Pocketim: Actually, I'm going to give the point to Zacron due to a little mistake on my part.
The game was Oh No! More Lemmings, a game I played over ten years ago, and for those ten years I always thought that the goal at the end of some of the levels had a rabbit statue on it, as did anyone else I talked to who had played the game. Looking at it closer though, I'm pretty sure it's meant to be a stone path going between the two hills which just happens to be kind of shaped like a rabbit. Certainly makes a hell of a lot more sense than my original theory.
The joys of low-res graphics! Leaves many things up to the imagination. Here's a screenshot, I'll leave it up to you to decide if it's a stone path or a rabbit statue.
http://www.classicamiga.com/images/stories/jreviews/games/O/oh_no_more_lemmings_11.png Awesome. I'll come up with something at lunch today. And I'll try to have it up this afternoon. :) And hey, it looked enough like a rabbit that I figured it out.
Edit: Actually, I think it was supposed to be a road, curving up the hills, and the white marks are lane dividers.