Well, that's exciting!
If you want to read my suggestions for the battle, skip to the bottom of the post.
So we have two hags in front of us, and one that's invisible and most likely teleported behind Zayd! The third, invisible one behind Zayd might have a magic barrier up, the other two hags don't 100%.
All are most likely immune to poison, or at least the tall, skinny one is. Since she's looking sickly, it's possible it's only her though, while the other one might be immune to diseases.
First hag:
One is tall and skinny with a magic ring on her right hand that heals her, currently faced by no one in melee, as she killed the spider and I'm under it, so hopefully I'll be able to move it aside and attack in the same turn. She is retreating due to the wounds suffered.
My attack:
"You attack with your mace *rolls dice* the Hag raises her right arm to block as if the spider is not there *rolls dice* your blow tears her arm off at the elbow sending her staggering back."
And Zayd:
*As the skinny Hag retreats she casts a spell *rolls dice* the spell casting is interrupted as Zayd ibn Yasin hits her in the stomach with an arrow.*
So now we need to focus on finishing her, ideally by getting the ring off, in case she can regrow her whole arm.
Second hag:
The other, flabby one has cast some kind of stoneskin, making her harder to damage.
Still, Smarty managed to get in a hit:
"the hammer blow crashes into her chest, breaking several ribs."
As well as Svartalf:
"surprising the Hag as the weapon smashes into her armoured left shoulder spinning her around."
Third hag:
Has turned invisible and appeared behind Zayd after casting a lightninig bolt at Max and Babark, briefly stunning them.
Tactics we've seen:
The tall hag, when successful, can stop arrows mid-air and divert them, and shoot foot-long spikes at enemies. Heals wounds using a magic ring on her right hand.
The flabby hag has displayed none so far.
The third hag turned invisible, can teleport and cast lightning at enemies.
Our positions:
At the front:
Cage with Roosevelt, his items are 5 feet away from his cage.
The first hag is retreating, I'm near it but buried underneath a most likely dead, giant spider.
The second hag is faced by Svartalf alone.
Behind us (those mentioned above) should be stunned Max and Babark, the Globe dispelled. I guess next turn it will wear off, so feel free to post your actions as if you weren't stunned.
Behind these two should be the three archers, Rudy, Kyp and Zayd and the druid Roark. Rudy might be at the very back, behind Roark and others.
Triock is at the very back, rushing towards the battle.
Thras is somewhere in the back, probably close to Roark, I guess?
Active spells:
Reflect Spells - Smarty, Erenear and Svartalf
Globe of Protection has dissipated.
My suggestion:
It would be good if we could get the tall, skinny hag down, as she's retreating, so that she doesn't come back at full force. If I can get up and attack, I will do so in my turn.
The archers should try attacking the tall skinny hag while they can, when she's not in front of anyone. Hopefully she can't reflect them at others, at the bit about narrowly missing Roosevelt was just narrative. She's attacked 3 times by ranged attacks, and only redirected/stopped one, the other two hit (one was healed though).
I suggest that Svartalf continues attacking the flabby hag, as it might be dangerous to disengage.
If Max and Babargh will be unstunned next turn, they can
a) one of them assist me to get from underneath the spider, if I can't do by myself (let' wait for Doc's response)
b) if the archers haven't killed the tall, skinny hag, one moves towards her and the other tries to assist Svartalf, ideally casting Globe of Protection on himself.
Since the third Hag is behind Zayd, and Triock and Smartty are also in the tunnel there, I'm guessing both should be close to her. If it's possible for Thras or Svartalf to cast dispel magic at her, it would good, but after you've defeated the witch in order to be protected, unless babargh has naother globe of protection he can cast and get to you, so you're protected. Which would be great :
Babargh+Svartalf under Globe of Protection fighting the scond hag
Me and Max fighting the first retreating hag, if the archers don't get her. Or! Max could try lockpicking the cage and giving Roosevelt his stuff - if the retreating hag falls, but it might be better to try aid Svartalf in that case.
Triock and Smarty fighting the third witch
Thras could try focusing on the tall witch, hoping he can hit her before I or Max reach her
Roark could try casting entangle on the tall, skinny witch to slow her down - but please ask Doc how wide the area of effect is, to prevent from cathing anyone else in it. Also you can try getting as a standby action Resurrect, in case anyone dies in the next turn, thereby already resurrecting them." I ready my Resurrect spell after casting Entagle, in cas anyone dies next turn." Do you have some kind of a magic staff you could try attacking?