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LiefLayer: I already use steam and epic and humble bundle and indiegala and origin and uplay (yes there are drm-free games there too... really old but still drm-free) and amazon games for drm-free games. And I use them also for free games with microsoft store too (if a game is free I don't care about drm, if it's not denuvo like).
I don't think there is any reason to worry about updates for games that are already old (I just make a working backup) or for the lack of the installer (if I want an installer there is innosetup (for example)).
The real and only problem is that I cannot be sure if some games are really drm-free, that's why I usually prefer gog and also because I like to use my browser to download games.
I don't really like to start a client... I do it to download a game but I don't want to do that the next time I start that game... And if I can avoid the first time with a simple browser that's even better.
I even tried gog galaxy but everytime I installed a game and wanted to just try it run the first time... gog galaxy started instead before of the game. I hated it so much that I uninstalled gog galaxy.
Magmarock: I really do wish gog would improve this website. It's rather antiquated.
In what ways do you want the website improved?
Magmarock: I really do wish gog would improve this website. It's rather antiquated.
Truth007: In what ways do you want the website improved?
Added social features, like steam. A "not interested list" or filter system. There are some genres I'm simply not interested in. I'd like like a means to bulk download games by take or genre.
Magmarock: I really do wish gog would improve this website. It's rather antiquated.
I just use Adalia Fundamentals and Barefoot Esentials.
Magmarock: I really do wish gog would improve this website. It's rather antiquated.
LiefLayer: I just use Adalia Fundamentals and Barefoot Esentials.
What? What is that?
Timboli: I had some spare moments today, and so made some useful improvements and a proper GUI, and also uploaded a screenshot.
And of course, I could not resist, once started, of going even further.

As yet, the added options are incomplete, as I am just fleshing out the basics here and there as I get the time.


So just a work in progress at this point, where the top right 'Settings' button, toggles between the LESS view or the MORE one, that reveals a lower section of the GUI.

I am hoping to be able to download the list of DRM-Free games at Steam, and parse the titles and notes, so that when you click on an entry on the Games list, it displays whether the game is listed as DRM-Free or not, and what may be required, if anything, to make it so.

You will be able to compress a game folder to a zip file (or multiple over a certain size), with also the option of turning the zip file into an installer like self-extracting executable of one or more files. I will be using 7-Zip for all that.

An ambitious project, and no promises for when it will be complete.
Post edited September 17, 2021 by Timboli
Because of their primary business model, and what they represent now - and have always represented, really - when I think about creating a Steam account, I literally feel sick to my stomach. I feel like I want to puke.

So I'm not sure anything else matters to me. Steam could do everything possible to remove DRM-related restrictions from their entire catalog, but they would still have so far to go. They would have to reform their entire business model, their user agreement... everything. Ultimately, all that matters is that giving them a dime supports a really terrible company, run by really terrible humans doing things that remind me more of a drug company than a marketplace, and I just can't stomach supporting that.
LiefLayer: I just use Adalia Fundamentals and Barefoot Esentials.
Magmarock: What? What is that?
Just search the forum. They are script /extension made just to fix gog website.
Magmarock: What? What is that?
LiefLayer: Just search the forum. They are script /extension made just to fix gog website.
okay yeah, I'm not really having those kind of problems. I was thinking more QOL features.
JunglePredator: If Steam implements a DRM free tag would you switch to Steam as your main source of games?
I joined GOG in Jan 2019. In that relatively short time my GOG library has not only matched the size of my steam library, it is almost double the size. I now purchase from GOG as a 1st choice and Steam 2nd, instead of the other way around originally.
cleaner667: I joined GOG in Jan 2019. In that relatively short time my GOG library has not only matched the size of my steam library, it is almost double the size. I now purchase from GOG as a 1st choice and Steam 2nd, instead of the other way around originally.
I joined GOG in May 2017, though I became aware of them back in 2008/2009, but due to my web connection back then, I wasn't really able to utilize them, plus I wasn't sure how legit they were, and at that time I did no Internet purchasing, wasn't setup for it.

At that time, the rise of Steam just simply put me off buying games for many years, console games for my kids aside. I was re-introduced to GOG back in May 2017, and the rest is history.

Since that time, I have almost exclusively purchased games from GOG, though a few also from the likes of the ZOOM Platform, Humble Store and and a couple from Epic.

Because I had been tricked initially into using Steam (too late to do anything about my disc purchases by the time I realized what Steam was), and because my PC and web connection had improved a lot, I also re-activated use of my Steam Account in 2017, and because I was in for a penny, I decided for a few games at least, to be in for a pound as well. Chiefly that was buying the Valve Collection for a very very cheap price, though I already had some of the games, plus later on purchasing some Tomb Raider games and a couple of Total War games via Humble. Most of those Tomb Raider games I have now re-bought recently at GOG ... as soon as they became available here, and talk about cheap.

Overall my GOG collection is about double that of my Steam collection, and unlike my Steam collection, I paid for most of my GOG purchased games. Most of my games at Steam are free ones.

Disappointingly most of my games at Steam are not listed as DRM-Free, though I suspect that may just be a listing issue in many cases.

My preference is to never buy at Steam, though the exception happens ... like the Duke Anniversary Edition going very cheap. I never look for new games at Steam, never risk tempting or disappointing myself. Just like I never look at expensive AAA type games here at GOG.
Post edited September 19, 2021 by Timboli
My 'Steam Games List' program is coming along well. I have fleshed out more things and added more things.

