Posted August 09, 2018

Just a small furball :)
Registered: Dec 2016
From Slovenia

Registered: Aug 2011
From United States
Posted August 09, 2018

One Sooty Birb - Available on, not
Registered: Aug 2014
From United States
Posted August 09, 2018

So it's along the lines of making a bad idea more pouplar and then making it more accepted because it became popular?
Sometimes dumbing down a new concept makes it easier to grasp.
The idea of the overton window isn't "dumbing down," but making radicals (especially in politics) seem less radical or even rational, by producing more extreme radicals, or you could use the window to make a stance you want "neutral" by "pushing the window" further out. Think of how "box and whisker plots" (Škatla z brki) are done: you make the radicals the outliers, but if you create new outliers, the old radicals become the fringes of normal, and if you extend the fringes of normal, you can move the midpoint as well as the average.
Sorry, but I can't stop myself from laughing a bit.
I thought it could be a name, but given that I'm female I definately can't be your guy. XD
If you're curious about why I picked my username, check the P.S. section on my profile page (it's a bit messy but GOG didn't allow paragraphs in it).
Well, he was a furry. We got into it because he didn't believe canines should be on leashes, and chose to rant about it in a facebook post about a situation where 2 dogs almost fought each other (which was prevented by leashes), due to improperly long leashes (the more aggressive dog was actually able to reach into the public sidewalk, and even i almost had an altercation with this dog [he actually tried coming after me] at a later date, because of it). I had talked to the guy before on unrealistic expectations and lying (he has a history of pushing arguments he himself doesn't believe in because he believes the thing he's advocating for is easier to swallow than his actual stances and the ideas are "close enough"), and this was another clear case of him basically bullying my girlfriend who was already upset over the fact that her dog was a bigger dog and got scarred and almost got loose and ran out in front of a car because of this aggressive little dog. I thought it could be a name, but given that I'm female I definately can't be your guy. XD
If you're curious about why I picked my username, check the P.S. section on my profile page (it's a bit messy but GOG didn't allow paragraphs in it).
Let's just say, I'm glad we could avoid that.

Political non-Euclidean
Registered: Dec 2013
From Russian Federation
Posted August 09, 2018

However, that's beside the point. I personally think that any company is in it's full right to demand games that they own to be taken down from free access repository. The question is, however, will this step be beneficial? I think not. Neighter for consumer, nor for company itself.
I have download quite a few games from emuparadise. Many of them weren't even worth playing for free. Others were better. I definitely liked Sonic games, especially Sonic Adventure dilogy. So I got the full Sonic collection on Steam when I had the opportunity. Would I buy Sonic games if I hadn't enjoyed them thanks to emuparadise ROM repository? I seriously doubt that.

For all its sins EA treated older C&C games and those games' fans in exemplary fashion - they made some of those games free and allowed creations of fan projects like Renegade X or OpenRA.
Post edited August 09, 2018 by LootHunter

One Sooty Birb - Available on, not
Registered: Aug 2014
From United States
Posted August 09, 2018

For all its sins EA treated older C&C games and those games' fans in exemplary fashion - they made some of those games free and allowed creations of fan projects like Renegade X or OpenRA.

Just a small furball :)
Registered: Dec 2016
From Slovenia
Posted August 09, 2018

So it's along the lines of making a bad idea more pouplar and then making it more accepted because it became popular?
Sometimes dumbing down a new concept makes it easier to grasp.

The idea of the overton window isn't "dumbing down," but making radicals (especially in politics) seem less radical or even rational, by producing more extreme radicals, or you could use the window to make a stance you want "neutral" by "pushing the window" further out. Think of how "box and whisker plots" (Škatla z brki) are done: you make the radicals the outliers, but if you create new outliers, the old radicals become the fringes of normal, and if you extend the fringes of normal, you can move the midpoint as well as the average.
Sorry, but I can't stop myself from laughing a bit.
I thought it could be a name, but given that I'm female I definately can't be your guy. XD
If you're curious about why I picked my username, check the P.S. section on my profile page (it's a bit messy but GOG didn't allow paragraphs in it).

Let's just say, I'm glad we could avoid that.
Response to paragraphs 1:
Let me stop you.
I'm not saying that things should be simplified in general.
"Dumbing down" is a technique I like to use when facing a new concept.
By simplifing it I can see if I'm moving in the right direction in trying to "get it".
So my question was if "overton window" can be simplified to:
"So it's along the lines of making a bad idea more pouplar and then making it more accepted because it became popular?"
Response to paragraphs 2:
"Furry" by itself has a huge potencial to be misunderstood (why I like to avoid it).
"Furries like anthroporphic animals" is the brodest definition. That doesn't make all of them overboard animal rights "maniacs".
I do see how his opinon was extreme and not funcional and why you got rightly upset.
I'm not defending or accusing anyone, I'm just saying that there isn't neccesarly a connection between "furry" and "extreme opinon on anything animal related".

