Current Situation:
Orc Breeding Room (Orczilla! Boss Fight):
Fognino, Cardan, Godbran Helloburger, and Gold have escaped. Garethianopolisian died valiantly fighting the horde. Pater Alf pretend to be a part of the horde sneaking past them. Orczilla starts screeching at Pater Alf and pointing towards the portal where some of the adventurers have escaped. Some of the horde are starting to head back towards the portal, alerted by Orczilla's noise. The Lich Tridris levitates over the horde toward the portal.
The Secret Trapdoor
Calad, Valius, Thelis, and Franziskan make their way to the end of the tunnel and push up on a trapdoor. It crashes open, there is a startled cry, and a spear jabs down at Franziskan but is deflected away by his Globe of Protection. It appears the doorway led the party to the Orc Breeding Room. On the left is a glowing portal. On the right is Orczilla. Several orcs and goblins are around the trapdoor entrance, some panicked by the group's sudden appearance, others scanning above looking for the levitating Lich. the adventurers by the trapdoor are closer to the portal than Tridris.
Current Actions Summary
12 - te_lanus - Garethianopolisian - Half Orc Ranger -- DEAD
(Head bashed in. Can possibly be revived.)
Me haunts the battlefield
18 - Cavalary - Calad - Elf Mage -- ( Reflect Spells, Levitate, Invisibility )
With the portal safe to remain open, after spotting Tridris attempting to levitate invisibly through, Calad smirks wickedly, quickly whispers something to his companions and staying behind his companions and inside the Globe of Protection a moment longer, he uses the Ring of Boulder Smash to drop a huge boulder on Tridris, well before the Lich gets above the trapdoor. The very next instant, not waiting for the outcome, he uses his Ring of Teleportation to teleport through the portal.
Since the Ring of Teleportation allows instant teleporting to any place he can see, and the portal allows seeing through to safety, no need to spend another second in here. It may be interesting to see what the boulder did, also considering Orczilla may be underneath it as well, and/or that it may at least block the way of some other enemies to his companions, offering them better chances, but safety first, so the rings will be used immediately one after the other, teleporting to safety immediately after dropping the boulder.
17 - Trid - Tridris - Drow Necromancer -- LICH -- ( Death Armour, Magic Shield, Reflect Spells, Reflect Missiles, Invisibility, Levitate )
I'm levitating to the portal so I can exit... If my Invisibility will somehow be broken (even be me) and I have time I will cast Mirror Image. Now...
1. If there are still vines on my way and they can get me through my Invisibility I'm casting a Meteor Strike on them to burn them ( I heard it will work).
2. If I get attacked be someone I'm casting Web and Grave Mist on/near him...
3. If I somehow get mixed in someone else spell I'm getting angry and look point 2.
4. If I somehow got surrender by other things or blocked from the portal by monsters I'm casting Wail of the Banshee so I can get through, if it's not enough I'm using Summon Monster/Raise Corpse and using them as a meat shield so I can get through.
5. [*] just to be sure.
Whatever happens leaving this place is my priority, I didn't went through all this hard work to get the artifact just to stay here forever.
62 - ariaspi - Thelis - Human Ranger
62 - Thelis - Human Ranger uses his Ring of Charm Monster on the orc nearest to the trapdoor entrance. If the charm is successful, then he'll command (if this is possible) the charmed orc to attack the orcs and goblins near it
31 - blastradius - Valius - Elven Battlemage
Dropping the veil of his Invisibility spell, Valius raises his sword to the heavens and cries out: "I cast Meteor Strike!"and watches the flames fall from the skies onto the vines and any foe that was unfortunate enough to get caught beneath the flames. Once the vines are burned away and the way to the portal is clear, and if there's enough time, Valius decides to race to the right and grab a handful of gold while the orckin are running in fear from the brief glimpse of the Lich they saw. He didn't come here to leave without some gold, after all. If Valius can do this safely before getting noticed by any enemy, he will recast Invisibility on himself and then race to the left towards the portal and jump into it, finally escaping the dungeon, but if any enemy notices him first, he will use his Amulet of Slowing on the closest enemy that approaches him before continuing his run toward the portal.
44 - Zadalon - Franziskan - Human Cleric -- ( Divine Retaliation, Globe of Protection )
I disregard the orcs who look up high and turn to the orcs and goblins who look at me. I take out one of the diamonds I got in the room with the salamander statues and show it to them saying "Diamond! Catch!" and I throw it to roll on the ground towards the weakest looking goblin. I cast Summon Holy Guardian at the edge of the vines and order it to attack those of the horde that go towards the portal. After that, I move towards the portal keeping myself between enemies and my friends. I want to protect my friends by being the first target for a melee attack even if it costs me my life.
6 - PaterAlf - Pater Alf - Half Orc Warrior
Me continues to act like I'm part of the horde and try to get closer to the portal. If there is a clear path and me can reach it without danger of getting struck by spells from me companions near the trapdoor, me will start running and jump into through it.
If there are just one or two enemies from the orcish horde between me and the portal, me will try to get as close as possible and then knock them out with a surprise attack. Again it's my priority to not get hit by spells (from foes and friends).
Haven't taken turn yet:
7 - Ilan14 - Daniel - Human Thief
27 - Maxvorstadt - Balbok - Half-Orc Shaman
60 - Gekko_Dekko - Daddy Burrson - Dwarf Warrior
79 - v1989 - Vertel - Human - Thief
Post edited December 10, 2019 by BenKii