Mimo: Personally, I found Never Winter Nights 1 to be a great co-op game. First or Third person view depending upon what each of you wants. And you can both have henchman which allows your own character to be more specialized.
HunchBluntley: I admit I haven't played much of
NwN, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't have a first-person perspective option (at least, not without hacks). Or am I nuts? :P
I've also never heard that this game offers a first person mode (but then again, even Take No Prisoners has one, with cheats though). It would be really cool if it did, because I'm not a big fan of 3rd person perspectives. I find them to be less immersive.
So far, I find Barony the most interesting of the games mentioned (save for 1st person NwN). Seems a bit of an underground game (no pun intended).