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can happen with gog too and to every game that you don't own as a offline-working retail copy
VPN might work.
tfishell: I was going to question whether GOG was really much better with their regional blocking, but I guess the difference here is they aren't blocking anyone from Germany buying any games here.
The issue wasn't about not being able to buy (more) games, but not being able to play games you've already purchased in the past.

apehater: can happen with gog too and to every game that you don't own as a offline-working retail copy
No it can't, as GOG can't prevent me from installing and playing the single-player games I've bought and downloaded from their service. That's what DRM-free is all about, after all.
Post edited October 30, 2016 by timppu
apehater: can happen with gog too and to every game that you don't own as a offline-working retail copy
If you don't have the DRM-free copy backed up then yeah, but just losing access to GOG wouldn't render the installers useless if you already have them.
It was the same crap with "Games for Windows Life", but worldwide. They shut down and every game was gone. No DRM-free patch as promised or keys for other distribution platforms. The same promise exists from Steam. Lets see if they will hold their promise if they shut down someday...
Heretic777: VPN might work.
From the OP on the Reddit thread, they can still use VPNs to access their games. However, it's a no-go for online play due to ping/lag issues, making it problematic for those whose sole purpose for using Origin is to play games like Battlefield.
Silverhawk170485: The same promise exists from Steam. Lets see if they will hold their promise if they shut down someday...
The thing is, people constantly cite this as if it was a hard fact. However, AFAIK there has been no official statement made from anyone at Steam about this. From what I understand in my reading of the Steam SSA, they're not liable for anything at all if Steam goes under.
Post edited October 30, 2016 by rampancy
Lord_Kane: AHHH THIS EXPLAINS IT. Thanks JMich
Actually the indexing in Germany is even more complex:

1.) this stupid index is not even public (despite the government claiming so), it is only published in a journal you have to pay for (14 Euros). Reason: Publishing this list could mean a kind of advertising.
1.a) there are 4 lists.
2.) you have 2 laws for preventing dangers to youngsters:
2.a.) including immoral, brutalize somebody, call for crimes or race-heating and similar. (normal List)
2.b.) by definition in the List are things which are glorifying war, (STGB will be extra later), degrading the human dignity, show kids or teens in an unnatural sexual way and the best one: being obviously suitable to heavily endanger the progress of kids and teens to a fully independent and socially competent personalty.

So those games are just for adults. (simplifying a bit here ;) )

BUT you have games which are forbidden because of criminal Laws (STGB). Owning those things (games/music/whatever hence things) will get them confiscated. And of you publish them, prosecuted.
Examples for getting on this list:
First definition Pornography: The definition is based on court decision from 1969 and 1974. And a strict classification in ART and Pornography is not possible.
Pornography is automatically indexed and on a list. (for under 18)
second definition of pornography: (which is LAW-wise much clearer) sexual interaction based on violence, animals and kids.
Those are not only on a list, but they are getting followed up by law enforcement, so including possession is a offense.
And making both things available is considered a crime.
other examples (really hard to translate)
Use of objects propagation Organizations being declared against the German constitution, examples use of Nazi-symbols, flags, uniforms, greetings. This also includes parties being declared unconstitutional by the German SCOTUS/ supreme court.
Those things are also not just forbidden, they are a crime and to be confiscated.
Other things: denigrate the German flag, German colours or German anthem (which is already a joke in itself, as the ORIGINAL version of the anthem has to get castrated by the government/German supreme court) and that Germany is still not having a REAL official anthem. (never being voted upon or similar)
denigrating religious or ideological views (STGB) in a way to cause public unrest

And a few more.

This is only a short and incomplete overview but gives you an idea WHY so many games are not allowed in Germany and WHY publishers/distributors are so careful about it. (as hinted above: making them available COULD already be a crime, even if you don't know it).

Sorry about the lengthy reply.
timppu: The issue wasn't about not being able to buy (more) games, but not being able to play games you've already purchased in the past.
Thanks for bringing this up, if a game is getting on the criminal list, it is retroactive, so yes you could loose the right to play a game. (or like you purchased it outside of Germany )

further EDIT:

And reporting about those games could be already seen as advertising and can make the review/article be classified as a crime as well.
Post edited October 30, 2016 by Goodaltgamer
JMich: There are at least two lists. One is a list of banned items (treat them as hard drugs or automatic weapons), while the other is a list of indexed items (treat them as hardcore pornography). One list cannot be sold (unsure about owning it), the other cannot be sold or shown to minors (but you can keep it under the counter and sell it to a verified adult).
The list of banned games is very short though and at the moment there's not a single game on it that is on GOG.

