Og'rialt keeps his chain in hand, but the axe slung in such a way through his belt that he can swap weapons at a moment's notice.
Doc0075: The group picks up the scent of decaying flesh approaching ahead. There is also the faint sound of cackling laughter way off in the distance.
"Bother, my friends! We heard that sound of cackling before, when the chains were pulled, but then it distinctly sounded as if it came from the main corridor. I'm guessing these two corridors stay connected, and will arrive at the same destination. I don't like these signs of what's ahead one bit, but I like the idea of going back even less."
"I propose we look around for any potential ambush spots, but if we don't find any, we practice a maneuver to be executed if we spot enemies approaching down the corridor, whereby Beldarion swiftly moves a step ahead and kneels down, Aslain moves aside to stand behind Beldarion so he is sheltered by him and can attack over Beldarion's head with his longbow, me and Kip stand behind the two of them (ready to rush forward), and leave the other side of the corridor free of barriers, so that Dunward can lob one (or if necessary, more!) fireballs down the corridor without any risk. (Even if they explode nearby, Beldarion's immunity should shelter Aslain from the worst of it.) Once Dunward has fired off all the fireballs he deems wise, he can call out for me and Kip to swiftly move forward along the free side of the corridor to stand alongside Beldarion, maybe bolstered by a Magic Shield from Dunward if the approaching enemy seems to warrant it?"
"If you agree with this approach, let's practice the movements a few times so we can execute them flawlessly when we really need them, and otherwise keep moving forward as we are!"
Og'rialt then launches into a tale of a very similar maneuver which earned him great glory during the Troubles, in a corridor nearly as narrow which connected the Delver's armory with the Great Hall.