Posted August 08, 2018

Furthermore, in the case of culturally relevant software like games, where clearly the behavior of a whole species was influenced and shaped by specific titles, especially after more than a few decades passed, they should not be owned by single companies but instead should be transferred to the public domain and thus, equally, it should be legal to download a copy from wherever and run that on an emulator because real devices are museum pieces.
emuparadise in this instances were just a place where those roms were lying around and as such.. the existence of such a storage should also not be illegal and gone after by police. The police should go after people where those two things above not apply. But they want the easy way out so they just cease and desist emuparadise.
Note that I said "should" a lot of the time here. That's my viewpoint. Of course, it's still not legal because.. well it's about money and thus corporations and as politicians who make laws today are run by corporations.. well... shit.
Plus, if they make something really strong and powerful, because they did the work necessary to make something strong and powerful, don't they have a right to milk that? Don't we owe them for their service of transforming the industry?