Maxvorstadt: Before they bring Dungeon Master, they should bring Bloodwych and its sequel first!
Really? DM is a lot better known game then Bloodwych.
Crosmando: No it was in the 2000's.
Cadaver747: Ah yes, the OpenGL port for Windows. So the first two levels were released for download in 1998, and in 1997 the company was acquired by Activision. Probably that is one of the reasons PC gamers haven't received the game. P.S. Amiga is also a PC so I don't know how to politically correct distinguish between the two platforms. IBM-PC gamers sounds even worse.
Uh, for around 2o least in the US and the UK "PC" pretty much equals "IBM PC" which means "Dos or Windows". Technically the Mac and computers using Linux are also Personal Computere, bu the term PC" in English speaking countries means a computer running DOS or Windows..