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phaolo: ( Ah, are you using scrolls for such spells? Then retreat ASAP!
It seems that Rufus already healed Gilius btw. )
Doc just said that I had those spells, no mention of scrolls.

I never officially posted my actions (I will edit this time if they change):

If by the time it's my turn to attack nobody else has healed my arm, I use Heal on myself. I pick up my silver sword from the ground and attack the nightmares, assuming they are still there. Else, just run far down the tunnel with the group.

Siegfried the Human Paladin
Post edited October 07, 2019 by ConsulCaesar
ConsulCaesar: If by the time it's my turn to attack nobody else has healed my arm, I use Heal on myself. I pick up my silver sword from the ground and attack the nightmares, assuming they are still there. Else, just run far down the tunnel with the group.
Siegfried the Human Paladin
Roosevelt is already on it, otherwise I would have done it.
FlockeSchnee: Roosevelt is already on it, otherwise I would have done it.
Let's just keep the ifs in case there is another round of catastrophic dice rolls... ;)
FlockeSchnee: Roosevelt is already on it, otherwise I would have done it.
ConsulCaesar: Let's just keep the ifs in case there is another round of catastrophic dice rolls... ;)
OK. :-) Although I suspect the Drows may have been too close that time. They are away from you now.
I'm sending distraction ... I hope. Hang in there.

I finally changed my actions from post 222.
Post edited October 07, 2019 by FlockeSchnee
Whoa, that is incredibly courageous, Tanea, riding towards those nightmares to save Siegfried.

Hey Fish! I don't think you're going to be able to throw one of those rats at the door now. Tanea just took off with all of them to go save our Paladin friend.
Captain's Log Stardate 73231.9
Just when we thought we had lost our good friend, Rufus, to the deadly spiked contraption, A druid named Gilius revived him through a method that could only be described as "magic". At least that is what it appeared to be. The rules within this labyrinth defy logic and the laws of physics. Possibly the one who brought us here changed the laws of the universe to be more like this "game" he wishes us to play in. I should thank our omnipotent captor for Rufus's revival but then again he or rather "it" was the one responsible for us being here in the first place. Regardless, he is alive and I am grateful to have our companion back.

Looking toward the Nightmare creatures, it now appears that our Paladin decided to face the undead creatures alone. He is hurt and in danger of dying if we do not act to save his life. I call on those that can hurt the supernatural beings to help Siegfried. I pray they can save him in time.

Meanwhile, there are two doors before me. I need to determine which to enter for one or both could certainly lead to our doom.

Careful to avoid the rats, I move to open the left door with my shield ready to deflect anything that should attack me and my sword ready to slay any hostile force inside.
Post edited October 08, 2019 by BenKii
Current Action Summary:

40 - Pouyou-pouyou - Gilius - Dwarven Druid
I order my stone elemental to grab and hold the nightmare it just attacked, and to move toward Siegfried so that he can strike him easily.
In case one of the remaining nightmares gets close to the elemental, I'll have it to try to hold it too, one in each arm, so that Siegfried can attack them as easily as possible. And if Siegfried doesn't attack them, the elemental will simply crush them one against the other repeatedly.
"Good to have you back, lad ! We still need you !" says Gilius to Rufus. If Rufus is still badly hurt, I'll give him a healing potion. And if it is not enough to be in good condition overall, I cast Heal on him too.
Then I ask the others : "Which door should we try first ? And how can we dispel the ward ? Anyone has any idea ?"
Does the tunnel continue past the doors or does it stop ?

63 - Genocide2099 - Fish - Half Orc Berserker
I vote for the door on the right. Can anyone dispell the ward? If no one can, I'll grab one of the giant rats and throw it at the ward to see what happens.
I'm really concerned about the little shaman losing control of those vermin. What if you lose control of them while we are facing a monstrous threat? We better use them while we can. Sacrifice them if need be. Whether you agree with me or not little shaman, I'll hack those rats myself if I see any hint of trouble from them. Giant rats do make a fine meal.

