i read all posts so far and instead of replying to about 15 of them, i'll just respond in general. as some of the posts are similar. and yes id tech 5 engine is what i meant with modified doom 3 engine. also one could call it current version of quake engine :).
it seems to me like many other posts are missing the point partly or full and/or don't seem to know what the thread is about and/or didn't read the
and my [url=http://www.gog.com/forum/general/dynamic_scaling_a_new_scam_of_videogame_industry/post10]2nd response.
so its neccessary to explain, what is meant by general or static game engine scaling. which many users were posting about. its about density, polygon count, resolution and amount in which objects, textures, npcs, enemies, other players, general surfaces and graphical effects are rendered, depending on the position and distance relative to the player. you can partly adjust the scales for this in the settings. but they're fixed during gaming and don't readjust themselfes, therefore static. also this scaling is independent of the rendered game picture resolution. this is an old standart in video game industry.
dynamic scaling isn't that old and its different. aside from messiah, i know only of id tech 5 based games such as rage which are using it. its getting widely used only since current gen consoles release. it means that the above explained scaling and/or rendered game pic resolution readjust itself on the fly by cpu/gpu to maintain a stable framerate. if fps gets lower than x then the engine scales down (less density, polygon count, resolution and amount) and/or the rendered game pic resolution gets lower. if fps gets higher than x then the engine scales up and/or the rendered game pic resolution gets higher.
we're talking here only about resolution related dynamic scaling. therefore, to be more precisely, messiah doesn't count as an example here as its only lod related dynamic scaling.
then there is a scaling of the rendered game pic to fit on the display, which is made by software and cpu (ps3) or hardware (ps4, xb1, xb360) or gfx (pc). also tvs are able to scale a picture from some formats/resolutions to some other formats/resolutions. fenix explained it
. although i believe the picture link in that post doesn't show a scaled but just a rough stretched picture. here's an example of [url=http://media.redgamingtech.com/rgt-website/2014/06/tomb-raider-1440p-vs-1080p-close-up.png]the difference between native 1440p and 1080p scaled to 1440p. this is independent of resolution related dynamic scaling and was used before current gen consoles.
here's a list of last gen consoles, you can see that many games were upscaled after rendering, there's no resolution related dynamic scaling.
in fact a game for example for ps4 could use dynamic resolution between 720p and 900p and the hardware scaler of ps4 would scale the rendered pictures from between 720p and 900p to 1080p.
here's a general brush up about framerate, resolution and upscaling a picture.
as mentioned in the op i see 4 ways of how resolution related dynamic scaling works:
1. the full game pictures at the end get rendered at lower resolution. here's a good example,
the picture shows the difference between native 1440p and 1080p upscaled to 1440p. this is called dynamic resolution.
2. the textures inside the game getting rendered at lower resolution, kinda dynamic lod for textures. full game pictures are still rendered at full resolution. rage and games on id tech 5 engine are using this and
here you can see how shitty it performed at release of rage.
3. game objects with textures getting rendered at lower resolutions. full game pictures are still rendered at full resolution. don't have an example to present :(.
4. a mix of all 3 methods above.
here's a short explanation about dynamic resolution.
this is a good article about dynamic resolution and some context to its appearance on new gen consoles.
then there's also temporal reprojection a complex resolution related dynamic scaling technique, which is used by killzone shadow fall.
„...Here Guerrilla Games has opted for a 960x1080 framebuffer, in pursuit of a 60fps refresh. ... Now, there are some mitigating factors here. Shadow Fall uses a horizontal interlace, with every other column of pixels generated using a temporal upscale - in effect, information from previously rendered frames is used to plug the gaps. ...“
source devs of shadow fall got sued because they did advertise their title as a full hd game. but this could fill an own thread.
and although dynamic resolution isn't scam by itself, its a scam how the dev/pub and console manufacturer are handling the usage of it in their games. so everytime a ps4 or xb1 game, using dynamic resolution, gets released and the dev/pub with support by or pressure by console manufacturer is officially stating that a game runs at 1080p, its a scam. hell actually the resolution in which the game renders and if its using dynamic resolution, should be mentioned on the box. but there's no such information on xb1 games. and i thought that ps4 games contained at least a resolution info, but its just to which resolutions the game pic gets scaled after rendering.
call of duty black ops 3 on ps4 is one example. there is no official statement, at least at release, that the game is using dynamic resolution. its uncovered by
eurogamer after release.
i saw a thread on another forum in summer 2014, can't find it anymore. it listed many games that were already released and were using dynamic resolution on ps4 and/or xb1. i can remember one of them was tomb raider for both consoles.