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fortune_p_dawg: Pillars of Eternity and it's fucking excellent. Been playing it a couple weeks now and I'd surmise I'm about halfway to the finish line. Probably going to do a couple short and sweet games after I finish Pillars, and then on to Tyranny. Something about the fall/winter months just lends itself to awesome RPGs.
POE wasn't my thing but I'm really glad you are enjoying it and when people enjoy RPG's in general. Don't forget to give Underrail a look in if you haven't already, I am extremely happy to recommend it.
fortune_p_dawg: Pillars of Eternity and it's fucking excellent. Been playing it a couple weeks now and I'd surmise I'm about halfway to the finish line. Probably going to do a couple short and sweet games after I finish Pillars, and then on to Tyranny. Something about the fall/winter months just lends itself to awesome RPGs.
David9855: POE wasn't my thing but I'm really glad you are enjoying it and when people enjoy RPG's in general. Don't forget to give Underrail a look in if you haven't already, I am extremely happy to recommend it.
I missed the boat on it too, made doubly sad by the fact that someone gifted it to me.
fortune_p_dawg: Pillars of Eternity and it's fucking excellent. Been playing it a couple weeks now and I'd surmise I'm about halfway to the finish line. Probably going to do a couple short and sweet games after I finish Pillars, and then on to Tyranny. Something about the fall/winter months just lends itself to awesome RPGs.
David9855: POE wasn't my thing but I'm really glad you are enjoying it and when people enjoy RPG's in general. Don't forget to give Underrail a look in if you haven't already, I am extremely happy to recommend it.
I've considering Underrail for a while now. I've been hovering the mouse over the 'buy' button for the past few days, the only thing that keeps me from taking the plunge is the purported stringent difficulty. See, I practically never play my games on 'hard' even if the medium difficulty is extremely easy. Can you over-level? I love over-leveling. These days, for me (with family and all that jazz) the time doesn't exist to master a game, but rather just exist within its world/narrative for a few hours before bed.
David9855: POE wasn't my thing but I'm really glad you are enjoying it and when people enjoy RPG's in general. Don't forget to give Underrail a look in if you haven't already, I am extremely happy to recommend it.
tinyE: I missed the boat on it too, made doubly sad by the fact that someone gifted it to me.
Someone gifted you Pillars and you haven't played it yet? It's really quite nice.
Post edited November 11, 2016 by fortune_p_dawg
low rated
David9855: POE wasn't my thing but I'm really glad you are enjoying it and when people enjoy RPG's in general. Don't forget to give Underrail a look in if you haven't already, I am extremely happy to recommend it.
fortune_p_dawg: I've considering Underrail for a while now. I've been hovering the mouse over the 'buy' button for the past few days, the only thing that keeps me from taking the plunge is the purported stringent difficulty. See, I practically never play my games on 'hard' even if the medium difficulty is extremely easy. Can you over-level? I love over-leveling. These days, for me (with family and all that jazz) the time doesn't exist to master a game, but rather just exist within its world/narrative for a few hours before bed.
tinyE: I missed the boat on it too, made doubly sad by the fact that someone gifted it to me.
fortune_p_dawg: Someone gifted you Pillars and you haven't played it yet? It's really quite nice.

Did not have very much fun doing so. XD

As for Zomboid I just found an axe, problem being I'm a good distance from where I was to hold up and it's dark out.
Are you finally unblocking my alt?
Tallima: Are you finally unblocking my alt?
What are you playing now?


When I first joined here I thought cool, I can compare notes on games like Commandos and Frontier Wars and put some of this experience to use, but all anyone ever ask about those are tech questions. That's no fun. XD
Post edited November 11, 2016 by tinyE
tinyE: snip
Woah, what did I miss?
PaterAlf: Good idea. I just fear that certain people won't stop to open more threads about politics or post their bullshit in the existing ones.
So you don't like my "Somalian Election" thread. :(

Trine 3 and Donkey Kong Country 2.
Post edited November 11, 2016 by Klumpen0815
tinyE: No more political crap from me, unless it's game related ,and I just started Tropico so it might very well be.
Is this sufficiently game related for you?
tinyE: No more political crap from me, unless it's game related ,and I just started Tropico so it might very well be.
dr.schliemann: Is this sufficiently game related for you?

Oh wait I get it. It's very funny but if it's gonna cause a shit fit in here I'd rather you hadn't posted it.
Post edited November 11, 2016 by tinyE
Tallima: Are you finally unblocking my alt?
tinyE: What are you playing now?

Besides trolling TinyE, I've got Witcher 2 slowly making progress on my Xbox. I lost my PC save.

On PC, I'm playing dragons dogma. VB(funny, I have that for Xbox also but quit playing bc my kids got my Xbox - I upgraded to a one and Witcher 2 works on it but i don't think DD does.)

I also got shelter 2 recently. It was amazing the emotional impact it had on me when Snowy died (my 4th born). Chewy, Earthy and Bark all made it, though. They were strong little cats.

My 3 year old just learned how to open the kids' old Dell laptop. He opens it every morning and plays a round of putt-putt goes to the moon. Sometimes he'll save a zoo or enter a race, but he likes to go to the moon.

2 nights ago he pointed to the moon and said "sun!" I said "moon!" And he said "that's where putt-putt is!"
Post edited November 11, 2016 by Tallima
Phantasy Star 3. The game has some flaws (it feels unfinshed, to be honest), but I am enjoying it, even if it does sometimes get annoying.
Also, I haven't played Kerbal in a while, but I play it for a week evey few months. Probably for the rest of my life best game purchase ever.

I have flown by a planet, but no landings yet. I modeled a rocket after the Saturn 5 and landed on the moon and had enough fuel to go to the other moon and then back home. That was my grandest trip. Very Wallace and grommitian.
Tallima: Are you finally unblocking my alt?
tinyE: What are you playing now?


When I first joined here I thought cool, I can compare notes on games like Commandos and Frontier Wars and put some of this experience to use, but all anyone ever ask about those are tech questions. That's no fun. XD
Bloodrayne. :P
dr.schliemann: Is this sufficiently game related for you?
tinyE: Huh?

Oh wait I get it. It's very funny but if it's gonna cause a shit fit in here I'd rather you hadn't posted it.
I thought you could use it to relax your nerves. :-P
What did I miss?