Posted June 15, 2018

i feel overall impact is based on constant slew of wut is deemed 'teh norm'... taht is to say whole criteria an' peeps mek teh mistake of thinkin' thar is one keyd definin' thang rather than slow detri-mental erosion outlook in wut is nao fast-paced, on-teh-pulse social media tiemz. thar has even been studies dun—i kno iowa state uni even did one naht so long ago (2017?)—taht looked at gamies influencin' an' solidifyin' sexist attitudes an' wut cues are picked up on
Come to think of it, the latter scenario sounds a whole lot more credible: One is just a piece of entertainment that no one in their right mind would ever take seriously, the other is held up by society as a role model and a supposed authority on... stuff. Who are you more inclined to believe? Who is supposed to teach you how the world works? Video games or teachers?