Posted September 28, 2019
Considering one is noted as incinerated and the other as 'sploded, you may want to PM doc and confirm the spell is viable for their condition, but if it is, getting them up makes sense given the current situation/numbers. They'll presumably both need healing on top of that, though. And Max's combo of low health + disease is going to tap a lot of resources, assuming anyone can cure disease (cleric/druid?).
Triock/Zayd ibn Yasin should be able to polish off the wight comfortably. Might be overkill but it is a high threat.
Kyp (bow) should stay on the zombie, esp. if it's the one he already staggered
Darrim/Eranear/Svartalf (all blunt weaps?) should hit skeletons. If my hammer arm is working, I'll target the 4th. If not I'll have to figure out if I can shield slam, or just need to heal myself first.
Thras should...figure out what he can target that's helpful without killing any of the rest of us. ;) Perhaps either the 4th skeleton if I have no weapon arm, or double on the zombie.
Considering one is noted as incinerated and the other as 'sploded, you may want to PM doc and confirm the spell is viable for their condition, but if it is, getting them up makes sense given the current situation/numbers. They'll presumably both need healing on top of that, though. And Max's combo of low health + disease is going to tap a lot of resources, assuming anyone can cure disease (cleric/druid?).
Triock/Zayd ibn Yasin should be able to polish off the wight comfortably. Might be overkill but it is a high threat.
Kyp (bow) should stay on the zombie, esp. if it's the one he already staggered
Darrim/Eranear/Svartalf (all blunt weaps?) should hit skeletons. If my hammer arm is working, I'll target the 4th. If not I'll have to figure out if I can shield slam, or just need to heal myself first.
Thras should...figure out what he can target that's helpful without killing any of the rest of us. ;) Perhaps either the 4th skeleton if I have no weapon arm, or double on the zombie.