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FlockeSchnee: ('m confused. Why are all of you thinking Tanea is taking all of them with her?)
BenKii: (I guess I just assumed you did. If you didn't and left some with us, won't you lose control of them because of how far away you get from them? Won't the ones you leave behind now want to chomp on our behinds? :-O )
(No worries there.
I just realized, that I don't know what happens, should Tanea die though ... I really should have thought of that before I made my move.
Now I can only send silent prayers to the Dice Gods, so they might be kind and let her get away, just severely wounded. Tanea has heal, so if she would still be concious she could heal herself up. After all, we don't know how the dice rolls of Siegfried, Roosevelt, the Stone Elemental and the Holy Guardian against the nightmares will turn out.)
Post edited October 08, 2019 by FlockeSchnee
I Strigon, staying ever vigilant and watching both sides for danger.
** TURN 5 **

Western tunnel:

40 - Gilius, Dwarven druid orders his Elemental to grab the Nightmare it had pummeled earlier which it does, holding the struggling creature firm to its chest. The Elemental moves across towards Siegfried.

He welcomes Rufus back to the land of the living before asking "which door we should try first?"

58 - Tanea - Halfling Shaman "I'm Tanea. We didn't have the opportunity to introduce ourselves yet," the Halfling says shyly.
Standing near Shin's, warily watching the Half Orcs 'Web' and 'Cruel', Tanea feels an all-consuming dread and panic..

She stops, the colour draining from her face and says to those near her "I sense a great power awakening".
Tanea casts Summon Ice Elemental and tells it to stay near Shin's and protect him, while being careful not to squish any companions that are nearby.
She nimbly climbs onto the back of the nearest rat, which shows no objection, then guides the rat back down the tunnel safely past the acid trap, the other rats following in a line behind.
*rolls dice*
She rides closely behind the two Nightmares thwacking both in quick succession with her staff. *rolls dice* She does no damage but the two Nightmares don't know which way to turn as a line of dog-sized rats go speeding past them.

58 - Tanea - Halfling Shaman earns the achievement *The Heart Of A Lion*

63 - Fish - Half Orc Berserker threatens to eat the rats should Tanea lose control of them.

25 - BenKii - Human Warrior attempts to rally his companions against the remaining Nightmares.

13 - Roosevelt - Human Paladin rushes to the aid of Siegfried, you cast Heal *rolls dice* successfully healing his arm.
*rolls dice* The Nightmares do not notice your arrival, distracted as they are by the rats and Elemental.
*rolls dice* you attack the already injured Nightmare and slay it with your silver-lined Flail.

57 - Siegfried - Human Paladin retrieves his sword. He attacks the remaining Nightmare facing him *rolls dice* he scores a critical hit *rolls dice* in its dying throws the Nightmare lashes out, sending Siegfried crashing into the wall.
*rolls dice* Siegfried hits his head against the wall with a sickening thud and slides down, unconscious.

25 - BenKii - Human Warrior moves to the left door, shield raised, and opens it.

63 - Fish - Half Orc Berserker follows Benkii to the left door, asking his fellow Greenskin to cover him.

38 - Roy Jenks - Half-Orc Battemage grins before casting Magic Shield on Fish. He moves to the left door with crossbow at the ready.

*There is a light knocking coming from the warded door on the right. You hear a panicked, feminine voice "is someone out there? Please don't leave me here to die!". The voice breaks into sobbing.*

68 - Peloquin - Dwarven Thief moves stealthily up the tunnel, sticking to the shadows. You introduce yourself to your new companions, telling them of what you saw in the central chamber.

67 - Rufus - Human Cleric retrieves his hammer and equipment. You drink a healing potion, feeling your strength return.
Rufus summons a Holy Guardian sending it back down the tunnel where one Nightmare remains in the grip of an Elemental.

45 - Loradan - Elven Mage while wondering about what has gone on in the central chamber and hearing the story from the newly arrived Dwarf thief, Loradan keeps a spell of Levitation on his lips.

4 - Strigon - Drow Necromancer stays vigilant, watching both sides of the tunnel for trouble.
Post edited October 08, 2019 by Doc0075
*Roosevelt roars triumphantly and advances forward to the final Nightmare, brandishing his flail at it. As the Nightmare is pinned, it should be an easy mark, and he swings to destroy it so we can move on from these beasties, finally. he blasts it away with his holy weapon*

"Begone, foul spirit!!!! Tanea! See to Siegfried!. He's been injured by these nasty spirits!"