The DRM-Free List is now downloaded and parsed, and you can select a game on the list, and it will indicate whether it is DRM-Free or not and what the requirements, if any, that might be needed to make it so.

I've added a search field, which now has the added ability to search out each game noted as DRM-Free on your list of games, as well as regular title searching.

A NOTE about titles. I have yet to determine all the changes Steam make to a name when creating a game folder. The colon if present in a title, is stripped out, and that is the limit of my knowledge at this point. Other illegal file name characters and perhaps more, will either be stripped out or replaced with another character. Until I discover them all, certain aspects of my program will be flawed on occasion (i.e. DRM-Free checking).

There are a bunch of things currently working.

If a game is installed, that is indicated and the size is shown.

What isn't working yet, is the zipping and downloading and related.

I decided to change my mind, and support game folder backup as a folder, not just as a compressed file, so added a DIR option for backup, called FOLDER BACKUP. I will also be supporting the program TeraCopy as an alternative copy or move program that features integrity checking.

Check out the screenshots in the WORK IN PROGRESS folder, and even download the EXE file for a play. Even unfinished as it is, it can still be quite useful.

Next I will probably be working on the folder copying/moving and zipping elements, and destination etc bits.

I will leave the DOWNLOAD & INSTALL coding until last, as the Steam Client can be used for that for now.
Interesting. I had no clue some steam games were DRM free. Part of the reason I even purchased some duplicates on GOG is to have an offline floating copy I can take with me to locations with no Internet.

I guess you still need that Internet connect to download/Install it first through steam though so it doesn't exactly align with GOG's version of offline downlods.. Unless.... It begs the questions (and I assume has been discussed at length either in this thread or elsewhere), can you download the game via Steam, then lift the game's folder to another PC or an offline backup drive as-is and expect it to run ? That would be the ultimate test.

Surprised to see Hades is on the list of DRM free games on steam, and whether this above ^ action would work. Given I own all of Supergiant's other games on GOG it would be amazing to be able to port it straight to an offline laptop and see if it runs. Can't be assed doing that right this second but is interesting to think about.
low rated
cleaner667: I guess you still need that Internet connect to download/Install it first through steam though so it doesn't exactly align with GOG's version of offline downlods.. Unless.... It begs the questions (and I assume has been discussed at length either in this thread or elsewhere), can you download the game via Steam, then lift the game's folder to another PC or an offline backup drive as-is and expect it to run ? That would be the ultimate test.
1) You indeed can transfer DRM-free/client-free steam games from one computer to another at will and they will work just fine, even without an internet connection. Here is a very incomplete list of 2000+ such games:

2) Furthermore, you can also download/install steam games without the steam client (see here:
Post edited September 20, 2021 by mrkgnao
cleaner667: I guess you still need that Internet connect to download/Install it first through steam though so it doesn't exactly align with GOG's version of offline downlods.. Unless.... It begs the questions (and I assume has been discussed at length either in this thread or elsewhere), can you download the game via Steam, then lift the game's folder to another PC or an offline backup drive as-is and expect it to run ? That would be the ultimate test.
They wouldn't be listed as DRM-Free or what I call DRM-Free Lite if that wasn't the case.

And like mrkgnao said, you don't need to use the Steam Client, to download your Steam games, you can use SteamCMD instead, which is a command-line version of the Steam Client. It does all the same checks and updating, and you need to manually interact with it at a scripting level, but at least you don't get the bloat of the GUI version.

I've almost completed a Windows program that simplifies all that. Just doing some final testing now with what I've done so far, though it is not yet interacting with SteamCMD.

My program copies a selected installed game folder to another location as a backup. It does this either by Copy or Move, and can alternatively use TeraCopy to do that instead. The code for all that is finished. As is the code for creating a zip file or self-executing EXE file instead of a backup folder. It uses 7-Zip to do that, and I have it set to split if the resulting file is going to be 2 Gb or more.

The zipping takes much longer but you don't need as much storage space. In fact, on my slow PC, I just backed up a 695 Mb game folder, that resulted in a 226 Mb 7Z (zip) file, that took 12 minutes to compress across a USB 2.0 connection to another drive. I got the same results with a self-executing (exe) file, which provides you with an install menu.

I will be uploading shortly to GitHub, and next I will be working on the interaction with SteamCMD.


Post edited September 20, 2021 by Timboli
Got sidetracked today, so did not get around to working on the SteamCMD code.

Instead, I added support for the 'Steam Fandom' DRM-Free listing page.
And just after starting that, I discovered a bug with my DRM-Free search code, so stopped to fix that. The result is the search no longer loops around, though it does go back to the start. The bug only occurred with an empty or non-existent DRM-Free list file or where no DRM-Free entries were found. Anyway, it is no big penalty to do one more click to start from the beginning of the list ... better than getting trapped in a loop ... or me getting tied up with complicated code.

When checking for DRM-Free games on the 'Games' list, you can now select either the 'PC Gaming Wiki' option or the 'Steam Fandom' option ... so two different resources, and the 'Steam Fandom' page has a lot more entries.

PLEASE NOTE - The 'Steam Fandom' page takes a lot longer to download & parse, something like 3.5 minutes on my under-powered PC, while the 'PC Gaming Wiki' page takes about 22 seconds. I imagine it would be much faster on an average modern PC. Most of the slowness is due to checking for duplicate titles on the 'Steam Fandom' page.



ALSO NOTE - There is likely to be the odd issue with a title, as I am yet to fully investigate illegal etc file name characters beyond the colon (:). I will get around to this. PLEASE REPORT any title issues you discover.