One Sooty Birb - Available on, not
Registered: Aug 2014
From United States

Just a small furball :)
Registered: Dec 2016
From Slovenia
Posted August 09, 2018

Response to paragraphs 1:
Let me stop you.
I'm not saying that things should be simplified in general.
"Dumbing down" is a technique I like to use when facing a new concept.
By simplifing it I can see if I'm moving in the right direction in trying to "get it".

So my question was if "overton window" can be simplified to:
"So it's along the lines of making a bad idea more pouplar and then making it more accepted because it became popular?"

Response to paragraphs 2:
"Furry" by itself has a huge potencial to be misunderstood (why I like to avoid it).
"Furries like anthroporphic animals" is the brodest definition. That doesn't make all of them overboard animal rights "maniacs".

I do see how his opinon was extreme and not funcional and why you got rightly upset.
I'm not defending or accusing anyone, I'm just saying that there isn't neccesarly a connection between "furry" and "extreme opinon on anything animal related".

Anyway, this is all totally off topic at this point, but i figured it was worth clarifying.
Thank you, I'll keep it in mind.
I'm not very confident because of several attemps going wrong + I've 0 knowlage of coding.
Overton Window:
Thank you.
I can definately follow that example. :D
*funcional surface definition aquired*
I'll more into in at a later date, for now I wanted to have an aproximate idea what it was about.
Furry vs. activist:
It is off topic, but thank you for clarifying it anyway.

Political non-Euclidean
Registered: Dec 2013
From Russian Federation
Posted August 09, 2018

Even if my stance is incorrect, making reasons for taking down ROMs clear and transparent would greatly decreased negativity towards Nintendo (or any other company that participated in takedowns). But apparently, no one cares about attitude from gamers until it becomes apparent through already decreased revenue. After all many angry users still pay subscription and buy games and soft, since they have little choice. Or if they will stop paying then... well, only then companies will start to think.
In other words, yes, if someone makes a bad decision on bad information, that makes them ignoramouses. If someone is ignoramous due to their own laziness and lack of care for others - they are assholes.

Nintendo (and other companies, if they were initiators of the lawsuits) is in totally different position. They own IPs totally and if they would want to explain themselves no one will hold them to any responsibility. Thus lack of "any reasonable evidence" about what is going on is on companies conciousness only.

One Sooty Birb - Available on, not
Registered: Aug 2014
From United States
Posted August 09, 2018

Even if my stance is incorrect, making reasons for taking down ROMs clear and transparent would greatly decreased negativity towards Nintendo (or any other company that participated in takedowns). But apparently, no one cares about attitude from gamers until it becomes apparent through already decreased revenue. After all many angry users still pay subscription and buy games and soft, since they have little choice. Or if they will stop paying then... well, only then companies will start to think.
In other words, yes, if someone makes a bad decision on bad information, that makes them ignoramouses. If someone is ignoramous due to their own laziness and lack of care for others - they are assholes.

Nintendo (and other companies, if they were initiators of the lawsuits) is in totally different position. They own IPs totally and if they would want to explain themselves no one will hold them to any responsibility. Thus lack of "any reasonable evidence" about what is going on is on companies conciousness only.
Post edited August 09, 2018 by kohlrak

RIP Roy 01/07/2023
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted August 09, 2018

So why only the roms, then? Why are the emulators still cool?
Emulators are legal. Sony tried to shut down emulator development years ago and a court ruled against them even though the actual developer of the emulator (Bleem) ran out of money because of the court costs. So by winning a battle, Sony lost the war for itself and its peers. There are some instances of companies trying to stop emulators but they generally have to appeal to places like Apple to get them to pull the app from being sold. They can't use the law to go after them. 
Post edited August 09, 2018 by andysheets1975

One Sooty Birb - Available on, not
Registered: Aug 2014
From United States
Posted August 10, 2018

So why only the roms, then? Why are the emulators still cool?

Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted August 10, 2018

One Sooty Birb - Available on, not
Registered: Aug 2014
From United States
Posted August 10, 2018

Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted August 10, 2018

*Okay, I'm being hyperbolic here. Saying to murder someone is over the line for free speech but the point still stands. You can put terms in a contract/EULA that cannot be enforced - for example not selling property to african americans. The First Amendment protects the speech but other laws make it illegal to enforce. And if you do enforce them then your own free speech can be used as evidence against you.
Post edited August 10, 2018 by tremere110