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The full announcement is live now:
$20 / 20€ ?

Is Randy out of his mind ?

and only on that other platform, for the "amazing" price of $20. lol
it will, probably, find its way to too. Sometime.
I think it looks alright. And for £15 i'll definatly be getting it.
I'm getting the impression that it's Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition with a bonus episode and rerecorded voice work running on something similar to eduke32. It wouldn't be bad if it weren't for it missing the expansions as far as I can tell. $20 for this is a little high, but they also think Duke Nukem Forever and it's DLC are worth $40. I should have gotten a copy of Forever when retail copies dropped to $2.
Post edited September 03, 2016 by ZaineH
Well at least they're still using sprites....
I don't see the point...
$20 for a digital download of Duke Nukem 3D, simply astonishing! Randy Bitchfraud outdid himself once again!
rtcvb32: I don't see the point...
Nothing wrong with some new d3d levels to play, if they're well designed.
I wonder if Gearbox rereleases the other removed games (Balls of Steel, Duke Nukem 1+2, Duke Nukem Manhattan Project) during the same time or if they also have similar plans for them.

As for the new version itself, that price is bit steep when compared to Megaton Edition, which cost half as much and actually came with three expansions.
Post edited September 03, 2016 by Grargar
Movie is out!! <3 <3 <3 <3

rtcvb32: I don't see the point...
Crosmando: Nothing wrong with some new d3d levels to play, if they're well designed.
New levels designed by original crew, also new voice acting by John St. John!
Post edited September 03, 2016 by Starkrun
I assume that this is the same thing that was reported here.
I don't have any hopes for it but then again, the only DN game that I liked was Manhattan Project.
£15 hope they include the expansions for that price if not that's too much.
Post edited September 03, 2016 by armedready
armedready: £15 hope they include the expansions for that price if not that's too much.
Prepare for DLCs .