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200 MB is a ridiculously small amount. My Cyberpunk Auto-Saves alone are already at 130 MB.
If you need to save Cloud Space, at least give us an overall limit for all games. I don't mind to delete my old Witcher Saves to make Space for my current Game.

I will not bother to decide which saves to delete and turn cloud saves off. In future I might use a different platform for games with a lot of story branches and different endings.
high rated
StefanDD: 200 MB is a ridiculously small amount. My Cyberpunk Auto-Saves alone are already at 130 MB.
If you need to save Cloud Space, at least give us an overall limit for all games. I don't mind to delete my old Witcher Saves to make Space for my current Game.

I will not bother to decide which saves to delete and turn cloud saves off. In future I might use a different platform for games with a lot of story branches and different endings.
Cyberpunk is YOUR GAME.
YOUR GAME is making a TON OF SAVEGAMES and now you re blackmailing us that you will delete all saves from a game that makes more savegames than your cloud can handle.
ARE YOU STUPID???? At the very least you should allow larger space for Cyberpunk, Witcher, and other CDPR games since IT IS YOUR DAMN FAULT that these games have large and frequent saves.
Rm4g3dD0v: and now you re blackmailing us
Not blackmail.

They informed you that it will happen. You have time to prepare for it happening. And then it will happen.

But nothing you do or say will change it.
Kinda related question, did cloud saves stop working on Windows 7? I played Curse: The Eye of Isis, but the cloud sync always fails...
king_kunat: Hey everyone! You might have already or will soon receive an email from us about your cloud storage with a link to the dedicated clean-up tool. Don't be alarmed by the "salesmanago" part contained in their URLs. It's a legitimate email and link from us.

Send-out of these emails is happening in batches to ensure a smooth experience for everyone managing their savefiles, and not strain our infrastructure. We’ll also have a proper announcement once the majority of emails go out, and more options to access the tool besides just the email link.
Thank you so much for this GoG! : "
6:34 AM (16 minutes ago)
to me

Thank you for reaching back to us.

If you are looking to manage your save data stored on our servers, you can use our newly introduced cloud management tool that we have recently introduce it. To use it, please go to (make sure that you are logged into your GOG account) and delete any save data that you deem unnecessary. If the save games that you are deleting are also on your device (as in, you have downloaded the game prior to deleting the saves with the help of the cloud management tool), you will also need to remove those saves from your device locally by going to the directory where the save files are stored (each game has a different directory for that which you can look up by going to and entering the name of the game in the search bar) . Otherwise the files stored locally on your PC will be uploaded to the cloud, reverting the data deletion that you have previously done through the dedicated web page.
king_kunat: Hey everyone! You might have already or will soon receive an email from us about your cloud storage with a link to the dedicated clean-up tool. Don't be alarmed by the "salesmanago" part contained in their URLs. It's a legitimate email and link from us.

Send-out of these emails is happening in batches to ensure a smooth experience for everyone managing their savefiles, and not strain our infrastructure. We’ll also have a proper announcement once the majority of emails go out, and more options to access the tool besides just the email link.
I think 200MB/game owned would be a much fairer limit. Or even 100MB/game owned. Some games like X4 can have even with one savegame going over the 200MB limit, this making cloud saves pointless.
I dont know original state (by original i mean date of web storage availability announced here), currently it is 200 MB per game.
king_kunat: Hey everyone! You might have already or will soon receive an email from us about your cloud storage with a link to the dedicated clean-up tool. Don't be alarmed by the "salesmanago" part contained in their URLs. It's a legitimate email and link from us.

Send-out of these emails is happening in batches to ensure a smooth experience for everyone managing their savefiles, and not strain our infrastructure. We’ll also have a proper announcement once the majority of emails go out, and more options to access the tool besides just the email link.
blotunga: I think 200MB/game owned would be a much fairer limit. Or even 100MB/game owned. Some games like X4 can have even with one savegame going over the 200MB limit, this making cloud saves pointless.
no i think 100MB per game is more than enough, save game data isn't realy game data, its user data, so it should not cost too much disk space.
QWEEDDYZ: I dont know original state (by original i mean date of web storage availability announced here), currently it is 200 MB per game.
still thats more than enough for some user data

having game save user data that exceeds the total amount of actual game size , is stupid
Post edited July 13, 2024 by riverlylereuveni
Yeah that's more than enough. There is few games have issues. But that game issues, not GOG Galaxy. Quake 1 Enhanced.
Although maybe Galaxy issue sometimes too...