Banned games:
Mortyr: Banned because of Nazi references.
Soldier of Fortune: Payback: Banned due to high levels of gore (decapitations, dismemberments, and excessive blood-letting)
KZ Manager: Banned because of Nazi references.
Condemned: Criminal Origins: Banned because of high impact violence and cruelty.
Condemned 2: Bloodshot: Banned because of high impact violence and cruelty.
Manhunt: Banned because of high impact scary violence and cruelty.
Manhunt 2: Banned because of high impact scary violence and cruelty.
Dead Rising: Banned because of high impact violence and cruelty.
Silent Hill: Homecoming (Uncut): Banned because of high impact violence and cruelty.
Wolfenstein (Uncut): Banned because of Nazi references.
Scarface: The World is Yours (Uncut): Banned because of high impact violence and cruelty.
Left 4 Dead 2 (Uncut):Banned because of high impact violence and cruelty.
The Darkness (Uncut European Xbox 360 version): Banned because of Nazi signs in bonus comic.
Dead Island: Banned because of extreme graphic violence.
adaliabooks: Wow. When I read the thread title I thought it was a game that happened to be called Myanmar and they'd shut down the servers or whatever...
And my impression of the title was a user/troll named Myanmar is who EA had enough trouble with :P
JMich: There are at least two lists. One is a list of banned items (treat them as hard drugs or automatic weapons), while the other is a list of indexed items (treat them as hardcore pornography). One list cannot be sold (unsure about owning it), the other cannot be sold or shown to minors (but you can keep it under the counter and sell it to a verified adult).
PaterAlf: The list of banned games is very short though and at the moment there's not a single game on it that is on GOG.

Banned games:
Mortyr: Banned because of Nazi references.
Soldier of Fortune: Payback: Banned due to high levels of gore (decapitations, dismemberments, and excessive blood-letting)
KZ Manager: Banned because of Nazi references.
Condemned: Criminal Origins: Banned because of high impact violence and cruelty.
Condemned 2: Bloodshot: Banned because of high impact violence and cruelty.
Manhunt: Banned because of high impact scary violence and cruelty.
Manhunt 2: Banned because of high impact scary violence and cruelty.
Dead Rising: Banned because of high impact violence and cruelty.
Silent Hill: Homecoming (Uncut): Banned because of high impact violence and cruelty.
Wolfenstein (Uncut): Banned because of Nazi references.
Scarface: The World is Yours (Uncut): Banned because of high impact violence and cruelty.
Left 4 Dead 2 (Uncut): Banned because of high impact violence and cruelty.
The Darkness (Uncut European Xbox 360 version): Banned because of Nazi signs in bonus comic.
Dead Island: Banned because of extreme graphic violence.
Actually those are the games on the criminal index!!!!! All games on any list are banned, but the list from PaterAlf are the ones bringing you, just because of possession, into trouble. (like drugs and nothing like for own consumption expection)

You want to see an example of stupidity in this process? (yes, german link the EN doesn't say anything about, this game was also indexed out of paramilitary drill, being put into a role of a rambo and destroyer, game could cause "trouble, aggressiveness ..... and headaches)

the closest list I found for banned in general:
PaterAlf: Banned games:
Not seeing Bloodrayne on the list.. The whole game revolves around fighting Nazis.

Then again there is a censored/modified version where they removed most symbols... (Even if it's censored surely it can't be hidden it's obvious contexts), regardless both BloodRayne 1 & 2 are very bloody games (although the bloody part and fun in 2 is a little overboard silly).
rtcvb32: Not seeing Bloodrayne on the list.. The whole game revolves around fighting Nazis.

Then again there is a censored/modified version where they removed most symbols... (Even if it's censored surely it can't be hidden it's obvious contexts), regardless both BloodRayne 1 & 2 are very bloody games (although the bloody part and fun in 2 is a little overboard silly).
bloodrayne is ONLY normally indexed. (AFAIK)
And they might have changed it quite a bit to avoid getting onto the above list. (Green blood, droids instead of human and similar)
Only In Nazi Germany would they censor or ban games in which the gameplay mostly involves killing Nazis...

They won the war.
Post edited October 30, 2016 by clarry
clarry: Only In Nazi Germany would they censor or ban games in which the gameplay mostly involves killing Nazis...

Did you read this part?
That is amazing. So nazi killing games wouldn't need to be censored if the nazis instead wore crossed-out swastikas. Killing anti-fascists is great! Only in Nazi Germany.