58 - FlockeSchnee - Tanea - Halfling Shaman
Then Tanea turns to those near her and says "I sense a great power awakening".
And with that, she uses all her "charm" to get onto the back of the nearest rat, hold on to it's fur between it's shoulder blades with one hand (and her legs pressed to it's sides, but not too strongly as to not hinder it), holding her staff with the other (sideways a little up in the air so she doesn't hit the rat with it), (chat send) and then directs the rat savely past the acid trap down a path, where she doesn't hinder (and also doesn't hit with her staff) Roosevelt (heading there too), the Stone Elemental, Peloquin and Siegfried. She will hopefully be able to ride behind those two nightmares, that are with Siegfried. There she (chat send) tries to distract those two nightmares by riding past their backs while raking her staff across whatever bodypart she might be able to reach, while staying vigilant to avoid herself or the rat getting hit by the nightmares. She will try to deflect blows (to the rat and herself) with her staff, if possible.

13 - paladin181 - Roosevelt - Human Paladin

57 - ConsulCaesar - Siegfried - Human Paladin
If by the time it's my turn to attack nobody else has healed my arm, I use Heal on myself. I pick up my silver sword from the ground and attack the nightmares, assuming they are still there. Else, just run far down the tunnel with the group.

45 - phaolo - Loradan - Elven Mage
"I can dispel it (the right door), but please wait or check the other room for enemies, first.
We still have 3 Nightmares on the loose and a magically-sealed door is a safe door."

25 - BenKii - BenKii - Human Warrior
I move to open the left door with my shield ready to deflect anything that should attack me and my sword ready to slay any hostile force inside. If Loradan decides to remove the magic ward on the right door then I will instead open the right door after the ward has been removed -- sword and shield ready.

Haven't taken turn yet:

76 - Lemon_Curry - Shins A'Hoy - Halfling Thief
67 - Testor0 - Rufus - Human Cleric
4 - sasuke12 - Strigon - Drow Necromancer
38 - ZyloxDragon - Roy Jenks - Half-Orc Battemage
74 - runnerex - Yeenwi - Drow Necromancer
68 - matterbandit - Peloquin - Dwarven Thief
Fish the Half-Orc Berserker

I warned you about those rats! If they turn on you, you're on your own. I'll go with the human warrior BenKii to open the left door. Ready to strike down any hostile creatures that might be in that room. Cover me Roy! I prefer a half-orc watching my back. I hate those rats!
Roy gives a toothy grin to Fish, and casts a Magic Shield on his fellow half-orc. He gets in behind the two getting ready to head thru the left door. Then readies his crossbow.
[68 - Peloquin - Dwarven Thief]

At the side of the tunnel, from within the shadows, I witnessed the Human Paladin (Siegfried) heal his dislocated arm and pick up his silver sword again. He'd been brutally struck by one of the Nightmares and in the heat of the battle, the other Nightmare was jolted out of the Drow Necromancer's (Yeenwi) spell. I noticed a Stone Elemental now approaching the Human Paladin (Siegfried). Will it attempt to crush those two Nightmares? Now I see another joining the battle too, ...a second Human Paladin (Roosevelt) offering his fighting force to his fellow mate. Surely, the Nightmares stand little chance against such mighty souls!

Not a word have I said to anyone since my arrival. To be fair, I did arrive in this tunnel right at heat of battle. And to speak now would simply blow my cover from the shadows. Why attract the enemies? Though many admire my dwarven stockiness and strength, most have frowned upon my thieven ways: a fleer of battles, I have been called. A coward! ...But I prefer better odds and stand no chance against such supernatural creatures. Time for me to join the others ahead!

