Cavalary: If the tunnels are going to basically become separate adventures, may I suggest starting a thread for each?
Doc0075: This is a good idea and the route I am going to take. It will make it easier for me to do updates as well.
I will create a sub forum for north - east - south - west tunnels in that order. For north and south I will include both the main and side tunnels in the same sub forum. If you haven't specified whether you are going in the main or side tunnel, I will assume you are in the main one.
Those who are still in the chamber continue to post here please until you choose a tunnel (inform me when you do).
I will post links to the sub forums in this thread as well as soon as I have them up.
May I also suggest that when something important happens, like a new turn, or opening a chest, or encountering a creature, wait for some time before responding to new actions so that there's adequate time for everyone to post what they want to do, and everyone from different timezones or who's not currently online has a fair chance to act?
Or maybe clarify how much time do we have before new updates, since I thought it's every two days, with potentially minor updates in between?
For example yesterday when you posted the update, someone decided to loot one of the newly opened chests within 5 minutes of and you responded to that right away, instead of waiting to see who else would try to do so and then resolving the situation. So you basically rewarded the person who was online at the time and replied first, instead of giving everyone else a fair chance to have a go at it. I personally wasn't interested in looting the chest with the hornet, but I assumed that most people, like me, thought that we'd have at least one day to post actions before you posted another turn (new update) with what happens next.
That's also why I didn't go for any of the other treasures yet, as I was waiting for Thras (who opened the top hat chest first) to respond, so that he could take the gauntlets if he wished to do so, and I thought you'd wait to see who wants to go for what, and then let us resolve the situation together. :) Since I guess the only reason why he hasn't tried to loot it yet is because he's not online yet.
Edit: I just wanted one health potion from the top hat chest, but I was waiting to see what Thras takes and what other people around would decide to have, so we could negotiate etc amongst ourselves.
RedFireGaming: Roark is male. I'll give some background when we leave the chamber.
So, which tunnel should we try?
Roark, Elven Druid
Come to the south main tunnel with us! :) Together with the north tunnel it's the least crowded (12 people each), or you can pick the side tunnel and hope it reconnect with the main tunnel eventually. It's very small though, only two people can walk in it side by side, that's why I'd prefer the main one. I'll wait to Doc to respond to my chat inquiry first before picking which one I'm going in though.