Breja: Average sword & sorcery from a guy who likes to shit talk Tolkien and C.S. Lewis.
Darvond: The author, the OP, or both?
Because I can't imagine modern fantasy without either Tolkien or Lewis. Much like I can't imagine Neo-Modern Fantasy without Pratchett or Sci-Fi without Asimov.
Moorcock has written essays in which he reveals that he has a very poor understanding of Tolkien's work (and Lewis's). He misses Tolkien's ideas and themes and instead projects a lot of old British classism on to him, concluding that Tolkien is a comforting upper class/status quo writer who flees from reality into children's fairy tales. Moorcock resents Tolkien's position as an author and seemingly wants to supplant him (or at least replace him with someone Moorcock does like, like Mervyn Peake), but whereas Tolkien simply wrote his books and moved along with his life and interests, not bothered or even bemused by his growing fame, Moorcock can't seem to escape his pulp roots and has to constantly hustle and campaign for people to show respect to his Serious Literary Novels like Mother London.
I do enjoy Moorcock's older works, like the early Elric stories. It's just when he starts sharing his opinions on things, he turns into a petty, pretentious windbag and is best ignored.