With my lucky dagger in hand, I stealthfully move along the side of the tunnel to join the others ahead. I am careful to avoid the re-activated acid trap. I observe in complete awe, this procession passing me by, lead by a Halfling Shaman (Tanea) mounted on a Giant Rat like a godess, directing her army of tamed furry soldiers towards the battle of the two Nightmares now behind me. I press forward, stealthfully, careful not to be noticed by a Nightmare that appears to have been pummeled into the adjacent wall! Ahead of me, I reach a handful of souls tending to a Human Cleric (Rufus), who I figured was the one I heard screaming "Arrrrreggggghhh..." earlier. He is standing, wearily, not far from a trap with bloodied spikes. His body is littered with holes! Has he been ressurrected?!

I break my silence to the handful of faces around me: "My name's Peloquin. I am good at disarming traps."
Bad at small talk, I awkwardly add: "I saw what crawled out of that grate in the chamber, way back behind us. It was a Giant Centipede, armed with a sword at every limb. All I know for certain, is that it did not follow me into this tunnel. I pray that it never does."

High constitution. Leather armour.
1 x cure poison potion. 1 x heal potion.
Lockpicks. Trap disarm kit. Rope.
Ring of free movement - this ring means traps and spells to ensnare me will not work.
Shortbow and quiver of enchanted arrows (paralyze).
Lucky dagger. Light hammer.
67 - Rufus - Back to life Human Cleric

"Wh... what happened?! My hammer was blocked, I was going to take it back. "
Rufus gets up and picks up his hammer from Benkii and all of his equipments that would be on the ground, under the menacing eyes of one of his Half Orc companion.

Rufus looks around... bloody spikes and sheds on the ground.
He can feel the chilly breeze from the tunnel going through his holy leather armor, turned now into a fashionable holey armor.
Rufus turns toward his Druid companion :
"Oh, I see. I dearly thank you".

If Rufus feels a serious pain, he drinks 1 of his healing potions.
Seeing the trouble back in the tunnel, Rufus invokes a Holy Guardian and commands it to help his companions fighting the last nightmares.
Post edited October 08, 2019 by Testor0
Tremendous noises came from the circular room, followed by silence.
What happened there.. did someone try to face the centipede? Impossible!

Loradan felt hopeful for a moment, but his party's situation was far from resolved. It was even getting messier.
Siegfrieid was hurt, ghosts were still un-dead, orcs cared only about opening doors, and Tanea.. was she returning with the giant rats? That halfling.. why?

The beasts were still far and he was on the left side of the tunnel, near the wall, so they would have had plenty of room for maneuvering. He prepared to cast Levitate on himself, however, in case they were going to become a danger of any kind.

( EDITED, because Doc said that the giant rats are the size of a large dog, not of a cow as I imagined lol )
Post edited October 08, 2019 by phaolo
Updated my actions

Careful to avoid the rats, I move to open the left door with my shield ready to deflect anything that should attack me and my sword ready to slay any hostile force inside.
Post edited October 08, 2019 by BenKii
BenKii: Whoa, that is incredibly courageous, Tanea, riding towards those nightmares to save Siegfried. ...
Thanks. But if we're honest, it's just stupid. ;-) The best example why panic should never be anyone's advisor. Let's see if I survive this. (Well, in order to be a "proper" good example on "what not to do" Tanea has to die. I'm actually torn about which outcome I prefer. I'm excited to read the Doc's next story snippets, bringing all actions together while adding his own flavour to them.)

Genocide2099: I warned you about those rats! ...
And I might have taken that to heart, hadn't you and Web done a splendid job, scaring me out of my little halfling mind. ;-D (Maybe the rats will shake of the spell and eat Tanea now. That would be an unexpected twist. :-/)

BenKii: ...
matterbandit: ...
phaolo: ...
('m confused. Why are all of you thinking Tanea is taking all of them with her?)
Post edited October 08, 2019 by FlockeSchnee
FlockeSchnee: ('m confused. Why are all of you thinking Tanea is taking all of them with her?)
(I guess I just assumed you did. If you didn't and left some with us, won't you lose control of them because of how far away you get from them? Won't the ones you leave behind now want to chomp on our behinds? :-O )