(I've been posting Action Summaries for the Western Tunnel and more recently the Northern Tunnel so now I'm going to try and keep up with the Southern and Eastern Tunnels and post periodic Player Action Updates for those threads. Hope it helps everyone out.)
Current Actions Summary
43 - idbeholdME - Svartalf - Dwarven Battlemage
I keep any distance I have from her so she does not interrupt me and cast Ice Lance on the stocky Hag. Hopefully the physical nature of the spell (it is a big spike of ice after all) means that she will not resist it and the piercing capabilities should be able to penetrate her skin (if I hit of course, I still have yet to hit with an offensive spell :P). Maybe luck will finally be on my side.
52 - RedFireGaming - Roark - Elven Druid
1."Hard to feel sorry for an adventurer who wanted a nap in the midst of battle, and also I think I might have assassinated his cousin some time ago, so uh... too bad for Kyp. At least I can help FartySmer... BlartFartBartTart... whatever his name is."
Roark casts Cure Poison on SmartyFartBlart
"Don't be such a baby, it's only poison." Roark says. "Nothing to be so dramatic about. I get poisoned all the time, and look at me."
Roark turns to Taz. "Hey Taz, did you know that hags blow up reeeaaaal good? It's true. All that bile makes them extemely volatile. So why don't you have some fun and fire at that witch at the left side of the room?"
2.Roark casts Bite of the Werewolf, screams "Precioouusss", and bites the ring off the witch's finger.
9 - MaxFulvus - Max, son of Fulvus - Dwarven Thief
I suggest to everyone who is around the tall hag to join me in a close combat to slay her ! She cans block spells while she carries the ring, so all kind of offensive spells (fireball, lightening bolt... except Silence) is useless !
While she is injured, behind my shield, I quickly raise my battleaxe to cut her ringed hand. Meanwhile, the others (Triock, Babargh, Roark, Roosevelt and all around) try to cut her into pieces !
"Khazâd ! Khazâd !"
22 - 01kipper - Kip - Halfling Brigand
Kip gets up and launches another magical slingshot at the Stocky Hag while she's still out of melee. He remains alert to dodge any potential counterattacks.
15 - Lone_Scout - Says Beldarion - Human Warrior
"Keep close to me, Aslain. She might reappear" Beldarion moves to Thras: "Hold on, sir! And better look for some healing..." Beldarion kicks him in the guts and beheads Taz.
In the case Thras is out of Beldarion's reach, he'll loot Kyp's corpse instead.
Beldarion keeps alert. In case he meets a Hag on his way, or a Hag appears next to him, he'll move to defend Aslain (if he's wise enough to stay nearby) and furiously attack the hag (he won't try to hurl the book this time)
28 - triock - Triock Ulagolor - Elven Paladin
Triock Ulagolor, Elven Paladin, raises from the ground and looks at Eranear. He smiles at him and whispers: "Thank you brother, I won't forget your kindness". He then takes his faithful flamesword Riarwirn and his shield a goes to fight with the tall hag, trying to cut off her hand with a ring.
13 - paladin181 - Roosevelt - Human Paladin
29 - gogtrial34987 - Og'rialt - Dwarf Brigand
Og'rialt picks up the guide and takes note of its instructions. Given the fantastic outcome from the previous instructions from his guide, he intends to follow these instructions immediately. As he reaches for his mirror beneath his coat, where he had placed it upon receiving it, he notices to his growing consternation that it's no longer there!
Reviewing all those who had come in close proximity to himself since exiting the portal, he reaches an immediate conclusion. His wrath swiftly building to terrible proportions, he bellows with all his dwarven might.
*points to Cicatrix*
"DROW! PERVERSION! Return what is mine to me, or know you will have made an enemy for the rest of your incredibly short life!"
Og'rialt informs those around him to spread the word that the female Drow Ranger who "applied bandages" to his wounds, stole a magical object from him which he could have been using to take out one of these hags, and that if she is spotted doing anything other than returning this object to him right away, all available means should be taken to disable or kill her so that the object can be returned to him.
If the mirror is returned to him right away, Og'rialt uses it to stand in front of the hag and utters the phrase from his guide.
Otherwise, if he spots Cicatrix doing anything other than returning the mirror, he will lash out with his chain, attempting to trip her.
Otherwise, he keeps up the same tactics as before, refraining from attacking the tall hag until her attention is fully captured by other events. If the hag turns away from Og'rialt to face another attacker, then Og'rialt attempts a simultaneous attack with his axe on the hag from behind her. If he sees a clean opportunity on her left arm (the arm with the ring on it), he'll go for it, but otherwise he'll forego any sort of finesse in favour of just landing a solid blow, hoping some ice damage will at least slow the hag down. If he sees an opportunity to trip her into the swirling blades with his chain, he'll attempt that.
59 - Lemmus - Cicatrix - Drow Ranger
Keeping an eye on the closest hag, Cicatrix looks for a way out of the room other than the one she came in. If nothing is obvious she'll check for secrets before doubling back. She'll also keep an eye out for any unguarded magic items, but that's not a priority.
If a hag (or adventurer) should make a move for her, Cicatrix will first blow her whistle then draw her sword. She won't make any obvious move against the hags, though. Not her problem as long as they don't move against her.
2 - bler144 - SmartyFartBlart - Human Paladin -- POISONED
Assuming I can get up (trying to get clarification on my health aside from the poison), I'm assuming that my blunt personality (and weapons) would be better purposed for engaging the stocky one at least to keep her distracted, what with all the sharp/serrated folks gathered on the tall one.
35 - jonridan - Aslain Melemir - Elven Thief
I shoot several arrows at the Tall Hag, unless there's too many people around her (don't want to hurt or kill anyone but the hags). Otherwise I shoot as many arrows as possible at the Stocky Hag. If too many people are in the way (I can't make arrows avoid obstacles, yet...) then I just reposition myself in the middle of the room and focus on finding the Drow that stole from Og'rialt.
Haven't taken turn yet:
41 - zlaywal - Zayd ibn Yasin - Human Ranger
48 - babark - Babargh - Dwarven Cleric
70 - Lifthrasil - Thras - Dwarven Mage
72 - park_84 - Darrim - Dwarf Warrior
78 - CervelloYM - Cervello - Drow Battlemage
80 - Green_Hilltop - Eranear - Elf Paladin
5 - Sulibor - Dunward - Human Mage
69 - alexandros050 - Rudy - Human Ranger