gogtrial34987: I'd love to hear more background about your roleplaying, if there was any hidden knowledge that made you steal the mirror, etc.
I had been planning to post once Turn 20 was over, I've just been busy today. Here you go:
For anyone curious, no, there was no secret Drow alliance that I am aware of nor did I get any instructions to mess with the party. I wasn't even trying to be particularly evil.
Cicatrix had the hidden backstory, which I communicated to Doc at the beginning, that read as follows:
"Sexually abused at a young age she has strong social needs but limited social ability, preferring to be alone than to risk being hurt.
"Cicatrix actively seeks approval from and social interaction with other women, especially ones who fall into mother or sister roles, but feels a significant but controllable fear of males.
"She will only tolerate being around male characters in group situations where other women are present. If she feels outnumbered or threatened Cicatrix will leave, even if it is a less effective or more dangerous option."
I then combined this with Doc's original explanation of the event: "You will all then start in a circular chamber and ...
try to escape." [emphasis mine]
Had there been any female groups, or at least more female characters in the main groups, Cicatrix would have joined one happily regardless of racial alignments.
As it was, she would have preferred another tunnel but her movement was blocked by the centipede so she took South as the safest. Everything that followed from that was simply a matter of "what is the fastest route out of here?" combined with "how do I avoid all these guys who seem increasingly interested in chasing me".
Taking the mirror was simply a target of opportunity.
* * *
Doc: Thank you again for running this, it was a lot of fun. And thank you for the gift, too. Honestly, the forum game would have been completely worth it even without any prizes.