In general such Save Clouds are big mess from first time they implemented anywhere. Devs or platform or someone else mistake. Clouds keep too much excessive files for configs or logs and else trash. Some games use saves folder for non-saves.
Quake 1 remake again.

In the first place it is and wasnt Microsoft fault. Theoretically it should be Windows folders: %User SavedGames, AppData, MyGames for 3 differ types of user files. MyGames for mods, maps, screenshots etc. SavedGames for saves. AppData for logs and configs.
3 folder often become two or even one. And when it is two they just one mirrored by two, doubled: game save folder eg in MyGames and copies in steam/users/userdata or AppData/GOG/Galaxy (even for many offline builds).

DosBox and ScummVM custom builds on GOG use game save folder (usually internal) and DosBox-CS (GOG's fork) with or without GOG Galaxy copy any post-install files to saved_games inside game folder (where it is also configs logs etc, any DosBox find generated at while game running).

So first even Microsoft/_Xbox Game Studio make all generated files in single folder, then every else devs do everyone everything as they want, and then GOG(/Steam/etc) get to it and just make extra copies of files inside AppData/Galaxy or whatever folders.

Valve when tirst implement Saves Cloud intended to save configs too but later excluded to be saves only for Half-Life series. Still config for CSS/etc. And Valve let every dev put to Steam Cloud whatever folder and files on your PC.
So what i want to say. Turn this all off. Make your own Save Cloud. Use at least Ms OneDrive for it, G.Drive. Or some more specific tool probably. Or just manually, keep PC free of extra apps on it. Those YOU can decide WHICH files to store and which folders.
Post edited July 13, 2024 by QWEEDDYZ
It's really annoying.
I turned cloud saves for Cyberpunk off, but the game still syncs random saves to the cloud. Not even sure if turning it off in the GoG launcher has any effect. But in the CD Project Red Launcher are no further settings for this.

I really don't want to lose my saves, I tried to make a save at important decissions, so that I can see other endings too.
Hah hah hah. I cannot believe those emails are legit, they triggered my scam alert 100% and I have simply ignored them so far. I really don't dare clicking on email links, there has to be an easy way (and clear instructions on how) to manage those cloud saves from GOG web page or Galaxy client.

I mean, without those instructions being behind weird looking links in the email.
Post edited July 15, 2024 by Jebu
Dear GOG...

Of all the games I have on this account, it is only YOUR OWN GAME, the beautiful and amazing Witcher 3, that exceeds this limit (currently at 800 MB).
While I like the idea of cloud saves it was always obvious to me that you were going to run into storage problems trying to hold onto all the saves for everyone.

Have you considered adding the ability for users to direct the saves into their own cloud storage? Dropbox, Nextcloud, etc?

Since all these services automatically synchronize selected folders on the user's machine all you'd need to do is allow the user to specify a folder to send/retrieve the backup files to/from. Everything else would be handled by the cloud service.
king_kunat: Hey everyone! You might have already or will soon receive an email from us about your cloud storage with a link to the dedicated clean-up tool. Don't be alarmed by the "salesmanago" part contained in their URLs. It's a legitimate email and link from us.

Send-out of these emails is happening in batches to ensure a smooth experience for everyone managing their savefiles, and not strain our infrastructure. We’ll also have a proper announcement once the majority of emails go out, and more options to access the tool besides just the email link.
Well, I hoped you've re-thinked this kind of stupid shit. 200 MB is way too low limitation for cloud saves, especially as your own CDPR games are between the ones with the highest cloud storage space used (other are from Larian and Owlcats)
Post edited July 15, 2024 by Robin_Seina
EyPoochRaven: Consider adding an option in my GOG account that automatically deletes cloud saves older than, say, 3, 6 or 12 months. I really have no use for old saves, neither do you, and it would help reduce storage requirements.

I would definitely enable such an option, and I imagine others would too.

Keep up the good work!
As long as it remains an option because I completely disagree with this idea.