(57 - ConsulCaesar - Siegfried - Human Paladin
45 - phaolo - Loradan - Elven Mage
68 - matterbandit - Peloquin - Dwarven Thief
67 - Testor0 - Rufus - Human Cleric
40 - Pouyou-pouyou - Gilius - Dwarven Druid
63 - Genocide2099 - Fish - Half Orc Berserker
Farewell and good luck to you all. Maybe we will meet again later.
(I didn't ask for a change of my spells. All of them are relevant to the roleplaying part in one way or another.
Tanea can't detect anything. The only useful spell in that regard from the pool she could pick from would have been Detect Magic. For some reason Dispel Magic seemed more important.
Also: Are we allowed to drag Shins along? Lemon_Curry seems to have left the game -voluntarily or involuntarily-. I was planning on "writing him out of Tanea's story" because he will probably not return and it's weird for Tanea to just forget about him for the rest of the game - however short/long it may be.)
(Tanea will most likely cast "Protection From Elements" on everyone)
(Is it weird, that I still hope we might meet a dragon? Maybe behind that door? Preferably a friendly one of course.
But ... usually there are some kind of boss fights somewhere ... and the Hag went to fight somewhere/someone else. So ...)
(Tanea will definitely ask the voice a few more questions.
Of course the answers will probably be very vague again. Or they might be outright lies. But still. Maybe it will help somehow?
I just realized: What if the voice came out of the painting (not from behind the door at the end of the tunnel, as I have thought until just know)? If it's on Tanea's arm now, could it even answer still? Well, ... I guess we'll have to wait and see.)
Tanea says sheepishly: "Well, my test didn't work out so well. The painting went into me .. not the other way around. I'm sorry. Ehm ... So, Roy, do you want to try your test with the "Bridge Painting"? Or should we try to get to the door at the end of the tunnel first? Maybe we will get answers there?"
(Or maybe we will just die. - Do we even have anyone left, capable of detecting dangerous things before they kill us?)