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ydobemos: George W. Bush, easily. Though if we're allowed to throw in monarchs then Tsar Nicholas II gives him a run for his money.
Nah man, Kaiser Wilhelm II beats all of them.

That guy was a colossal fuckup.
Tsipras must have the shittiest job on earth at the moment, but frankly he can partly blame himself for it, for making promises to the Greeks that weren't realistic to begin with.

When are the next Greek elections anyway? Interesting to see what kind of party comes to power then, and with what kind of (again unrealistic) promises.
Post edited June 10, 2016 by timppu
timppu: Tsipras must have the shittiest job on earth at the moment, but frankly he can partly blame himself for it, for making promises to the Greeks that weren't realistic to begin with.

When are the next Greek elections anyway? Interesting to see what kind of party comes to power then, and with what kind of (again unrealistic) promises.
Don't hold your breath. It's anywhere from next month to two years later. Unless sh*t happens. And it WILL. Is GOING TO...
zeogold: The OP has obviously never seen George W. Bush.
tinyE: Oh come on!

So he went to war with the wrong country! Are you gonna hold that against him forever!?
While I usually like your sense of humor very much, in this case I will just ask you: have you ever lived in "the wrong country"? Or maybe staying in it when the fun started?

And my addition to the list would be Boris Yeltsin.
Post edited June 11, 2016 by Koyot
tinyE: Oh come on!

So he went to war with the wrong country! Are you gonna hold that against him forever!?
Koyot: While I usually like your sense of humor very much, in this case I will just ask you: have you ever lived in "the wrong country"? Or maybe staying in it when the fun started?

And my addition to the list would be Boris Yeltsin.
That wasn't what I meant.

9/11 happened. We found out those behind it were in Afghanistan.
Bush declared that those people would be brought to justice....and invaded Iraq. :P
Post edited June 11, 2016 by tinyE
Never heard about hyperopia?
phaolo: Speaking of which.. holy Trump of text!
TARFU: Wall O' Text strikes again.
..just suggesting that people should leave the possibility open for that sound bites may not also be evidence of sound policy.

Example: "Restrictive labour laws are a threat to profitable enterprises!". Is this a reasonable ideological point of view you can see the sense of? Or would you question the foundation of the entire statement and all it implies? In either case, do you have any thoughts on this?

Or does it appear too distant to have an impact on you, or is something you'd rather leave to what you assume are better qualified people (who, as it happens seem to volunteer themselves frequently for that task)?
Not really a president but still...
King Leopold II, the guy was worse than Hitler.
Post edited June 11, 2016 by bram1253
bram1253: Not really a president but still...
King Leopold II, the guy was worse than Hitler.
Evil doesn't necessarily mean dumb.

If you want both just look at The bloody Kaiser.
Post edited June 11, 2016 by ScotchMonkey
ScotchMonkey: Kaiser Wilhelm II beats all of them.
I remember him, wasn't he the commandant of Stalag 13?
ScotchMonkey: Kaiser Wilhelm II beats all of them.
Kleetus: I remember him, wasn't he the commandant of Stalag 13?
Did he play the violin at some point?
low rated
ScotchMonkey: Did he play the violin at some point?
In real life he was pretty talented and could play the violin and piano (there was an episode where he played the violin briefly as his character).

Plus he ran the best camp, nobody ever escaped from Stalag 13.
ScotchMonkey: Did he play the violin at some point?
Kleetus: In real life he was pretty talented and could play the violin and piano (there was an episode where he played the violin briefly as his character).

Plus he ran the best camp, nobody ever escaped from Stalag 13.
That's like being the most humane hunter; the one who never bagged any game.
ScotchMonkey: That's like being the most humane hunter; the one who never bagged any game.
You really are from Iceland, aren't you?