** TURN 7 **
Western tunnel:
When you post, then alter your original post to react to an action that someone posted afterwards it can make things difficult for me to follow.
Now several people have posted conflicting actions. Where this happens I will roll the dice to see which action takes precedent. This in turn can result in some actions by others getting canceled.
25 - BenKii - Human Warrior considers throwing either his torch or shield at the ward to try to activate it but stops as Loradan dispels it for him.
40 - Gilius - Dwarven Druid commands his Stone Elemental to return and stand near the warded door. He takes a quick glance in the left room. There are three paintings, one on each wall not including the wall with the door. You are not sure but you think that you saw movement in one of the paintings.
45 - Loradan - Elven Mage recasts his two protection spells upon himself. *Rolls dice* You decide to dispel the ward rather than wait for others actions. Loradan casts Dispel Ward *rolls dice* successfully.
13 - Roosevelt - Human Paladin rejoins the party by the doors and faces the now unwarded right door with BenKii.
40 - Gilius - Dwarven Druid quietly suggests to Shins, Peloquin and Loradan about placing a trap in front of the right door.
67 - Rufus - Human Cleric moves out of BenKii's way then lights his torch. He looks in the left room and see three paintings on the walls. There appears to be movement in the paintings. He also notices muddy paw prints on the floor.
He looks further up the tunnel *rolls dice* but sees nothing of note.
His Holy Guardian returns to his side.
57 - Siegfried - Human Paladin draws his sword, ready for action.
63 - Fish - Half Orc Berserker stands by the left door shaking his head at the fools around him. He tells Roy Jenks to be ready.
58 - Tanea - Halfling Shaman positions herself in the middle of the tunnel at equal distance from either door but 6 feet further down the tunnel. She keeps defensive spells ready on her lips. She also keeps an ear out in case who furry friends return in a not so friendly mood.
68 - Peloquin - Dwarven Thief moves beside Rufus and under his Globe of Protection. You examine the entrance to the left room and can see paw prints leading out through the door. *rolls dice* The prints are for rats but dog sized, so you now know where Tanea's friends came from. You tell Rufus you are ready to check the room for traps if he will protect you from and magical monsters.
74 - Yeenwi - Drow Necromancer casts Death Armour upon himself. He levitates to halfway between the tunnels floor and ceiling, near BenKii and now Roosevelt. He casts summon Undead *rolls dice* two Ghasts rise from the ground.
*rolls dice* Yeenwi has to mentally prevent the ghasts from attacking his companions.
He orders one to try to kick BenKii into the now unwarded and hopefully through it. *rolls dice* BenKii is alive to the action and nimbly side steps the Ghast. *rolls dice* The Ghast tries to bite BenKii as it goes past, such is its nature, but misses.
*Ghasts are similar to their cousins Ghouls only far more deadly and cunning. They have a paralytic touch that is especially effective against Elves.*
57 - Siegfried - Human Paladin orders Yeenwi to 'stay his hand, that you are on the same side'. He then moves, silver sword ready, to confront the Ghasts should either make a move against his companions again.
74 - Yeenwi - Drow Necromancer stands by his actions, saying that he is merely trying to defend the group from one fools actions.
4 - Strigon - Drow Necromancer positions himself behind the two half orcs while staying clear of the left door. He is levitating a foot of the ground, crossbow ready. He is also keeping an eye out for the return of the rats.
38 - Roy Jenks - Half-Orc Battemage laughs, casts Magic Shield upon himself and walks brazenly into the left room. there are muddy paw prints leading from the right wall to the door. He looks around *rolls dice* there are three paintings, one in front of you, one on the left wall and one on the right wall. You see movement in the paintings.
The left painting shows a desolate mountain pass, a rope bridge swaying gently in the wind.
The painting ahead shows barren red rocky ground. Large bones from some long dead beast protrude out of the rock. You can see some winged creature flying far in the distance. It starts to get closer but it is still too small for you to see what it is.
The right painting shows several trees and long swaying grass.
58 - Tanea - Halfling Shaman casts Protection from Elements on Roy Jenks as he enters the room.
*rolls dice*
25 - BenKii tries to calm the group suggesting *BOOM* the right door explodes outwards! *rolls dice* BenKii and Roosevelt are sent flying away to land stunned on the ground.
In the doors place stands a Hag, a Witch of great power. She is completely naked with a large bloated belly, saggy grey skin, a mouth full of long sharp teeth that is currently grinning at you all. Her gums are black and she has hands with talons as sharp and strong as steel on the end of long, gangly arms.
Two beady, red eyes regards the group with undisguised hatred.
"My, what a bounty you will provide for me sisters and meself!" Specks of drool flying from her mouth with every word.
*rolls dice*
The Ghast that attempted to attack BenKii advances on the Hag.
My update post that I just spent well over an hour putting together has just vanished.
Post edited October 13, 2019 by Doc0075