Posted October 17, 2019
Also forgot regarding the strategy:
It seems that You, I and Smarty are currently the only people here which could go engage in frontal, full-on melee. Thulgrun is dead, Triock bailed and Darrim left through one of the doors earlier. The rest are spell casters mostly. So unless Rangers (Kyp and Zayd) want to join the fray at the frontline, I guess it is indeed only us 3.
I will wait to see what people do and then we decide on our final strategy.
MaxFulvus: I can try to liberate the captive but I need a derivation. The hags must remain focus on warriors, while I use my lockpicks to open the cage. I will also need to check if the cage is not trapped first !
Babargh has to assist and protect me during the operation.
A risky plan !
1 : cast everything you can !
2 : go to the close combat with the hags, while Babargh and me try to sneak and free Roosevelt.
3 : checking traps on and around the cage and open it. Giving him a sword and a shield to fight.
4 : slay the bitches !
5 : profit ! I am not sure trying to rescue him while the hags are still alive is wise. There is 3 of them and I doubt we can keep all of them fully distracted while you free the prisoner. We should dispatch them as quickly as possible so they don't cause as much damage. If 2 of our people are busy trying to break free an unarmed prisoner, we are severely reducing our available manpower for the fight. We could rescue him after the fight IF we survive this encounter.
Here is some spell info buried in the main thread as stated by Doc:
You will get all your spell charges back at turn ten and also be able to change your selection of spells then.
AT turn 10 specifically means turn 10. Not AFTER 10 turns.
Protective spells last for 5 turns, so you can cast one in advance before setting of on your journey if you want.
I should have looked there before bothering Doc with that question :P.
It seems that You, I and Smarty are currently the only people here which could go engage in frontal, full-on melee. Thulgrun is dead, Triock bailed and Darrim left through one of the doors earlier. The rest are spell casters mostly. So unless Rangers (Kyp and Zayd) want to join the fray at the frontline, I guess it is indeed only us 3.
I will wait to see what people do and then we decide on our final strategy.

Babargh has to assist and protect me during the operation.
A risky plan !
1 : cast everything you can !
2 : go to the close combat with the hags, while Babargh and me try to sneak and free Roosevelt.
3 : checking traps on and around the cage and open it. Giving him a sword and a shield to fight.
4 : slay the bitches !
5 : profit !
Here is some spell info buried in the main thread as stated by Doc:
You will get all your spell charges back at turn ten and also be able to change your selection of spells then.
AT turn 10 specifically means turn 10. Not AFTER 10 turns.
Protective spells last for 5 turns, so you can cast one in advance before setting of on your journey if you want.
I should have looked there before bothering Doc with that question :P.
Post edited October 17, 2019 by idbeholdME