idbeholdME: Well, here we go. Looks like the final battle alright. Time to give it all we have.
I have 5 spell casts remaining. Time for any spell casters nearby to go ham since we need to reach the portal before we are trapped in here forever.
With most of the party from downstairs seemingly managing to get here, do you have any suggestions as to our plan here? I will probably use all 5 spell casts for protective spells.
If the Beholder casts antimagic field, it will annull its eye powers, but at the same time our magic protections as well, and it will attack with its maw. If it doesn't, it will keep using it magic powers and maybe attacking head-on too? Ideally we should try to get some time for the other group to retrieve the magic mirror while moving along the room forward, hiding behind the pillars.
I'd recommend using Reflect Spells and/or Magic Shield. The question is whether RS can "soak up" and reflect more spells than MS would, if there is no difference other than that MS also protects against physical attacks, RS might be better, esp. if it hits the beholder back! :) If you avoid its physical attacks. And it doesn't reflect that back at us, which it shouldn't. Hopefully the Beholder won't try to Dispel, and if it will, it'll affect only one person and not many at once. And a turn "wasted" dispelling is better than a turn attacking! And if it casts its anti-magic shield, at least we'll just have to go around dodging its attacks.
My shield only protects from normal missiles, and I'm recasting my Protection Against Evil this turn (bonus save versus evil actions, so it shoudl work on all spells/stuff beholder throws at us), so with Roosevelt we should be able to protect all of us except 1 person now, since Roark died.
Right now it's me, Ereanar, Svartalf, Smarty and Roosevelt = 3 paladins and a 1 battlemage, 2 archers - Rudy, Zaid and one cleric, one mage and one thief. I have Magic Bubble, Smarty might still have his on? or has it expired by now?, and me and Roosevelt have PoE for 8 people including the two of us.
I'd suggest our group, buffed by PoE spells from me and Roosevelt, tries to engage the beholder from a distance while hiding behind the pilllars to avoid being hit, in order to gain time for the other party to try to find the magic mirror. Ideally some people could be buffed by Reflect Spells/Magic Shield and other spells our party has, and if Babark casts Globe of Protection again, it could help soak up the magic rays (if it works that way, so far it has stoped magic attacks). Everyone should pick whether they want to stay with Roosevelt or me while moving, as we can both protect up to 3 people each wiht our PoE, that gives bonus against saving throws/defense against evil attacks - ie. all beholder attacks. Someone should attack with the magical electric wand, ideally a melee fighter who can't engage the beholder from a distance. Let's go to the closest archway with pillars, so that we don't move much in the open. It should be the same one the other group took, so we're going to be basically switching places now, as they're moving ahead. Ideally we could splitt into two groups of four (+1, and if Babark casts his Globe, the 1 could benefit from that), however it might be dangerous to try to run to the other side, so maybe we all should just form a line of 2-4 attackers/defenders who wait unless the beholder comes to attack us directly, and have our 3 ranged fighters (and anyone else with a bow - Max has one too now, right? So with Thras we could get 5) attack the beholder, with the rest of us standing guard in front and attacking only if the beholder tries to swoop on them and soak up any rays it might try to shoot at them.
Svartalf, could you try passing the electric wand to someone else for this turn so they can attack the beholder with it, since if you're going to be casting spells, you're most likely not going to have enough actions to use it, which would be a pity? I'm going to try this plan if everyone agrees, and since I'm recasting PoE, I might not have the time to use the wand. I stay in formation, and move forward with everyone to hide behind the pillars and allow ranged attackers target the beholder while protecting them if the beholder tries to attack them or us physically, but not breaking formation so that PoE works. If Reflect Spells is cast on me, I'm more bold and actively engage the beholder in combat without breaking formation (ie. having 3 people close to protect them with my PoE), instead of waiting for it to come near to us.