Current Situation: Area around the open metal door: Most of the adventurers are here fighting a big battle. There are 2 Trolls and 2 Ogres. One Troll currently is incapacitated with "Ray of Stupidity" spell, the other lunges past the Ogre Mage, bearing the Holy Guardian to the ground while trying to keep away from the Acid Arrows from above. The Ogre Mage has cast a Lightning Bolt toward Krss Krss but didn't manage to hit anyone. The other Ogre, Burgut DwarfMuncher, is engaged fighting Pater Alf.
Misery has died horribly. In the small tunnel away from battle: Tridris and Gold hides from the action.
Further down the tunnel where the Ogres emerged from: Fognino, Godbran Helloburger, and Cardan avoid battle and loot the room for treasures. There is a large Double Wooden Door up ahead.
Current Actions Summary 23 - BranjoHello - Godbran Helloburger - Halfling Thief 1.Godbran Helloburger the Halfling Thief addresses his companions Fognino and Cardan:
"We did it, we finally found some nice stuff and everyone got a special trinket!"
I toss away my old (and unused xD) blackjack in a theatrical manner with a smile on my face: "I won't be needing this anymore after this obvious upgrade". :)
Then I start looking around if there is a new direction we can head to, other than where we came from.
2.But if that double wooden door is a new way you can bet we're opening it and passing through. In a cautious sneaky manner of course. ;)
17 - Trid - Tridris - Drow Necromancer I recast Death Armour if the previous one ended.
I'm saying to Gold: "Listen Gold, I have feeling that the time of the choice is coming, I hope that in the right moment you will make right choice, the choice that will let you survive"
Sad that Cleric is still not split in half I'm coming back to the room, after making sure that every enemy is engaged in battle and that I will not get hit be friendly fire (I'm looking at you cleric!) I'm slowly approaching the dead troll with the red thing and taking it out, if someone getting in may way I either cast Bitter Chill/Gaze of Contempt on it (or Wail of the Banshee in worst case) or I bash it with my very magic mace. I'm still making Silver Sword to stay in a place unless there is some danger for me, then obviously I will order it to protect me.
11 - Enebias - Fognino - Goblin Shaman 1. "Yess, I will search as wells for new wayss. Better finds an exits before others arrives. This dungeons can't goings on forevers"!
With the innate Goblin ability to sneak around, Fognino strats exploring like Godbran. Eyes peeled for an exit first, and who knows, maybe something else interesting will turn up.
2.Just a reminder, in case there's confusion: Fognino and Godbran are going to explore through the double wooden door near the Ogre camp, with maximum stealth - of course.
12 - te_lanus - Garethianopolisian - Half Orc Ranger Me moves into the room that the orges came form. Me looks around to see if there is anything of use
46 - PMPMGamer - Gold - Goblin Ranger I'm coming back carefully to the room with my crossbow and shield.
I try discreetly to go to the room where the ogres came for find a possible way out.
6 - PaterAlf - Pater Alf - Half Orc Warrior -- INJURED Me tries to stay alive and avoid all attacks from Burgut DwarfMuncher. If it's possible without seriously damaging my defense, me tries to attack his kneecaps to bring him down (hope his body won't smash me). If I can't do that without endangering meself, me tries to get away from him.
When me is safe, me uses my health potion.
18 - Cavalary - Calad - Elf Mage -- ( Reflect Spells, Levitate ) Assuming it's possible (Doc?) and he's also willing (PaterAlf?), Calad does his best to ignore the Lightning Bolt that just missed him and casts Levitate on Pater Alf, lifting him out of harm's way. Then, if there's still time in the turn, he uses his Wand of Acid Arrows on the highest priority target that can be aimed at without risking companions.
Target priority order:
1. Burgut
2. Standing Troll
3. Ogre Mage
4. Troll slapping himself.
31 - blastradius - Valius - Elven Battlemage Angered at the sight of his fallen fighting companion, Valius decides it's time to go in for a kill and take out the weakened ogre mage to stop it from doing anymore damage. With a gleam in his eye, he roars out "I cast Magic Missile!" and guides it right at the ogre mage.
8 - cardangrille - Cardan - Half Orc Berserker Cardan keep following friends and keep guard, happy with new shiny, but want more!
53 - Celton88 - Krssl Kssk - Drow Necromancer -- ( Death Armour ) -- RETIRED FROM GAME 1. Hi Doc,
I'm out. I got some stuff in RL going on. This was way fun though! Thank you and BenKi for all your work!
2. Maybe I should charge the ogre while casting spells. Yeah.
.. Go out in a blaze of glory. I hope my corpse is reanimated to fight for the party!
47 - dmg1975 - Raybur Wolfsktaa - Dwarven Cleric -- ( Globe of Protection ) without hesitation he runs near the half orc to cast a healing spell on him while protecting him with his globe.
62 - ariaspi - Thelis - Human Ranger 62 - Thelis - Human Ranger, once again, starts firing his bow at the Ogre Mage, this time aiming for its heart.
44 - Zadalon - Franziskan - Human Cleric -- ( Divine Retaliation, Summoned Holy Guardian ) PaterAlf is in trouble and even if he starts levitating it may be slow and he may be an easy target so I must do everything possible to draw the attention of Burgut away from PaterAlf. I throw my shield to Burgut's head shouting "EARTHQUAKE!!!" and I charge him and hit him with my mace. The Holy Guardian tries to attack the troll that made him fall to the ground.
Divine Retaliation on me cast turn 13 expires at the end of turn 17
Holy Guardian cast turn 12 expiires at the end of turn 16
Haven't taken turn yet: 7 - Ilan14 - Daniel - Human Thief
27 - Maxvorstadt - Balbok - Half-Orc Shaman
60 - Gekko_Dekko - Daddy Burrson - Dwarf Warrior
79 - v1989 - Vertel - Human - Thief