blotunga: As an ex-pirate I have to say there are valid reasons. The guy is from Bulgaria, where the average income is under $500/month. Similar to Romania, where I live. Ask yourself how many kids under these circumstances could afford 30-80 USD for games. In my case for example my parents saved up and paid 3 salaries equivalent to just buy me a PC. The price of a game back then was about half a salary...
MaximumBunny: Entitlement via poverty is not a valid reason. It's just one of the many rationalizations based on people not wanting to admit their own immorality and selfishness. Especially kids who are severely lacking in principles.
There is no justification to validate it outside of someone's life depending on you torrenting a game/movie/material. You don't deserve <item> because you're poor, needy, wanting, one armed, etc. If it costs money it needs to be bought or given, never taken.
In the 90s they were selling bootleg CDs as "originals" in my country, and I'm sure in Bulgaria too. Now if you were used to paying $2-3 for a game which all of a sudden now cost $80, what would you think, how would people react. Just because you live in a privileged country doesn't means that others have the same opportunities as you. Also keep in mind that until the past couple of years (until steam) there weren't even legal ways to buy most games. Now imagine you're in high school, have no money, and all your friends talk about how cool the newest game is. And yes, it's wrong, but guess what, been there, done that. And yesterday's pirates are today's customers. If I haven't been a pirate at some point, maybe I wouldn't love games as I do and wouldn't spend a dime on them. You see, the world isn't black and white.