Roosevelt, Human Paladin
Silver infused Morningstar Flail ++ATTACKING NIGHTMARE++
Full plate armor
Large One handed Tower shield
-2 Healing spells -1 USED
-1 protection from Evil -USED
Post edited October 08, 2019 by paladin181
zzzzzzzzzzzz *snores* zzzzzzzzz

Siegfried the Human Paladin
Doc0075: ** TURN 5 **

Western tunnel:
25 - BenKii - Human Warrior moves to the left door, shield raised, and opens it.
(Umm, do we get a description of what's inside the left door? I can't do anything if I don't know what's inside.)
phaolo: .....
Loradan, did you hear that? There's someone calling for help behind the warded door. Quick! Dispel the ward on the door! She might be in danger!
BenKii: Loradan, did you hear that? There's someone calling for help behind the warded door. Quick! Dispel the ward on the door! She might be in danger!
Loradan turned towards BenKii, with a similar surprised face.
"I heard that.. a prisoner? Or a trap?
After you've finished exploring that room, I'll remove the ward. But be on your guard."
BenKii: Loradan, did you hear that? There's someone calling for help behind the warded door. Quick! Dispel the ward on the door! She might be in danger!
Wow, hold on lad ! We don't know anything about the who behind that trapped door ! It might very well be for a reason that this door is magically warded. Maybe what's behind should not be released in our interest.

First we should check the room behind the other door. Then, if it's clear, maybe we can consider removing the ward, not before.
If it's a poor soul who's been trapped inside for ages, surely she can wait a few minutes more ?

Gilius tries to focus on the tunnel further ahead, looking for anything particular or suspect (a noise, a movement, a smell, whatever) that could be coming from there.

Meanwhile, the stone elemental simply holds the nightmare and shows it to anyone willing to strike it.
Post edited October 09, 2019 by Pouyou-pouyou
Our number one priority should be rescuing Siegfried and bringing him away from nightmare's body.
Our number two priority should be dealing with the dog sized rats since the further they go, the less control we have over them. Once the mind control is lost, they can come running back at us.

The "lady" or whatever behind the locked door can wait.
Post edited October 09, 2019 by sasuke12
BenKii: Loradan, did you hear that? There's someone calling for help behind the warded door. Quick! Dispel the ward on the door! She might be in danger!
phaolo: Loradan turned towards BenKii, with a similar surprised face.
"I heard that.. a prisoner? Or a trap?
After you've finished exploring that room, I'll remove the ward. But be on your guard."
Whoever is behind that door may not have that kind of time. Let Shins or Peloquin scout out the left room for traps.

I'm fully aware that it might be a trap, in fact, it almost certainly is a trap, but I can't take the off chance that it is a real person in danger. It goes against my principles as a Starf-.... I mean a uhh.... Honorable Warrior. I'll accept full responsibility if things go sideways and I'm prepared if it's a trap, now please, dispel the door.
sasuke12: Our number two priority should be dealing with the dog sized rats since the further they go, the less control we have over them. Once the mind control is lost, they can come running back at us.
About the rats, I would add: "Where did they come from? Did they magically appear?"
(Seeing that Doc posted Turn 5 a mere 7 hours ago, I'm gonna take a moment to reflect on my next plan of action. As is, too much is happening too hastily...)

(On the one hand, there's a handful who are eager to barge into the left room. Am I the only one wondering where did these Giant Rats come from? Certainly not from the right room, where there's a magic ward protecting whatever is inside from these Rats & Nightmares.)

(On the other hand, if we deactivate that right door and it turns out to be a friendly being, there are still some Nightmares on the loose! And possibly some soon-to-snap-out-of-their-trance Giant Rats too! We risk endangering whoever is inside. Or... there might be a new enemy behind the right door + a new enemy behind the left door, and we will all find ourselves in the middle of a shit sandwich pretty fast. LOL! Should we not kill every enemy in sight before attempting to enter either room?)

(And there's a Human Paladin in need of rescue.)

(So much to consider. I need to really think this out before I act again... What do you guys/gals think about all this?)
Post edited October 09, 2019 by matterbandit
matterbandit: Should we not kill every enemy in sight before attempting to enter either room?)
(Just a quick recap of the enemies that remain.)

1x Nightmare in the grasp of a stone elemental (Roosevelt is already on his way to dispatch it)
8x Giant Rats under the control of Tanea (Friendly for now but might become our enemies once the spell wears off)

(Besides that we don't know what is inside the left room that has just been opened and we don't know whether the person in the right room is friend or foe.)

(End of Enemy Recap.)
matterbandit: Should we not kill every enemy in sight before attempting to enter either room?)
BenKii: (Just a quick recap of the enemies that remain.)

1x Nightmare in the grasp of a stone elemental (Roosevelt is already on his way to dispatch it)
8x Giant Rats under the control of Tanea (Friendly for now but might become our enemies once the spell wears off)

(Besides that we don't know what is inside the left room that has just been opened and we don't know whether the person in the right room is friend or foe.)

(End of Enemy Recap.)
Ok, thanks for putting the enemy situation into perspective. This will greatly help me decide on my next plan of action. ;)