Current Action Summary:
40 - Pouyou-pouyou - Gilius - Dwarven Druid
I order my stone elemental to grab and hold the nightmare it just attacked, and to move toward Siegfried so that he can strike him easily.
In case one of the remaining nightmares gets close to the elemental, I'll have it to try to hold it too, one in each arm, so that Siegfried can attack them as easily as possible. And if Siegfried doesn't attack them, the elemental will simply crush them one against the other repeatedly.
"Good to have you back, lad ! We still need you !" says Gilius to Rufus. If Rufus is still badly hurt, I'll give him a healing potion. And if it is not enough to be in good condition overall, I cast Heal on him too.
Then I ask the others : "Which door should we try first ? And how can we dispel the ward ? Anyone has any idea ?"
Does the tunnel continue past the doors or does it stop ?
63 - Genocide2099 - Fish - Half Orc Berserker
I vote for the door on the right. Can anyone dispell the ward? If no one can, I'll grab one of the giant rats and throw it at the ward to see what happens.
I'm really concerned about the little shaman losing control of those vermin. What if you lose control of them while we are facing a monstrous threat? We better use them while we can. Sacrifice them if need be. Whether you agree with me or not little shaman, I'll hack those rats myself if I see any hint of trouble from them. Giant rats do make a fine meal.
58 - FlockeSchnee - Tanea - Halfling Shaman
Then Tanea turns to those near her and says "I sense a great power awakening".
And with that, she uses all her "charm" to get onto the back of the nearest rat, hold on to it's fur between it's shoulder blades with one hand (and her legs pressed to it's sides, but not too strongly as to not hinder it), holding her staff with the other (sideways a little up in the air so she doesn't hit the rat with it), (chat send) and then directs the rat savely past the acid trap down a path, where she doesn't hinder (and also doesn't hit with her staff) Roosevelt (heading there too), the Stone Elemental, Peloquin and Siegfried. She will hopefully be able to ride behind those two nightmares, that are with Siegfried. There she (chat send) tries to distract those two nightmares by riding past their backs while raking her staff across whatever bodypart she might be able to reach, while staying vigilant to avoid herself or the rat getting hit by the nightmares. She will try to deflect blows (to the rat and herself) with her staff, if possible.
13 - paladin181 - Roosevelt - Human Paladin
57 - ConsulCaesar - Siegfried - Human Paladin
If by the time it's my turn to attack nobody else has healed my arm, I use Heal on myself. I pick up my silver sword from the ground and attack the nightmares, assuming they are still there. Else, just run far down the tunnel with the group.
45 - phaolo - Loradan - Elven Mage
"I can dispel it (the right door), but please wait or check the other room for enemies, first.
We still have 3 Nightmares on the loose and a magically-sealed door is a safe door."
25 - BenKii - BenKii - Human Warrior
I move to open the left door with my shield ready to deflect anything that should attack me and my sword ready to slay any hostile force inside. If Loradan decides to remove the magic ward on the right door then I will instead open the right door after the ward has been removed -- sword and shield ready.
Haven't taken turn yet:
76 - Lemon_Curry - Shins A'Hoy - Halfling Thief
67 - Testor0 - Rufus - Human Cleric
4 - sasuke12 - Strigon - Drow Necromancer
38 - ZyloxDragon - Roy Jenks - Half-Orc Battemage
74 - runnerex - Yeenwi - Drow Necromancer
68 - matterbandit - Peloquin - Dwarven Thief