bler144: Assuming I'm following others' actions, I'll move forward and engage a hag that has had its shield dispelled using ciemnogrodzianin's +3 hammer (may he rest in peace), buddying up if there's space to still reasonably attack, not if not.
If no one else is already putting protection on me I'll cast my own Protection Bubble x 1.
May the light protect us as we destroy these foul cackling abominations! If they were guffawers I'd feel more conflicted, but cackling is pretty annoying.
Can you wield it at the same time as a shield or is it two-haneded? Just asking in case we manage to free the captive before we find their equipment.
Roark told the spider to aid me, so if it's not so big, I'll attack with it in tandem while you can teamup with svartalf. Babargh and Max are attacking a hag as well, Rudy is firing arrows from behind and hopefully Kyp and Zayd will respond in time and also provide cover with fire by hitting a hag we're not engage with, to prevent friendly fire.
I follow my strategy above, and pass my spare shield to svartalf. With the magic shield and mace ready, I wait until he casts Reflect Spells at me, dispels the hag's barrier, and then I move forward with svartalf and smarty (and Roark's spider) as the first melee attackers. If Rudy and others provide back support with their arrow fire, they should fire right after the barrier is dispeled to prevent hittting us once we engage them in melee.
The spider is set to aid me, so it should only move to attack once we do (and not rush when the barrier is still up). I try to attack with the spider as a team, but if it's so big it can only attack a hag alone and no one else can attack with it (due to being so big), I direct it to attack a hag that's alone (ideally distracting it, so that Max can sneak up behind it and attack from behind), and I move to attack another hag, ideally one softened up by arrows or in tandem with someone else (if 3 people can attack the same one without hitting each other, otherwise I play it safe and attack where I won't have a chance of hitting an ally!). When moving, I'm at least a meter to the side of the spider, so that I have enough space to manouver should anything happen and also hopefully reflect any spells coming at me. After my Reflect Spells wears off and I've attacked a hag (unless it wears off before reaching one, so I have enough time to team up with Babargh and Max before that), I move to Babargh to be under the Globe's protection if there's a free spot and attack a hag under the Globe's Protection babark: I cast Ball of Holy Light in the direction of the cackling, and then move forward with Max, holding my axe Iconoclast to the ready MaxFulvus: I cast Ball of Holy Light in the direction of the cackling, and then move forward with Max, holding my axe Iconoclast to the ready I recommend adding to your actions that you're doing it after Svartalf dispels the barrier, so that Doc doesn't say you've moved ahead and starting attacking before that happened.