In some RPGs, it is easier to heal a dead character than to heal a living character. Examples:
In some Final Fantasy games, there's no spell to fully heal a living character, but there is a spell to fully heal a dead character.
Some interesting examples in the FF series: In FF5, the Phoenix summon revives a character with full HP and MP, but only if that character is dead. You can use the Fusion spell (kills caster to restore HP/MP to the target) so that you can then use Phoenix to restore that character's MP. (One nice quirk; if somebody casts Fusion on herself, she will end up dead, but with full MP.) In FF7, Phoenix fully restores all dead characters, as does Life 2 + All, but Full Cure + All does not work.
Lennus 2: If you fully master the Water spirit, Revive will restore 9999 HP, but only if the target has fainted. This is particularly nice since you don't need any medicine; you only need 80 HP to cast the spell (well, technically 81 because the game won't let you spend your last HP). The Martyr spell (if not leveled too much) and the Sexy Dress can be used to kill the caster while healing the rest of the party.
Phantasy Star 3: Rever, which only works on dead characters, will fully heal if successful and ignores poison. There is an item that casts Rever for free (actually two, Force Vest/Claw). There is no way to cure poison for free, but if you let the character die, you can use the Force Vest to heal the character despite the poison. (This game also features a sacrifice heal, Nasak (cast at high power with the Royal Vest).)
Dragon Quest 6/7: There is a skill, Kerplunk Dance (in modern translations), that can fully heal all dead characters if successful. The problem is that it kills the caster even if it failed, but it at least costs no MP, and in DQ6 it even affects characters in the wagon. (I saw a DQ6 video where the player was fighting 3 of the post-game superboss at once and that particular skill was key to survival.)
Another RPG where death isn't such a bad thing:
Etrian Odyssey 3: A different situation, but when an ally dies, everybody's Limit meter rises slightly. Also, there are passives that trigger on death; the Monk gets one that restores her MP whenever an ally dies. I note that the Ninja has a skill that creates a disposable ally that attracts enemy attacks, making it easy to trigger "on ally death" effects like these.
Etrian Odyssey 2 has an item that fully heals all dead characters.