idbeholdME: Great idea, but I would like the classes to be a bit more specified before making my decision.
- Which of them have access to any kind of magic.
- Are the spells going to be unique for every class (like cleric having only cleric spells) or are there going to be some spells everyone can have and only a few class-specific ones?
- What is the heaviest type of armor the classes can use?
There 3 things would greatly affect my choice.
I'm not going to go into too much detail about the classes as I am trying to keep things as simple as possible as there is a lot of work going into running this.
Think of the classes as they would normally be featured in standard RPG fare and you will have a rough idea of what is available to them.
I will be contacting people from tomorrow to decide on what equipment and spells/ abilities they will start the game with.