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Hey everyone! You might have already or will soon receive an email from us about your cloud storage with a link to the dedicated clean-up tool. Don't be alarmed by the "salesmanago" part contained in their URLs. It's a legitimate email and link from us.

Send-out of these emails is happening in batches to ensure a smooth experience for everyone managing their savefiles, and not strain our infrastructure. We’ll also have a proper announcement once the majority of emails go out, and more options to access the tool besides just the email link.
high rated
king_kunat: Hey everyone! You might have already or will soon receive an email from us about your cloud storage with a link to the dedicated clean-up tool. Don't be alarmed by the "salesmanago" part contained in their URLs. It's a legitimate email and link from us.

Send-out of these emails is happening in batches to ensure a smooth experience for everyone managing their savefiles, and not strain our infrastructure. We’ll also have a proper announcement once the majority of emails go out, and more options to access the tool besides just the email link.
Consider adding an option in my GOG account that automatically deletes cloud saves older than, say, 3, 6 or 12 months. I really have no use for old saves, neither do you, and it would help reduce storage requirements.

I would definitely enable such an option, and I imagine others would too.

Keep up the good work!
king_kunat: Hey everyone! You might have already or will soon receive an email from us about your cloud storage with a link to the dedicated clean-up tool. Don't be alarmed by the "salesmanago" part contained in their URLs. It's a legitimate email and link from us.

Send-out of these emails is happening in batches to ensure a smooth experience for everyone managing their savefiles, and not strain our infrastructure. We’ll also have a proper announcement once the majority of emails go out, and more options to access the tool besides just the email link.
EyPoochRaven: Consider adding an option in my GOG account that automatically deletes cloud saves older than, say, 3, 6 or 12 months. I really have no use for old saves, neither do you, and it would help reduce storage requirements.

I would definitely enable such an option, and I imagine others would too.

Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the feedback! I'll forward it to the Team :)
Another option, put a second page navigation at the top so its easier to go through lots of pages and select all
Good to know, I didn't dare click on the link and couldn't find the cloud save management in Gog galaxy.

Also it would be nice to have a button that just let you select every file since some have pages and pages of saves (yup I am a serial saver). A good position would be on the screen with all the games an extra button maybe at the beginning (i.e. not close to the button that let you drill into the page with save games to avoid mis-clicks or have a cancel/ok dialogue box after clicking on it).
Since could saves are something we evidently need to track, it would be nice if the info was easily accessible on your web site and the GOG launcher. I literally had to type in the url to find the page, as I couldn't find the option anywhere in the menus.
high rated
Maybe don't send emails that look exactly like phishing emails? ("ACTION NEEDED", "avoid the loss of files", links that don't point directly at You'll train your customers to trust emails that look like this, making them more vulnerable to actual phishing attacks. You also won't reach all of your users, since many people will simply delete this phishy-looking email.
Doing some clean-up now.

It is true I should do this with my saves more often, for my own good as well. A tool like this, with some of the suggestions I'm seeing in this thread, could help. Also some galaxy functionality to help us decide what to do when there's differences between local and cloud saves. When closing a game it seems reasonable to expect I want to sync, but when opening it's more relative, maybe I did some clean-up in the folder or copied some backup saves. I think in the past I've seen a pop-up asking if I want to keep cloud or local saves, but without enough information to decide quickly, I often need to check the files, which would be easier opening the game, at least now I can see what's on the cloud to compare.

It seems Pillars of Eternity 1 & 2 make massive saves, I've deleted most of mine and still is barely under 200MB. I don't know if they keep track of a lot of things or are poorly optimized, but it's not something I can fix. Owlcat's Pathfinder games are a close second. Maybe some games should have a bit more space. Else I might just have to disable cloud sync for those once I start a few more playthroughs I'm planning.

One last thing, a question. If i delete savefiles on the cloud, when syncing, would they delete local files? I'm not clear on how that works.
How long does it take for the cloud save download in gog galaxy to start? Its been stuck at 0% for ages.

Kind of makes it a bit difficult to manage...


Scrap that they do download. They just don't show any progress in galaxy. They go from 0% to 100% after about 10 minutes.
Post edited June 07, 2024 by bobscraphouse
bobscraphouse: How long does it take for the cloud save download in gog galaxy to start? Its been stuck at 0% for ages.

Kind of makes it a bit difficult to manage...


Scrap that they do download. They just don't show any progress in galaxy. They go from 0% to 100% after about 10 minutes.
When they seem stuck I just close and reopen galaxy. XD
Here's a problem. I purchased Witcher 3-WIld Hunt GOTY from GOG years back, and EACH of their save files are relatively HUGE. I would NEVER be able to pare down my cloud-save files enough to get them UNDER 200 MB. That's basically a small amount of W3GOTY save files. SO: what do I do? Purchase the game from Steam (basically playing the game from their platform,and buying the game AGAIN, knowing Steam's platform doesn't have such a ridiculously low amount of cloud space)? Some modern games have very LARGE save files; W3GOTY is one of those games. I have my saves backed up on an external drive, but not being able to sync up and use cloud saves for this game on GOG Galaxy (which in itself is a LENGTHY process) when I play it isn't an option. Suggestions? I've deleted a ton of my W3GOTY could saves, but it's still WAAAY over the rather small 200 MB limit.
Post edited June 07, 2024 by robedits
I just got the email and didn't think it applied to me because I've never enabled cloud saves. Out of curiosity I clicked the manage data link and found 5 games with saves, with one with over 700MB. WTF?
high rated
The 200 MB limit is laughable. My Witcher 3 saves are a little over 900 MB uncompressed and that's not even the largest in my collection. This isn't unusual for games that span hundreds of hours and have complex branching quests. One more reason I'm glad I gave up on cloud saves a long time ago.

That being said, the addition of this tool is very nice to see. Hopefully as time goes on, we'll see more features that should've been there since the beginning, like owned items actually being marked as such, and a way to filter games out of the store and promotional e-mails.
I did't get any mail, but what I get everytime is this cloud sync error, and I have only a couple of W3 and CP2077 saves...
Whats going on? Why the cloud space is suddenly so low?
When I couldn't find any way to manage cloud saves in Galaxy or on your website, I was sure it was just phishing.
It's not 2015. People don't klick links in mails anymore.
Post edited June 09, 2024 by ActiveO2