BenKii: I for one say Tanea would make an excellent addition to our party. But of course as long as it is alright with our party leader, Siegfried.
phaolo: Loradan was relieved by the friendly attitude of the humans.
He introduced himself and joined the party.
With the halfling shaman that arrived together with him, now they were 4.. two magic users and two warriors.
Not a bad start!
ConsulCaesar: If you are willing to reach the west tunnel I say welcome too!
Thank you. :-)
As I make my way over to the West Tunnel, carefully avoiding the chains, which suddenly become visible, one at each column, the Human Warrior gives a little smile in my direction, maybe involuntarily. The Elf, who is also heading towards the Human Paladin seems to look me over, not unfriendly, more curious perhaps? They don't seem to mind my approach. I look to the Paladin. He doesn't mind either. I'm relieved.
Then I see the female Hafling. Her demeanor is that of one used to get their way. She glares at the Drows near the West Tunnel, near
her. Maybe she can make them go away? I don't want to die. Not here. Not away from home. Leaving home is starting to look like a grave mistake. Will I be?
Tanea, Halfling Shaman (female)
FlockeSchnee: What counts as close proximity? The same room/tunnel/hall? Does that stack? = 2 Drows = minus 4?
Doc0075: Next too or within a few feet of.
OK, thanks. So no stacking, right?
I have another question. I just moved from near the metal grate to near the West Tunnel to join the forming group there. Does that mean, I can't move with those already at the West Tunnel into the tunnel, that I will always be one step behind? Or how does moving work?