back into a toadstool. Why are there five toadstools in here, when she was all alone for 500 years? I can't help this stray thought from coming up, neither the desperate although silent prayer to Yondalla ... and ... Dallah Thaun. I need both of you now. Please ... Forgive me.
Tanea, Halfling Shaman (female)
58 - FlockeSchnee - Tanea - Halfling Shaman
1. Tanea casts "Dispel Magic" on Gertrude.
2. Tanea keeps the bone dagger in one hand and with the other pulls out one of her Healing potions while hurrying over to Cassandra. She casts "Dispel Magic" on her once she gets into striking range of the dagger.
A) Should the spell _not_ reveal Cassandra to be a Hag:
3. Tanea gives Cassandra the healing potion just in case she might need it and helps her to get behind cover if needed.
4. Tanea casts "Ice Elemental" near Shins und tells him to pick Shins up and hurry in the opposite direction of the Hag between/behind the tress and show her pictures from what he sees there.
5. If she can still act: If BenKii told Tanea to relay information to Cassandra, she will do so.
B) Should the spell reveal Cassandra to be a Hag:
3. Tanea tries to kill her with the bone dagger, using the healing potion as a distraction if possible/needed. Maybe go for the throat to prevent Cassandra from using spells, if possible.
4. If she can still act:
a) If Cassandra dies: Tanea summons "Ice Elemental" near her in a big enough free spot, hands Cassandra's oak staff to the Ice Elemental and tells it to hurry into the trees/woods/forest in the opposite direction from the Hag and stay away from the Hag, until told otherwise.
b) If Cassandra survives: Tanea tries to survive too (so maybe she can try harder next dice roll?) --------------------
Starting equipment (Staff, 2x Heal potion).
19 spell casts available; 1 spell cast used, 18 remaining; new equipment: bone dagger