PaterAlf: §86 STGB is about distribution of propaganda material of unconstitutional parties and organisations.
It has nothing to do with banned computer games. There is no second page. The whole link is about a very specific case in which a violent and dangerous person in jail is not allowed to posess the series "The Walking Dead" (which is not indexed or banned), because his therapist thinks it will be harmful for his therapy and rehabilitation. It also has nothing to do with normal gamers and banned games.
I was referring to the link I posted earlier and out of which you decided to just post one sentence out of context and which you have already again forgotten about. And This already AGAIN invalidates your point as this article out of which you quoted was absolutely counter-productive about your claim you are making.
I could re-quote this nice sentence you posted too me again.
But as I am NOT like you:
And nice, you did try to read the OTHER link I send you, BUT
1.) The walking dead is FSK 18, hence it is indexed, not by BDJM but by USK, still indexed. BDJM just did not add it to their list.
2.) The therapists was actually okay with it
3.) It was the Boss of the Jail who refused it and the judges agreed.
4.) So if a person in jail can not legally buy a minor indexed thing, you really think that it is OK to own a game which is on the really bad bad list.
5.) I really suggest, read a bit more carefully, as the German criminal law STGB does not make any distinction between films and games.
IF you would really would know a wee little bit about this you would know that computer games are not considered as art OR FILMS in Germany, so allowing even less freedom with it.
7.) With what you just posted you made it also crystal clear, that you do not really understand anything about why certain games are banned and on which grounds.
If you would really like to understand the indexing I suggest to read some of those links: Those links are from the official BPJM page Oh, I really suggest you read this link on the web-archive part which is in one of the other links.
Have a nice day